
Recovery Help - Need Advice

Thanks Rick!

I know, I know BUT, I am looking for a PED to help me recover faster regardless.

Any Thoughts?
Well the thing is, you are already on one hell of a sarms stack to enhance your recovery to the highest extent. You have Mk2866, lgd, and MK677 in there which are the best for this.

But realistically there is still only so much that PEDS can do. You still must allow the right time to recover, even if it is still less than it would be naturally. A big part of it is also diet, and supplying your body with the adequate nutrients needed

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I have an all or nothing personality... It is why I gain so fast but sometimes crash and burn...

Man, in truth I sometimes wish I was less of an analyzer and more of a "grip it and rip it guy". I guess the grass is always greener though. LOL

Hopefully some of the guys will have the info you are looking for. In the meantime brother, try to take care of that body and consider less volume.

BTW - A good friend of mine used to race flat track motocross. Super talented driver but he was a real speed demon kind of guy. Early on in his career when the flags dropped, he would slam that throttle and ride like a bat out of hell. Problem is that the track is dirt, sometimes kinda muddy. When you hit that throttle, sometimes you just sit there and spin a little while others blow you off of the line. One day a well known retired rider told him, "man, you gotta lay off that throttle a little at the start." His next words were golden......"You wont win any races until you learn that if you want to go faster, you sometimes need to go slower."

Best of luck brother.
Thanks Rick!

I know, I know BUT, I am looking for a PED to help me recover faster regardless.

Any Thoughts?

thats fine bro, and i know where your coming from but your missing the point here.. there comes a point where your simply overtraining and reaching a point of diminished returns... it doesn't matter what you take when you get to this point... you can take everything under the sun but there's not answer for overtraining except NOT OVERTRAINING... that's what your doing... you can't train body parts as often as you are... there's a reason your legs are always tired and they will always be and never truly develop as they should... in fact, when you overtrain, they will actually get weaker, shrink etc... nothing you can take will help counter act this... NOW, if your training properly, hard, etc. then you do need something for recovery, yes and that's where something like GW and MK2866 come into play... but you have to give your body rest regardless or even these will not help you... by taking these, you can heal and recover faster, produce maximum output, go much longer with higher intensity etc... you have to get everything in check first though bro
Well the thing is, you are already on one hell of a sarms stack to enhance your recovery to the highest extent. You have Mk2866, lgd, and MK677 in there which are the best for this.

But realistically there is still only so much that PEDS can do. You still must allow the right time to recover, even if it is still less than it would be naturally. A big part of it is also diet, and supplying your body with the adequate nutrients needed

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Thanks Rick
Man, in truth I sometimes wish I was less of an analyzer and more of a "grip it and rip it guy". I guess the grass is always greener though. LOL

Hopefully some of the guys will have the info you are looking for. In the meantime brother, try to take care of that body and consider less volume.

BTW - A good friend of mine used to race flat track motocross. Super talented driver but he was a real speed demon kind of guy. Early on in his career when the flags dropped, he would slam that throttle and ride like a bat out of hell. Problem is that the track is dirt, sometimes kinda muddy. When you hit that throttle, sometimes you just sit there and spin a little while others blow you off of the line. One day a well known retired rider told him, "man, you gotta lay off that throttle a little at the start." His next words were golden......"You wont win any races until you learn that if you want to go faster, you sometimes need to go slower."

Best of luck brother.

Thanks Texas
thats fine bro, and i know where your coming from but your missing the point here.. there comes a point where your simply overtraining and reaching a point of diminished returns... it doesn't matter what you take when you get to this point... you can take everything under the sun but there's not answer for overtraining except NOT OVERTRAINING... that's what your doing... you can't train body parts as often as you are... there's a reason your legs are always tired and they will always be and never truly develop as they should... in fact, when you overtrain, they will actually get weaker, shrink etc... nothing you can take will help counter act this... NOW, if your training properly, hard, etc. then you do need something for recovery, yes and that's where something like GW and MK2866 come into play... but you have to give your body rest regardless or even these will not help you... by taking these, you can heal and recover faster, produce maximum output, go much longer with higher intensity etc... you have to get everything in check first though bro

Thanks Dylan...

