
Recovery Help - Need Advice

15 hours is a lot with 3 days in the gym. I would definitely say the max of what you should do.

I also love test cream after a ride. It really helps.

We chatted before on doing 3 x 20s. That is a big workout. Maybe you could try 3 week blocks. Do your current plan for 3 weeks then a full week of regeneration. Or train in those 3 weeks in 3 day blocks. Then 1 day off. That is my preferred method. Sometimes I need 2 days off. On my week of regeneration I soft pedal for an hour every day or even every other day. Just spinning to stay loose. When I start up again the next week I am ready and usually much stronger than when I started my week off. By the end of the three weeks you should feel guttered.

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Ok good bro. I'd say go 200 on Deca with 300-350 test during this cycle

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

300-350 test is doable and so is 200 deca - will it affect my cycling at all???? ( i know i should expect a lil water gain at those dosages)
15 hours is a lot with 3 days in the gym. I would definitely say the max of what you should do.

I also love test cream after a ride. It really helps.

We chatted before on doing 3 x 20s. That is a big workout. Maybe you could try 3 week blocks. Do your current plan for 3 weeks then a full week of regeneration. Or train in those 3 weeks in 3 day blocks. Then 1 day off. That is my preferred method. Sometimes I need 2 days off. On my week of regeneration I soft pedal for an hour every day or even every other day. Just spinning to stay loose. When I start up again the next week I am ready and usually much stronger than when I started my week off. By the end of the three weeks you should feel guttered.

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I usually do a 4 week rotation of 3 weeks building and then 1 week of half(ish) volume (recovery week)
I will look into 3 days on 2 days off...

My body seems top like active recovery (low watts) vs complete rest (in general)
When I take 2 days off everything I am more sore after the 2 days than if I did active recovery...
For squats for a cyclists, how many reps and what %1rm do you recommend?
I don't get that specific. There are too many variables and each person is different. It's all about learning your body. If someone is naturally fast twitched they will typically handle gym work better. They are able to handle more weight, reps, and recover better from gym work. A slow twitch guy will recover better and handle more long days in the saddle. It's all about learning your body.

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I don't get that specific. There are too many variables and each person is different. It's all about learning your body. If someone is naturally fast twitched they will typically handle gym work better. They are able to handle more weight, reps, and recover better from gym work. A slow twitch guy will recover better and handle more long days in the saddle. It's all about learning your body.

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And that is my problem, I am a fast twitch guy that wants to live in a slow twitch sport.

300-350 test is doable and so is 200 deca - will it affect my cycling at all???? ( i know i should expect a lil water gain at those dosages)
That's why I picked those doses bro. With 200mg deca and 350 test you should be fine as long as you keep the AI dose up. You could always drop the test a little if needed but keep it at least 200

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
yeah sounds like over trained. I like something I read from Andy Schleck it sounds corny but true - happy legs = happy cyclist.
What's the difference between the 2 months?

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November is the beginning of the base building and strength phase. Basically as far from racing as you will be. Generally October is taken completely off of the bike and gym. In November you build an aerobic base back up with rides that are easy paced and keep your heart rate between 125 and 140 bpm. You also start 3 days a week in the gym. In December you add volume and intensity and reduce your gym days to 2 a week but raise the weight and intensity at the gym You definitely take on a much bigger load in December. Both bike and gym. In January the bike volume will be the highest you might see all year. The gym stays at 2 days but may go into lighter and faster reps with plyometrics also. You are getting snappy. Closer to race season.

That's the long version of the difference between November and January.

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That's why I picked those doses bro. With 200mg deca and 350 test you should be fine as long as you keep the AI dose up. You could always drop the test a little if needed but keep it at least 200

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Thanks Rick
And that is my problem, I am a fast twitch guy that wants to live in a slow twitch sport.

well then you need to either change your sport or adapt to your current! i will never ever knock your will and your want to achieve but you also have to do what's conducive and beneficial brother
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