I'm a big fan of Mk-2866. I run MK-2866 with my PCT as well and as a bridge between cycles whether its a SARMs stack or AAS cycle. The recovery and strength gains are amazing and they were noticeable for me between week 4 and 6. Definitely love it.
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Entry 7 Feb 2017
No real change to stats as of yet, which I will post changes to stats every Sunday. That is when I do all my weight, BF%, and measurements. Yesterday was chest day, still continuing to go with a high rep program and lots of super sets. Started off with 20-15-12 reps on flat...
Entry 3 Feb 2016
Waiting on the rest of my cycle to arrive, however the workout program I'm using already had me running to the bathroom on the second day to throw up everywhere. It is not crossfit, and I'm pretty sure it was due to the fact that I was rushed through the day and went to the...
Oh yea definitely. If the manufacturer was smart they would adjust the wieght on the machine to counter act the amount of pulleys. For example one pulley might need a 43 lb plate to equal 40 lbs of actual weight that is written on the machine . Two pulleys might need a 49 lb plate to pull 40...
What's up for those who are reading this. Some of you I have interacted with, and some I have not. However, I'm just stoked to be running another log. My current stats are as follows:
Height: 5'11
Weight: 205 lbs
BF: 12-15%
Age: 31
Diet: In check for gainsville.... My daily caloric intake...
The less amount of pulleys on the machine is just a mind fuck for ignorant people. Though the single pulley can make the weight slightly heavier due to the fact that the machine only uses one pulley to engage the machine. Mechanics would say more pulleys helps reduce the amount of weight you...
Well here is my 2 cents in references to cables vs free weights. Cable machines and machines in general were actually developed to help those who had been injured. They were designed to isolate and help work certain muscle groups without needing the person to engage any other accessory...
I'm down to do it. Win or lose, having a competition and the mods here with this community is only going to push everyone who does it to become better versions of themselves!
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