My diet is pretty on point and I sleep 8+ hours a night and get a 1hr nap when I feel it is needed.

I am about to move squats to 1x a week (BTW: I do not usually squat during race season).
I understand about not overtraining and appreciate the advice.

So basically the advice in this thread is less volume and rest is SUPER important for growth.
Also, it seems like I am taking everything I need to in order to combat this and Heal as quick as possible.

A friend mentioned TB500 and MGF to me again, so I may look into those (but ONLY after I reduce training volume).

Appreciate the wise words from you (Dylan) and others on this forum!
Thanks Dylan...

My diet is pretty on point and I sleep 8+ hours a night and get a 1hr nap when I feel it is needed.

I am about to move squats to 1x a week (BTW: I do not usually squat during race season).
I understand about not overtraining and appreciate the advice.

So basically the advice in this thread is less volume and rest is SUPER important for growth.
Also, it seems like I am taking everything I need to in order to combat this and Heal as quick as possible.

A friend mentioned TB500 and MGF to me again, so I may look into those (but ONLY after I reduce training volume).

Appreciate the wise words from you (Dylan) and others on this forum!

your more than welcome... you definitely get the right amount of SLEEP, FOR SURE and thats great because most don't, including myself and that's the key to growth... what i was meaning more so on the "rest" factor is rest per body part though brother... each time you train a muscle group, your tearing it down in mass amounts... the muscle needs 48-72 hours to rebuild muscle fibers etc. or it never grows... if you overtrain, your constantly tearing it down and it never grows as it should... not to mention the amounts of fatigue and higher likelihood of injury occurrence... you need to hit it extremely hard but give the proper rest time to the body part... mix it up as well... get your negatives in there as well once or twice a week... you need to elongate the muscle as well, not just shorten it... there's a concentric contraction, which is a normal movement and then an eccentric contraction which is a lengthening of a muscle, not a shortening... this allows for more optimal growth as well... for your healing, tb is nice but quality is hard to find... save your money on the mgf... a very strong recovery and healing stack would be MK2866, MK677, LGD4033 and TB500... that's going to give the best healing with a multitude of other benefits...
He 100% should increase his test and deca and would see a dramatic difference in his aid and recovery....

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He 100% should increase his test and deca and would see a dramatic difference in his aid and recovery....

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Yes, to an extent it will help, but at the level he is training at it still won't be enough. I think he needs to take a step back on as much as he is training

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
your more than welcome... you definitely get the right amount of SLEEP, FOR SURE and thats great because most don't, including myself and that's the key to growth... what i was meaning more so on the "rest" factor is rest per body part though brother... each time you train a muscle group, your tearing it down in mass amounts... the muscle needs 48-72 hours to rebuild muscle fibers etc. or it never grows... if you overtrain, your constantly tearing it down and it never grows as it should... not to mention the amounts of fatigue and higher likelihood of injury occurrence... you need to hit it extremely hard but give the proper rest time to the body part... mix it up as well... get your negatives in there as well once or twice a week... you need to elongate the muscle as well, not just shorten it... there's a concentric contraction, which is a normal movement and then an eccentric contraction which is a lengthening of a muscle, not a shortening... this allows for more optimal growth as well... for your healing, tb is nice but quality is hard to find... save your money on the mgf... a very strong recovery and healing stack would be MK2866, MK677, LGD4033 and TB500... that's going to give the best healing with a multitude of other benefits...


Yah the problem is as a cyclist in need to keep the miles in so I don't lose fitness :)

It's all about Fitness, Fatigue, and Form...

I understand the rest part and my upper body is only sore after each workout... The legs don't heal as fast due to all the cycling ... I do a lot of above threshold & VO2 max work.

I am still in the strength phase of my training and am gonna stay there extra long this year.

I will reduce Leg GYM time...

I will consider adding TB500 to:
MK2866, MK677, LGD4033

Again thanks for the advice...
Yes, to an extent it will help, but at the level he is training at it still won't be enough. I think he needs to take a step back on as much as he is training

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Rick - I will cut down on training!

What dose test / deca do you recommend?
Thanks Dylan...

My diet is pretty on point and I sleep 8+ hours a night and get a 1hr nap when I feel it is needed.

