
GW question

This likely is only going to get significantly worse. Gender reassignment, genetic engineering, surgery to take advantage of biomechanics etc. Some of this is already happening and we're at it's infancy.

Just a week or so ago, a female cyclist with amazing sprint speed was found to have a motor in her pedal housing.
And yes cartman, lance was a turd. He went to exceptional lengths of even hurting people. And yes kids grow up to think that they need drugs. The very main purpose of banning things was not to create a generation like this. However...this cheating was going way before the 72 olympics when the russians cleaned all of the weigh lifting titles due to dbol. That always was the theory.. don't put pressure on the non users to have to use. IMO it all backfired, because when people want something they get it. Prohibition of alcohol proved that. There was more booze flowing than ever. The war on drugs. Needless to say the govt lost that "war" a long time ago. The only thing that helped creatine become usda legal was the fact that it was in beef. So take it all away from them...that way there will be more flooding the streets than ever.
I see a big boom for the sarms sales. Make something illegal and it will sell off the shelf.
Back to I said he had testicular cancer and won the tour. I admire him for that, but not as a human being. The entire medical comunity should have been up his butt asking him how did he go from point A to point B. He came up with some amazing tricks. Like sleep in a hyperbaric chamber and wake up the next morning with super oxygenated blood. Draw off a pint and use it on race day. Stop off in your tent and pull a pint of tired blood and replace with super oxygenated blood. He even tried synthetic blood which was developed for hurt military on the front lines. It carried 4x the hemoglobin of human blood, only stayed in the system for 4 hours and was undetectable. Just became hard for him to get it. A cheating genius he was. My question is why did his teamates put up with him for so long?

Now back to sarms...seems a little lame to ban them in biking. What cheater is going to settle for sarms?

And remember the answer from the IOC committe president when he was asked how many cyclists in the tour did he think was cheating. He very politely said "all of them"
GW is ideal for cycling so I could understand it being banned but the problem is the microdosing of EPO that flys really under the radar for testing. Either way SARMS are here to stay especially a compound like GW and the breakthrough mk-677 which I can see these HGH sarms only getting better as time goes on.
the problem here is that someone is always going to have an advantage one way or another... growing up, i played 4 sports in high school... when your young, especially in the midwest, weather is clearly not conducive for certain year round training others get, which is fine, however when your a kid and your wanting to play something like tennis or golf for example, its considered an "expensive sport" being how expensive training for them are in comparison to something else... for instance, prepare to pay $50 an hour for tennis training or more, where you can get a full basketball camp, for about a month for the same or less price... if you want to go play on a court in the winter for example, it might even be free but tennis, you'll never see that... not even close... so the rich kid already has an advantage, which is absurd to begin with... so no matter how you look at it, there is an advantage one way or another all the way around... NOW, it doesn't mean pumping anabolics into someone far too young is the way to go, because its not, not at all and that needs to be known, but the point here is that, no matter how you look at it, there's advantages and disadvantages consistently and something that always has to be overcome... can they be, of course, but is it always fair, not even close...
I love tennis and live less than 50m from a public tennis court on the outskirts of town that barely anyone ever uses. Unfortunately can't use it in the winter here.

Agree with everything you wrote.

thanks brother... i more than love tennis... when i broke my back in college, i was playing college basketball and shifted everything i did towards tennis... you can play it for so long and its fun on top of being a great workout... i was a member of the usta for quite some time and i never see a lack of tennis players out there... they are everywhere... i did belong to a tennis club and every Friday there was a cardio tennis class that was awesome... i miss it tremendously
No matter where your moral stance is on the subject of PEDs, one thing that can't be denied is that anybody that wants to be the best of the best has to be willing to do what it takes to win. That's just reality, and the way it is.

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thanks brother... i more than love tennis... when i broke my back in college, i was playing college basketball and shifted everything i did towards tennis... you can play it for so long and its fun on top of being a great workout... i was a member of the usta for quite some time and i never see a lack of tennis players out there... they are everywhere... i did belong to a tennis club and every Friday there was a cardio tennis class that was awesome... i miss it tremendously

Broken back --- OUCH!!!
No matter where your moral stance is on the subject of PEDs, one thing that can't be denied is that anybody that wants to be the best of the best has to be willing to do what it takes to win. That's just reality, and the way it is.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

