that sounds like a nice simple cycle. good idea bro.
just make sure you use Aromasin and also have full PCT for after your cycle
continue to ask more questions to make sure you are prepared fully
yeah I agree. sometimes I have been guilty of that myself. I admit, and apologize. Lets all try to do better. even though its super frustrating sometimes, try to bite your tongue for the sake of bettering and helping others.
its tough being weak and small. well start eating and lifting more.
not fond of injectables. well steroids aren't for you then. every single cycle will involve at least one injectable, aka TEST.
you are too young to be using steroids right now bro. you have probably jacked your natural test...
steroids aren't the magical solution to achieving a good physique bro.
it takes years of nutrition, exercise, and dedication. hard work and consistency are the key.
you need to gain more mass naturally. focus on your diet and training. what is your current diet and training program look like...
10-15% is a large range difference bro. which is it?? if youre 10 that's good, but if youre 15 that's too much bodyfat honestly.
nolvadex is not to be taken with DECA. you need Caber with DECA and aromasin with TEST. aromasin is better then arimidex by far.
how and why did you get those two...