
Isarms Transformation Contest

I would suggest it be a large window so everyone will have time to think out n plan there goals. Like from Feb 1st threw June 1st. That way they can jump in any time and u just pick a winner at the end date
When will it start?

I may be interested in sponsor any of the contestant if there is enough time to send him the complete cycle...
I am down. I Just started my 12 week. I'll get a picture once I hear the code word or is there another way I can get a pre pic that will satisfy the judges? Thanks

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I'm down to enter should be some good competition with all you guys. When was this starting up?
February 1st. Contest will start this will give everyone that wants to participate the chance to get everything they need. Still looking for participant's. Reps if you want to get in on this. I have no problems with it

Pharmacom Board Rep
PM for any questions
This woulda been fun. Too bad im just ending a cycle and wont be goin back on til end of may.....will be following tho

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