
Gyno From Sarms?

Sounds like you may be in the same boat as I am (Heavy suppression, high estrogen) . Be careful with an AI now though, as I crashed my e levels from 44 > less than 5. It wasnt fun. I was taking 12.5 every 3 days.

thats sarmsx aromasin is some potent shit.
what i would do is run a FULL pct as opposed to just the mini pct.. those are some strange numbers to say the least but thats definitely what i would do and i would not wait to do it...
When this happened to me, I ran a 4 week PCT Nolva/Clomid/GW and I would advise sparingly an AI, just to knock that E level down abit, but not crash it
with the current estrogen levels, its need to be ran every other day until its under control... its not going to crash at that number at all...
It did with me, inside of 2 weeks it crashed to less than 5. And that was every 3 days.
as with everything else, you are a rare circumstance... that does not happen in general to most at all... you have some of the strangest reactions to things ive ever seen, which is completely fine and at least you are aware but that does not hold true for most
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