

This is me about 3 months ago around 20%... I'd say I'm about 18% now... Goal is 12%

That pic is probly higher than 20

I'm reversing out of my cardio, however right now I still have 3 hiit sessions a week. I find that hiit is the most effective form of cardio during a fat loss phase in preserving muscle as well as its fat burning properties. During a gaining phase, I'll keep at least 1 day of hiit in during the week for cardio health as well as to keep my body fat from getting too out of hand from being in a surplus.
I'm probably at about 20 now then... I'll try to get a pic this weekend...

Seriously...who cares...I wouldn't focus on the number, I'd just focus on your regimen...then again, I'm sure you guys are against him doing a cycle of which he totally could and would definitely benefit...

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Definite progress brother. Keep it up.

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Thanks brother... I guess I'm a little frustrated as I've seem to hit a road block. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and up my cardio and maybe even change it up a bit. That's why I was seeking advice.
Thanks brother... I guess I'm a little frustrated as I've seem to hit a road block. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and up my cardio and maybe even change it up a bit. That's why I was seeking advice.
Dude, great work, im at where u were last may, trying to up my cardio

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I think my body responds real crapy to carbs. The moment I start eating carbs, my body blows up. Just start looking real puffy and bloated. So, I try to keep them low, or at least I eat all Low GI carbs.
I think I'm the same way... What are low GI carbs?
Being consistent is a key not question about that!!! Nothing happens over night that's for sure.

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Yes... I need to make some changes and stick to them to overcome this hurdle. 12% bf is the goal...
Cardio? No hablo Español

After cutting on less than 1800 calories a day and doing 35 min of cardio a day to lose 60 pounds in 9 months I never wanna do it again

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60 lbs is no joke brother... Congrats!
In my opinion cycle ur carbs. Low carbs for three days then refeed. What I've always done my last meal on Monday night and Thursday night would be my carb up meal cup of oats banana 10oz of sweet potato. Ready of the day's carbs would come from veggies half a grapefruit in the morning with breakfast. Always worked for me. That's how I got to 3-4% BF

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That's hardcore brother!
Thanks brother... I guess I'm a little frustrated as I've seem to hit a road block. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and up my cardio and maybe even change it up a bit. That's why I was seeking advice.
Plateau can happen for numerous reasons man. Lots of factors like how long have you been in a deficit, macro setup (if you happen to be sensitive to carbs), how you've been adjusting workload in relation to progress, etc. Luckily, I'm not sensitive to carbs. I can get sub-10% bf with high carbs. If I'm shooting for 8% and below, thats when its noticed and I have to be more particular and have to cycle/cut based on training days. A lot of getting lean is how you approach it especially from the beginning and its a process man. You'll learn a lot about your body as you lean down. You've been dieting for a while now, have you taken breaks periodically and reverse dieted back up to maintenance to keep your metabolism strong? refeed days? (Just throwing stuff out there, since I'm not 100% on your particular situation.) Personally, when leaning down, I look at my body almost like a science project when you were a kid. I keep a list of variables. Generally I'll keep my training consistent. But cardio and caloric intake and macros are my changing variables. I start with small changes and based on progress, I'll increase cardio (time or frequency) or decrease cals. One or the other, then monitor the week for changes. If I'm progressing, I'll hold. If not, a change is needed. Like I said, personally I'm not carb sensitive so I don't bother too much with it until I get pretty lean. Then I have be much more particular. One diet technique that has worked well for me when I have to be more careful with carbs is consuming carbs only on my training days, focused during and after the training session. Then on the non-training days, no carbs at all except maybe a few grams of trace carbs. There are a million ways to diet since everyone responds differently. You have to experiment to find what works for you. One thing to remember is to give your body a break if you've been dieting for extended periods. Reversing up to maintenance for bit might be just what you need if you find yourself in a deep deficit and high workload and still hitting a wall.

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Plateau can happen for numerous reasons man. Lots of factors like how long have you been in a deficit, macro setup (if you happen to be sensitive to carbs), how you've been adjusting workload in relation to progress, etc. Luckily, I'm not sensitive to carbs. I can get sub-10% bf with high carbs. If I'm shooting for 8% and below, thats when its noticed and I have to be more particular and have to cycle/cut based on training days. A lot of getting lean is how you approach it especially from the beginning and its a process man. You'll learn a lot about your body as you lean down. You've been dieting for a while now, have you taken breaks periodically and reverse dieted back up to maintenance to keep your metabolism strong? refeed days? (Just throwing stuff out there, since I'm not 100% on your particular situation.) Personally, when leaning down, I look at my body almost like a science project when you were a kid. I keep a list of variables. Generally I'll keep my training consistent. But cardio and caloric intake and macros are my changing variables. I start with small changes and based on progress, I'll increase cardio (time or frequency) or decrease cals. One or the other, then monitor the week for changes. If I'm progressing, I'll hold. If not, a change is needed. Like I said, personally I'm not carb sensitive so I don't bother too much with it until I get pretty lean. Then I have be much more particular. One diet technique that has worked well for me when I have to be more careful with carbs is consuming carbs only on my training days, focused during and after the training session. Then on the non-training days, no carbs at all except maybe a few grams of trace carbs. There are a million ways to diet since everyone responds differently. You have to experiment to find what works for you. One thing to remember is to give your body a break if you've been dieting for extended periods. Reversing up to maintenance for bit might be just what you need if you find yourself in a deep deficit and high workload and still hitting a wall.

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I think my one weakness that's holding me back is coffee... Well the stuff I put in it (creamer... Etc)... I just recently switched to expresso. Expresso as we know is just a shot of concentrated coffee. I won't need to put all the junk in it to make it taste better. This will help I think. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and increase my cardio to 45 minutes.
I think my one weakness that's holding me back is coffee... Well the stuff I put in it (creamer... Etc)... I just recently switched to expresso. Expresso as we know is just a shot of concentrated coffee. I won't need to put all the junk in it to make it taste better. This will help I think. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and increase my cardio to 45 minutes.

Just remember, small steps brother. Try your cardio increase (45 min) and stick to that for a week and monitor your body. If there are no changes, then lower carbs a bit. So on and so forth... You got this bud.
Here's my updated diet I started this week...

I don't track my macros yet which is something I need to learn how to do... Or at least put the effort into figuring it out...

5am - Starbucks Expresso- 140 cal

8am - Chicken / Rice / veggies - 350 cal

11am - Salmon / Couscous / veggies - 500 cal

Mid day - Starbucks Expresso - 140 cal

2pm - Chicken / Rice / veggies - 350 cal

6pm - Chicken Black Bean Bowl (El Pollo Loco) - 500 cal

1980 cal

5'9 170 lbs 45 years old

18-20% bf - - - - goal is 12%
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