you guys sound like zeke....well now that I can see my seratus go into the ab I may be the same way. Normally I only look to see how defined my abs are, and I know what foods blur them.The serats are going to be a new thing for me
These liquids are called suspensions and sometimes they fall out of solution. If you shake it vigoursly for a minute and then hurry and pull you will be fine. Or you can bring some water to a boil and turn off heat. Add the vial for about 5 mins and then shake.It may or may not settle out again...
This isn't politcally correct,it may offend some anorexic, but our dad always told us that food was over rated. Eat what you need and be done with it, and you do not need nearly the amount that your brain is telling you to eat.
If a supp says "proprietary ingredients then Forest. It is their bullshit way of not telling you what is in their garbage. Legend is mostly proprietary. But it sure as hell has enough crap in it to make you sweat. Yohimbe, b-alanine, caffeine, TMG, and taurine plus...FRIGGIN NIACIN...
In the usa they no longer put as much credibility on the psa as they used to. They have decided that the finger is actually better. My wife does mine...picked that little tip up from drb
Sometimes you have to adjust the dose.You got it on the first try so consider yourself lucky. To all the guys.....this is what the overly priced Anavar is good for!!!!
First of all let's separate aas from nolva and clomid. You can transfer those in to a b12 eyedropper bottle. If they see it and you say it is b12 they may just say...ok lets see you take a dropper....and all is good. Now with aas you are in a whole different ball park bro legal and...
You are looking for a miracle? Read the bible or study quantum physics. If you read my brohters post he can run 40 yards in under 5 seconds. The sarms allow him to practice longer and longer and then eventually all of th extra practice then makes you faster.If you are looking to put a dropper...