
Prohormones with Sarms? Is it even worth it at my age?


Hey all, Long time member, not long time poster lol,

For my stats I'm 5'9, 22 years old, 190 pounds, 11-12% body fat, been training for about 6 years now and have previously run mk-2866, andarine s4, cardarine and rad 140, always followed by a pct of clomid 50/25/25/25 and gw 25mgs/day.

I'm coming to the end of my cut (will keep cutting until around the 8-9% body fat mark) and getting ready to run another cycle. I do get all my sarms from sarmsX now as I almost immediately noticed a difference in gains from switching form my old company to here. I also know running a cycle at my age isn't good for me at all since my body and hormones still have a lot of development left to do. So my question is (keep in mind I plan on running rad-140, LGD, andarine s4 and gw for 12 weeks) and since I've seen them around and very easily available I'm thinking of running a prohormone with it. But since I don't really know much about them I just know its not test I figured I'd come to you guys before I started putting it into my system.

Would it be worth it to run a prohormone? would my PCT or cycle support change? can I run one at my age without messing myself up?

Any info would be awesome thanks guys!!
I'm aware a PH will shut me down, just like how SARMS can also suppress natural test. is a PH intense enough though that at my age even with a proper PCT its for sure a no go?
bro, that is absurd... comparing the suppression from a pro hormone to sarms is like comparing the fat content from a big mac to a turkey burger seriously... there is NO argument NOR comparison between the two, not to mention your WAY too young for any sort of steroid, which a pro hormone most certainly is AND you would NEVER run an oral steroid without test...
I DO like the fact that you do grasp that you may be too young and you are asking... i really respect that and that will go a LONG WAY with everyone here as well... very very commendable
I'm aware a PH will shut me down, just like how SARMS can also suppress natural test. is a PH intense enough though that at my age even with a proper PCT its for sure a no go?

I don't think anyone is going to advise steroid or prohormone use at your age bud. Your endocrine system is still developing so taking compounds that shut you down is not advised. You can do long term damage. Also, we never recommend any orals without a test base.

I think you need to stick with sarms for the time being

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
The issue: The problems with individuals that had not yet attained full physio-sexual development, which usually culminates between the ages of 17-22 and may only even come to an end at the age of 25 or so - is that that anabolic compounds are acting on locations within the central nervous system that are still under development. That is, that many receptors that are activated by Testosterone are STILL performing developmental functions, and you are stimulating them before they had the chance to fully create a working framework of hormonal balance that would sustain you for the rest of your adult life.
Thank you all for the help and info! Definitely only going to stick to sarms for now then and won't bother touching a pro hormone. I knew it was too early to touch test but I didn't know a thing about pro hormones, that and its like 80 bucks over the counter so I didn't think it was anything too serious but I wanted to check. Last thing I need to do is mess myself up early and then have to pay for it later.

Thank you again!
Thank you all for the help and info! Definitely only going to stick to sarms for now then and won't bother touching a pro hormone. I knew it was too early to touch test but I didn't know a thing about pro hormones, that and its like 80 bucks over the counter so I didn't think it was anything too serious but I wanted to check. Last thing I need to do is mess myself up early and then have to pay for it later.

Thank you again!
bro, i fucking like you man.. your attitude is stellar... you set such a damn good example for people your age... im always here if you need me for anything... real good shit bro
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