
Gyno From Sarms?


Little bit about me,
12-15% body fat
was 4 weeks into my third sam cycle
last two cycles I ran was mk2866, andarine s4, gw501516 and mk677. with a mini pct of clomid 50/25/25/25

the week that just went by was my 4th week on another Sarm cycle. and suddenly I noticed a lot of sensitivity and a small lump right behind each one of my nipples (man this is embarrassing) I went to the doctor and he told me to stop taking my Sarms since that was the cause and it will fix itself (he also asked me what Sarms were)

So now I figured I'd come here to get an opinion from people more experienced, Already stopped dosing of my Sarms, Should I go straight to clomid or novla? also been doing some reading on arimistane and watched Dylan's video as well and that also seems like a mild but good option to get test up and estrogen down. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance
I've gotten my last two cycles from here, Andarine was 50mg/day in two separate doses, Mk2866 was 25mg/day, gw was 20mg/day and mk677 was 25mg/day

It doesn't make sense to me either honestly since theres no estrogen conversion. and after my last pct I took a month off before starting my next cycle.
No I don't, I don't go in to get my blood checked for another week. getting in to see a doctor where I'm from in almost impossible
then once you get that let me know but im not telling you to use an ai with no bloodwork using something that does not aromatize because that will cause you a great deal of issues if you are wrong
A lot of times guys will see problems that aren't there. This happens with people thinking they have gyno quite often. Could be a number of things not gyno related or psychological. The bloodwork will tell a lot to us. Have you gained any bodyfat or retained any water?
I haven't gained any body fat or retained any water. don't have any low test symptoms, nor any high estrogen symptoms other than this lump and sensitivity which the doctor said is overstimulated breast tissue and will go away on its own.

Also what all do I need to get tested for when I have my bloods done?
I haven't gained any body fat or retained any water. don't have any low test symptoms, nor any high estrogen symptoms other than this lump and sensitivity which the doctor said is overstimulated breast tissue and will go away on its own.

Also what all do I need to get tested for when I have my bloods done?

Total test, free test, LH, FSH, estrodial, progesterone/ prolactin
Forgot to mention, After my last cycle which ended in July, my PCT was clomid 50/25/25/25 and nolva 20mg/ED

Could this be from a rebound from coming off of the SERMS?
Forgot to mention, After my last cycle which ended in July, my PCT was clomid 50/25/25/25 and nolva 20mg/ED

Could this be from a rebound from coming off of the SERMS?
no but it could be a rebound from not using aromasin in pct like you are supposed to be doing
Aromasin? I didn't know I was supposed to be using that for a SARM PCT, I have arimistane on hand that I could start if that would help. I don't get my blood work back for a bit still.
Just a note, my cycle of lgd/rad/s4/ostarine/gw raised my e levels quite abit. Its rare, but I'm an example of it happening. It was the addition of S4 that did me in. Not blaming S4, just saying I'd run the same cycle without S4 with no issues.
Got my blood work back today,

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) = 2.3IU/L
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) = 4.2IU/L
Prolactin = 13.3ug/L
Estradiol = 46pmol/L
Progesterone = 0.8nmol/L
Testosterone = 8.6nmol/L
Testosterone Free Calculated = 285pmol/L
Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated = 6.7nmol/L

Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm at the lowest of the low for test and really high in estrogen. Haven't taken anything in the last 6 weeks as you can see from my initial post
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