
GW question

I can use sarms with no problem. They are totally legal for me. However steroids are illegal. If you or anyone you know has used steroids then they were cheating....the law!
As in jail time. Keep in mind that creatine is now ok...wasn't always that way. I guess they cannot suspend 60% of the bikers. I still fail to inderstand why you are interested in illegal substances...yet adamant against sarms,for a bike. It is bit overboard to make them illegal. They might as well add to the list...whey,casein these enhance performance.
Yes, they should be illegal in athletics for a host of reasons that you definitely know..I'm on an aas board to learn, to contribute, and be part of group of people who are interested in similar things...I'm not on the board to back into a dark corner when you're trying to justify your giving and promoting an end to the career of your granddaughter ...while also protecting this board and company from the repercussions that could take place because of your blatant're lucky I'm not her husband, because you wouldn't like me very much....

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You are interested in illegal substances my friend.You go to jail for that. The most that can happen to my grandaughter is that she gets suspened for a race....she does not go to jail.. She also is not a baby anymore so therefore I help her. Just like the rule with my sons was nothing until age 24.Providing they worked out hard and had good diets.
My girl works harder than anyone I have seen. If she wants to use sarms in the offseason that is up to her and there is no dark corner because she is not breaking any laws.
I just don't understand why everyone is so concerned with other people I really don't get it. If you have a belief its cheating, cool. Thats great. You have good morals and a solid footing in what you think is right. If you believe steroids and Sarms are not cheating then great. Have fun.

Little uncalled for to call out drb and how he wants to live his life and influence his Grandaughter in regards to SARMS which in fact are pretty much totally legal. I don't use SARMS really personally, but for those who want to, its whatever floats your boat.

The organizations post thier rules. Its public knowledge. People follow it or they dont. What others do, shouldn't matter. What matters is what you do. Anyone who uses AAS or PED's recreationaly cant say they are at least achieving something outside of their own personal goals now can they?

Lance may have cheated, but I tell you what. That doesn't mean he isn't a inspiration to many. For everyone who doesn't support, you will find probably 10 who do. You say he isn't a champion, well tell that to his career and achievements and there you go. Opinions kinda loose their impact suddenly. I'm all for not supporting what you believe is wrong but what you believe isn't the only logic

Id prefer for this thread not to turn to an argument so lets all be respectful of each others choices.
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It's not to anyone specifically just my opinion on the situation and I just don't want the thread to be an argument. 8cartman8 brings up good points and honestly if more people thought that way there would be a lot less influence for everyone to turn to drugs.

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It's not to anyone specifically just my opinion on the situation and I just don't want the thread to be an argument. 8cartman8 brings up good points and honestly if more people thought that way there would be a lot less influence for everyone to turn to drugs.

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I thought for the most part it was a civil debate lol
First off, like I said, if you know one ounce of what Lance Armstrong has done, you wouldn't have any respect for him whatsoever...go do the research then get back to me...he's been stripped of his accolades, he's not a champion, In fact he's what sports have become in a lot of ways, of which, the reason why, many people despise...I'm still foggy on this inspiration thinking as well? He inspired people through lies and they know that you think the Maris family was pleased to find out that Mark McGwire passed their father's homerun record while using, in fact, his widow was devastated when she found out and he tried to call her..and back to a grandfather giving a granddaughter steroid advice and sarms, it's a horrible case involving lack of good judgement....when she's involved in a professional sport of which has already been marred by so's absolutely I said, if I were her husband or even her father...I can't even put into words what I'd feel...I'm also blown away by what some of you are posting, but I'm comforted by the fact that not all agree they just don't want to get into trouble...I just happen to be the most outspoken about it....and like I said before, this line of thinking is very skewed and it usually comes from folks that do not have much experience beyond that of high school regarding athletics and I'm sure an education level goes well with it too...

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I just don't understand why everyone is so concerned with other people I really don't get it. If you have a belief its cheating, cool. Thats great. You have good morals and a solid footing in what you think is right. If you believe steroids and Sarms are not cheating then great. Have fun.

Little uncalled for to call out drb and how he wants to live his life and influence his Grandaughter in regards to SARMS which in fact are pretty much totally legal. I don't use SARMS really personally, but for those who want to, its whatever floats your boat.

The organizations post thier rules. Its public knowledge. People follow it or they dont. What others do, shouldn't matter. What matters is what you do. Anyone who uses AAS or PED's recreationaly cant say they are at least achieving something outside of their own personal goals now can they?

Lance may have cheated, but I tell you what. That doesn't mean he isn't a inspiration to many. For everyone who doesn't support, you will find probably 10 who do. You say he isn't a champion, well tell that to his career and achievements and there you go. Opinions kinda loose their impact suddenly. I'm all for not supporting what you believe is wrong but what you believe isn't the only logic

Id prefer for this thread not to turn to an argument so lets all be respectful of each others choices.

