I 100% disagree ... It is naive to think that professionals in ALL sports do NOT use the "best' doctors in the world.
People in professional sports have great genetics, good work ethic and use the best products.
You need to stop watching sports if you think it is "clean"
Love the article, however pro cyclists are using much lower dosages than you state.
Not trying to argue but the dosage #s you list are old outdated info.
There are other cyclists on this board that can verify this.
I usually do a 4 week rotation of 3 weeks building and then 1 week of half(ish) volume (recovery week)
I will look into 3 days on 2 days off...
My body seems top like active recovery (low watts) vs complete rest (in general)
When I take 2 days off everything I am more sore after the 2 days...
Hey iwannagofaster...
Down to about 15hours riding / week right now
I am actually squatting 3x a week... (not 1) - I know it is late to be squatting soooo much and doing a lot of GYM work ... BUT ... I am actually thinking of taking this season off RACING.. (or just hitting 1-2 specific...