Like I said I used it two times and usually the only pre-workout I use is a cup of coffee. When I leave the gym my shirt is soaked, nothing new, I sweat like a pig for hours literally. I get home and shower for like 20 minutes to decompress and re-direct some blood flow (my water heater is set at 160 degrees) away from the skin and deeper into my muscles. The problem is I get out, dry off and am soaked again before I can dry off completely. I get dressed and then have to change shirts ten minutes later because it's drenched. I then put on a zip up hoodie to catch the sweat and shield me from the cold since the air is on. Anyone experience anything similar with this???
I laid on my bed for 30 minutes to try to relax and let my body reset so I'd quit sweating so much, but I literally saw pools of sweat on me and when I got up my bed was soaked. This is irritating and I'm about to give this stuff away.
I laid on my bed for 30 minutes to try to relax and let my body reset so I'd quit sweating so much, but I literally saw pools of sweat on me and when I got up my bed was soaked. This is irritating and I'm about to give this stuff away.