
Isarms Transformation Contest


Active member
In light of this new year and everyone's new years resolutions I would like to start a transformation contest. Open to regular members... full blown balls to the wall 12 week transformation. Before and after pictures with something written down to confirm the date and to make sure the picture up to date with stats to better judge contestants. Must keep a log on isarms with a 3 post a week update minimum. Post can contain training, meals, cycle updates etc. We will be offering First, second and third* place winnings all decided by moderators, sources, and reps. We are looking for 8 to 10 people but the more the merrier and these prizes are going to be awesome. So far we have prize offerings from Pharmacom, Hipocampus, The Federal, MGP all very generous!! Once all sources get back to me I will post up all prizes.

So far we have for first place
MGP $150 credit
The Federal $200 credit
Hipocampus $200 credit
Titan Research $200 credit
Roids24. $100 credit
Pharmacom $200 credit

Second Place
MGP $100 credit
The Federal $100 credit
Titan Research $150 credit
Roids24. $100 credit
Pharmacom $100 credit

Third Place
MGP $50 credit
The Federal $100 credit
Titan Research $100 credit
Roids24. $100 credit
Pharmacom $100 credit

Titan Research was also kind enough to throw in a kicker for the most detailed log a $100 credit unless you place in that case it's an extra $50 towards your winnings.

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
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I'm down to do it. Win or lose, having a competition and the mods here with this community is only going to push everyone who does it to become better versions of themselves!

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
When is it starting brother? And where do you want us to post the before and after pics?

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
When is it starting brother? And where do you want us to post the before and after pics?

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I'm still waiting to hear from sponsors as soon as I hear from them all I'll post the official rules. You will have to start and be active on your log. I believe logs have to be started in the sarms and steroid information section. I would like to get this rolling asap

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
I'm still waiting to hear from sponsors as soon as I hear from them all I'll post the official rules. You will have to start and be active on your log. I believe logs have to be started in the sarms and steroid information section. I would like to get this rolling asap

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
Sounds good. I'll stay posted and get mine started as soon as everything gets ironed out.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I like this idea a lot. Respect to the contestants and sponsors. Looking forward to this

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk
Hipocampus $200 store credit to the winner- per Hipo. If you ain't first... you're last - per 44.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can I use my current log? I love this idea, but its also pretty convenient since I am already doing this lol!
I don't see a problem with it. But you still need to take pic as the contest starts and at the end of the contest. There will be a secret code word to be written down and to be placed your pics to confirm the date

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
I love this idea, and I'd really like to see a lot of members jump on this opportunity. With something like this there are no losers, because everybody comes out the end better than when they started.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Don't start until after tax returns come in so no excuses they don't have money for gear lol
Do we have to be using the sponsors gear for the competition or whatever gear we have in our possession?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Haha I am not ready for AAS but I still want to compete! Ill run my mini SARMS PCT starting Feb 4th. I will continue to run MK677 and will just push my diet and training to the limit to see what I can get done from there.
Probably going to start another SARMS cycle around April.

When do you think the official start date will be?
There's nothing wrong with that bro. You can make dramatic changes to your physique with 677!!

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
In light of this new year and everyone's new years resolutions I would like to start a transformation contest. Open to regular members... full blown balls to the wall 12 week transformation. Before and after pictures with something written down to confirm the date and to make sure the picture up to date with stats to better judge contestants. Must keep a log on isarms with a 3 post a week update minimum. Post can contain training, meals, cycle updates etc. We will be offering First, second and third* place winnings all decided by moderators, sources, and reps. We are looking for 8 to 10 people but the more the merrier and these prizes are going to be awesome. So far we have prize offerings from Pharmacom, Hipocampus, The Federal, MGP all very generous!! Once all sources get back to me I will post up all prizes.

So far we have for first place
MGP $150 credit
The Federal $200 credit
Hipocampus $200 credit

Second Place
MGP $100 credit
The Federal $100 credit

Third Place
MGP $50 credit
The Federal $100 credit

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions

Where's pharmacom prize bro
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