I am about to move squats to 1x a week (BTW: I do not usually squat during race season).
I understand about not overtraining and appreciate the advice.

So basically the advice in this thread is less volume and rest is SUPER important for growth.
Also, it seems like I am taking everything I need to in order to combat this and Heal as quick as possible.

A friend mentioned TB500 and MGF to me again, so I may look into those (but ONLY after I reduce training volume).

Appreciate the wise words from you (Dylan) and others on this forum!
How many hours are you riding a week?

Here's an issue that I see. You are doing squats 1 x a week. That is too much space between gym work days. It seems crazy but you will adapt and recover faster with more frequency. Doing legs 1 day a week wrecks you. There is no adaptation. Either quit the gym all together or go twice a week. By doing one of those 2 things, you will cut the soreness down tremendously.

Someone else mentioned ice baths. They work. 15 minutes with your legs and lower back immersed in ice water immediately after a hard day on the bike or at the gym.

Massage. Find someone who does cyclists legs. Not some Thai chick who's gonna go so deep that you are worse than when you got there. There is a time and place for that but when you are under a heavy training load a massage that oxygenates the muscles is far more beneficial.

Make sure you don't go into glycogen debt! While on the bike or not. Always reload glycogen directly after a ride.

Never stand when you can sit.........never sit when you can lay down.

You don't always have to look to drugs and drugs only to recover. It's a system of many things.

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How many hours are you riding a week?

Here's an issue that I see. You are doing squats 1 x a week. That is too much space between gym work days. It seems crazy but you will adapt and recover faster with more frequency. Doing legs 1 day a week wrecks you. There is no adaptation. Either quit the gym all together or go twice a week. By doing one of those 2 things, you will cut the soreness down tremendously.

Someone else mentioned ice baths. They work. 15 minutes with your legs and lower back immersed in ice water immediately after a hard day on the bike or at the gym.

Massage. Find someone who does cyclists legs. Not some Thai chick who's gonna go so deep that you are worse than when you got there. There is a time and place for that but when you are under a heavy training load a massage that oxygenates the muscles is far more beneficial.

Make sure you don't go into glycogen debt! While on the bike or not. Always reload glycogen directly after a ride.

Never stand when you can sit.........never sit when you can lay down.

You don't always have to look to drugs and drugs only to recover. It's a system of many things.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

He was squatting 3x a week...

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How many hours are you riding a week?

Here's an issue that I see. You are doing squats 1 x a week. That is too much space between gym work days. It seems crazy but you will adapt and recover faster with more frequency. Doing legs 1 day a week wrecks you. There is no adaptation. Either quit the gym all together or go twice a week. By doing one of those 2 things, you will cut the soreness down tremendously.

Someone else mentioned ice baths. They work. 15 minutes with your legs and lower back immersed in ice water immediately after a hard day on the bike or at the gym.

Massage. Find someone who does cyclists legs. Not some Thai chick who's gonna go so deep that you are worse than when you got there. There is a time and place for that but when you are under a heavy training load a massage that oxygenates the muscles is far more beneficial.

Make sure you don't go into glycogen debt! While on the bike or not. Always reload glycogen directly after a ride.

Never stand when you can sit.........never sit when you can lay down.

You don't always have to look to drugs and drugs only to recover. It's a system of many things.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk

Hey iwannagofaster...

Down to about 15hours riding / week right now

I am actually squatting 3x a week... (not 1) - I know it is late to be squatting soooo much and doing a lot of GYM work ... BUT ... I am actually thinking of taking this season off RACING.. (or just hitting 1-2 specific events)

I agree with the "adapt better" and "recover quicker" with more frequency, However the consensus here is Train Less...

I will try ICE Baths!!! I will look for massage that does cyclists...

Glyco Debt: I agree 100% - I am very good about diet and pre/during/post ride and gym nutrition and carbs...

I started this thread cause my weakness is recovery. I am not afraid to work hard, remember I am willing to suffer through 3 x 20s.

I am willing to do many things to recover... not looking for drugs as the only option.
But, I want to maximize what is available (in addition to all other recovery efforts).

I forgot to add that I do test cream after hard rides / gym efforts on legs too.
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