This is a great debate Texas; you couldn't ask for a better forum for it...we need to talk about things like this so we can offer more as a team to whoever comes along...

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This is a great debate Texas; you couldn't ask for a better forum for it...we need to talk about things like this so we can offer more as a team to whoever comes along...

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well it was a debate that I was not particularly looking for. I was simply posting to state two observations on my experience with sarms. I certainly did not want to drag my family into this, and was just sharing her experience as well as mine. Plus "the debate" went off topic.
as long as we have no hard feelings toward anyone that's whats important here we are all passionate about certain things and we did remain civil for the most part .
It's not to anyone specifically just my opinion on the situation and I just don't want the thread to be an argument. 8cartman8 brings up good points and honestly if more people thought that way there would be a lot less influence for everyone to turn to drugs.

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THIS IS MY WHOLE POINT...TO A guys and gals, the steroid filled sports of today force kids to actively seek them out; as a society we have to do our best to not let this happen...I would say, in my own opinion, just an opinion, that most of you that have actually partaken in a few cycles or more of anabolics at some point have had physical, mental, and emotional side effects either during or post cycle...can you imagine having an already emotional, hormonal teen, or college student, and you put them on steroids, how some may and have reacted...I've seen it first hand and experienced it first hand and it's not pretty...and DRB to your point of them being illegal and jail time, I am more than aware of the consequences in a very unique way, that's puts me very close; but I also happen to be under the guidance of a very good endocrinologist...I get blood work regularly and am always monitoring everything going into my body through him...I don't have a choice in the's a must for me...

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well it was a debate that I was not particularly looking for. I was simply posting to state two observations on my experience with sarms. I certainly did not want to drag my family into this, and was just sharing her experience as well as mine. Plus "the debate" went off topic.

And DRB, I'll say this with 100% honesty, I really don't want your granddaughter to get burned..if we wanna really break it down to simple terms, I'd hate hearing it/reading of the most devastating things that can happen to an athlete is when someone takes the game away from's a horrible feeling, I can't put into words what it feels like, but it's a pit inside you that never is filled again...

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Wolves don't concern themselves with opinions of sheep . And I truly think you put everyone of the top 10 in lances day on the same shit and they still lose cause he was the champion with or without
This is so true. The guy was as monofocused as any human at anything. He was absolutely the best stage racer that ever raced. He was also one of the worst people ever. Doping is one thing but intentionally destroying lives is another.

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This is so true. The guy was as monofocused as any human at anything. He was absolutely the best stage racer that ever raced. He was also one of the worst people ever. Doping is one thing but intentionally destroying lives is another.

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So very true, he took it too far...

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No doubt! Second and third places remember losing to Lance not being swindled by him.
Yep. One of the highlights of my racing was going up to the line with Lance when I raced against him. I sat on his wheel forever in the race. I looked around the Peleton and thought "I've made it. I'm in the big leagues now".

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Yep. One of the highlights of my racing was going up to the line with Lance when I raced against him. I sat on his wheel forever in the race. I looked around the Peleton and thought "I've made it. I'm in the big leagues now".

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That's fuckin' awesome...

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First off, like I said, if you know one ounce of what Lance Armstrong has done, you wouldn't have any respect for him whatsoever...go do the research then get back to me...he's been stripped of his accolades, he's not a champion, In fact he's what sports have become in a lot of ways, of which, the reason why, many people despise...I'm still foggy on this inspiration thinking as well? He inspired people through lies and they know that you think the Maris family was pleased to find out that Mark McGwire passed their father's homerun record while using, in fact, his widow was devastated when she found out and he tried to call her..and back to a grandfather giving a granddaughter steroid advice and sarms, it's a horrible case involving lack of good judgement....when she's involved in a professional sport of which has already been marred by so's absolutely I said, if I were her husband or even her father...I can't even put into words what I'd feel...I'm also blown away by what some of you are posting, but I'm comforted by the fact that not all agree they just don't want to get into trouble...I just happen to be the most outspoken about it....and like I said before, this line of thinking is very skewed and it usually comes from folks that do not have much experience beyond that of high school regarding athletics and I'm sure an education level goes well with it too...

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I 100% disagree ... It is naive to think that professionals in ALL sports do NOT use the "best' doctors in the world.

People in professional sports have great genetics, good work ethic and use the best products.

You need to stop watching sports if you think it is "clean"
I don't think in any instance I said sports were clean..I never said they don't use doctors, have bad genetics, or bad work ethic, etc., I said they cheated, specifically he cheated, and it's not even the ped use; I can handle that more so's what Lance Armstrong did to make it work and keep it hidden; like I said before he's a sociopath...the information is out there, take it in, digest it, and then make a decision..and I also say this again, sports are flooded with peds, and what it has caused is a generation that now believes in order to "make it," which the chances are slim to none as it is, that they need to do them as's a horrible chain reaction...

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