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  1. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    I have a bottle of arimistane on me which isn't quite as intense as aromasin, not sure where I should go with it.
  2. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    Got my blood work back today, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) = 2.3IU/L Luteinizing Hormone (LH) = 4.2IU/L Prolactin = 13.3ug/L Estradiol = 46pmol/L Progesterone = 0.8nmol/L Testosterone = 8.6nmol/L Testosterone Free Calculated = 285pmol/L Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated = 6.7nmol/L...
  3. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    Aromasin? I didn't know I was supposed to be using that for a SARM PCT, I have arimistane on hand that I could start if that would help. I don't get my blood work back for a bit still.
  4. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    Forgot to mention, After my last cycle which ended in July, my PCT was clomid 50/25/25/25 and nolva 20mg/ED Could this be from a rebound from coming off of the SERMS?
  5. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    Thanks man, As soon as I get results back I'll be back. Just worried ya know?
  6. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    I haven't gained any body fat or retained any water. don't have any low test symptoms, nor any high estrogen symptoms other than this lump and sensitivity which the doctor said is overstimulated breast tissue and will go away on its own. Also what all do I need to get tested for when I have my...
  7. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    I'll hold off on the AI until I get my blood work back and will keep you posted, Thanks Dylan
  8. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    No I don't, I don't go in to get my blood checked for another week. getting in to see a doctor where I'm from in almost impossible
  9. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    I've gotten my last two cycles from here, Andarine was 50mg/day in two separate doses, Mk2866 was 25mg/day, gw was 20mg/day and mk677 was 25mg/day It doesn't make sense to me either honestly since theres no estrogen conversion. and after my last pct I took a month off before starting my next...
  10. F

    Gyno From Sarms?

    Little bit about me, 23 male 190lbs 12-15% body fat was 4 weeks into my third sam cycle last two cycles I ran was mk2866, andarine s4, gw501516 and mk677. with a mini pct of clomid 50/25/25/25 the week that just went by was my 4th week on another Sarm cycle. and suddenly I noticed a lot of...
  11. F

    Use of nolva on a sarm cycle?

    Okay thanks guys, and for pct 20mg eod?
  12. F

    Use of nolva on a sarm cycle?

    real quick background on me, 6 years into training 23 years old 205 pounds 15% body fat 5'9 diet is flawless just coming to the end of my third week on cycle, I'm running mk-2866 25mg/day s4 50mg/day (split doses) gw 20mg/day rad-140 30mg/day mk-677 30mg/day and my post cycle will be gw...
  13. F

    Gh for enhanced recovery

    My last two injuries I've run tb-500 (thymosin beta 4) at 2mg/week in two separate doses (one Monday one Thursday) and turned 20 week recovery times into 4-6 week recovery times. my last two injuries were pulling open my AC joint in my shoulder and tearing the meniscus in my knee and I've found...
  14. F

    Running my first full cycle

    So with the MK-677 whats the dose? and all at once in the AM? as for sodium and potassium, I'm fairly good at keeping it a 2:1 potassium to sodium in my diet already so water retention sides shouldn't be an issue.
  15. F

    Running my first full cycle

    Did not know that about the mk 677 so thank you for that! Also thank you for the guidance! I'd rather run this properly than waste time and money and or risk my health. greatly appreciate it guys! and once I start my cycle I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.
  16. F

    Running my first full cycle

    Okay so for that I'd drop my dose of GW and Rad-140. Now would it be better to add LGD instead of swapping out the mk-2866. I'm not worried about the money I mostly just want the best results I can get so I'll gladly run both. unless the mk would be a waste of money. and thanks for answering my...
  17. F

    Running my first full cycle

    In the past (back before I found Dylan's Channel and before I really knew what I was doing) I've run peptides (cjc1295 without DAC and Ipa) and I've run gw501516 with mk2866 for 4 weeks (google said 4 weeks was good) and I've also run an over the counter pro hormone once (which I now know that...
  18. F

    Prohormones with Sarms? Is it even worth it at my age?

    Thank you all for the help and info! Definitely only going to stick to sarms for now then and won't bother touching a pro hormone. I knew it was too early to touch test but I didn't know a thing about pro hormones, that and its like 80 bucks over the counter so I didn't think it was anything too...
  19. F

    Prohormones with Sarms? Is it even worth it at my age?

    I'm aware a PH will shut me down, just like how SARMS can also suppress natural test. is a PH intense enough though that at my age even with a proper PCT its for sure a no go?
  20. F

    How to dose s4

    Says on the bottle 50mg's/ml meaning 1 ml is 50mgs,
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