If you're concerned get help. You know the person and can judge their ability to follow through. Two examples:
A. Had a NCO threaten suicide while I was away at a remote location in Afghanistan checking on two teams I had. I came back and they took his ammunition because he threatened suicide. That was absolutely stupid as he could've easily taken a loose round out of my desk, or off one of the team and done the job. I saw him later that evening and asked if he was serious. He said he was and I asked why he still had his weapon then. He cited that the Sergeant Major talked him out of the immediate idea of initially ventilating his skull top, but that he was now incapable of going on stalks because he now worked for the Sergeant Major and still wanting to end his life. I asked him to get his rifle and he went and got it and handed it to me. I chambered one of my rounds in it and handed it to him and said "do it". The look in his eyes was one of horror and mortification. He was lying. He just didn't want to be out the wire for days and weeks on end waiting on a high value target... he was a pussy. He gave me the round back and went and told on me. Lol... pussy. Of course me being me I denied it and it was dropped.
B. Had another NCO about to be kicked out the service for not meeting height and weight standards that threatened suicide. I took him straight to the hospital and had him placed on suicide watch then admitted after the docs determined he was capable and serious. I spent a lot of long hours at the hospital visiting this one. No spouse, two kids we had to contact his parents and all to come get them. 4 months later happy as can be discharged out the service after 18 years at 100% disability rating and retirement pay at his pay grade. That cheered him up... got to retire two years early, with a few grand a month extra because he was determined to be screwed up in the head. Only condition was in 5 years he was to be reevaluated and with suicide, you better not waltz in the VA looking happy and content for that I imagine. Point is, you know your friend and her situation so make the right call which in this case is to get help.
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