This sums it pretty nicely.
Just a week or so ago, a female cyclist with amazing sprint speed was found to have a motor in her pedal housing.
And yes cartman, lance was a turd. He went to exceptional lengths of even hurting people. And yes kids grow up to think that they need drugs. The very main purpose of banning things was not to create a generation like this. However...this cheating was going way before the 72 olympics when the russians cleaned all of the weigh lifting titles due to dbol. That always was the theory.. don't put pressure on the non users to have to use. IMO it all backfired, because when people want something they get it. Prohibition of alcohol proved that. There was more booze flowing than ever. The war on drugs. Needless to say the govt lost that "war" a long time ago. The only thing that helped creatine become usda legal was the fact that it was in beef. So take it all away from them...that way there will be more flooding the streets than ever.
I see a big boom for the sarms sales. Make something illegal and it will sell off the shelf.
Back to I said he had testicular cancer and won the tour. I admire him for that, but not as a human being. The entire medical comunity should have been up his butt asking him how did he go from point A to point B. He came up with some amazing tricks. Like sleep in a hyperbaric chamber and wake up the next morning with super oxygenated blood. Draw off a pint and use it on race day. Stop off in your tent and pull a pint of tired blood and replace with super oxygenated blood. He even tried synthetic blood which was developed for hurt military on the front lines. It carried 4x the hemoglobin of human blood, only stayed in the system for 4 hours and was undetectable. Just became hard for him to get it. A cheating genius he was. My question is why did his teamates put up with him for so long?

Now back to sarms...seems a little lame to ban them in biking. What cheater is going to settle for sarms?

And remember the answer from the IOC committe president when he was asked how many cyclists in the tour did he think was cheating. He very politely said "all of them"
If you think he was the only one using synthetic blood(blue blood), you would be way off. Its pretty ramped and completely undetectable. Certain things like won't see me speak of here. Only because WADA is not up to speed on them and I would not want to help them progress. There are methods these days that are so smart that are gonna continue to fool WADA for a long time. Gene doping. Fake blood. Reverse blood doping. None of these are things I've read. I've witnessed them first hand. I'm not saying that I have done these things but I will say that I have been in the room during.

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No matter where your moral stance is on the subject of PEDs, one thing that can't be denied is that anybody that wants to be the best of the best has to be willing to do what it takes to win. That's just reality, and the way it is.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yep. Gotta risk losing to win.

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If you think he was the only one using synthetic blood(blue blood), you would be way off. Its pretty ramped and completely undetectable. Certain things like won't see me speak of here. Only because WADA is not up to speed on them and I would not want to help them progress. There are methods these days that are so smart that are gonna continue to fool WADA for a long time. Gene doping. Fake blood. Reverse blood doping. None of these are things I've read. I've witnessed them first hand. I'm not saying that I have done these things but I will say that I have been in the room during.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

Yeah bro. I know about the tricks. The blueblood is not new either...been going around for a while. Now I never heard of fake blood,so that is a new one on me. Like you..I don't want to get into it either. That is why I said if you want to cheat why worry about sarms. The shit cyclists do makes sarms look like candy apples!!
Remember when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis in the 100 sprint at the olympics? All that they found was winstrol....those sprinters have a basket full of tricks too.
Yeah bro. I know about the tricks. The blueblood is not new either...been going around for a while. Now I never heard of fake blood,so that is a new one on me. Like you..I don't want to get into it either. That is why I said if you want to cheat why worry about sarms. The shit cyclists do makes sarms look like candy apples!!
Remember when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis in the 100 sprint at the olympics? All that they found was winstrol....those sprinters have a basket full of tricks too.
Blue blood is actually artifical blood. It's only approved in Russia(go figure) and just recently Mexico. You have to IV very little to make sure that your body doesn't resist it. If it doesn't, then you can take the bottle. You keep it in the freezer but it never actually freezes. Crazy stuff.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
Yeah bro. I know about the tricks. The blueblood is not new either...been going around for a while. Now I never heard of fake blood,so that is a new one on me. Like you..I don't want to get into it either. That is why I said if you want to cheat why worry about sarms. The shit cyclists do makes sarms look like candy apples!!
Remember when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis in the 100 sprint at the olympics? All that they found was winstrol....those sprinters have a basket full of tricks too.

i agree... who knows the tricks they have... they have the very best advising them on this, at least you would assume that, so who knows... sarms definitely look like childs play compared to what most are doing, i completely agree
Blue blood is actually artifical blood. It's only approved in Russia(go figure) and just recently Mexico. You have to IV very little to make sure that your body doesn't resist it. If it doesn't, then you can take the bottle. You keep it in the freezer but it never actually freezes. Crazy stuff.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

Yeah..I know about the synthetic blood. What I never heard of is that you mentioned fake blood. Is this the same thing? Interchangably i hear terms oxy blood (because it has 3 times the hemo) ,synthetic blood, blueblood and miltary blood. I am assuming they are the same. So when you wrote fake blood I was wondering what that was.
Yeah bro. I know about the tricks. The blueblood is not new either...been going around for a while. Now I never heard of fake blood,so that is a new one on me. Like you..I don't want to get into it either. That is why I said if you want to cheat why worry about sarms. The shit cyclists do makes sarms look like candy apples!!
Remember when Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis in the 100 sprint at the olympics? All that they found was winstrol....those sprinters have a basket full of tricks too.

Agreed on all fronts. They will use anything and everything they can to get an edge on the competition

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