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    Still bloated 12 weeks after cycle.

    Thanks guys. Yea I'm getting blood work done next week. My last cycle was a 12 week test/deca cycle, 300mg each per week with dbol for the first 4 weeks. Aromasin at 25mg EOD. I didn't have caber or prami on hand but I should have. I'll post again when I get the results. Thanks for the input
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    Still bloated 12 weeks after cycle.

    Hey guys I'm getting some blood work done next week but was just wondering why I'm still bloated after being off gear for a while My last aas cycle was dbol/test-c/DECA with aromasin. My pct was clom/nolva/aromasin. I'm currently on week 12 of my off cycle and I'm still bloated. Its not...
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    Vitor Belfort off the gear

    Yea its just crazy how he looked yesterday. Real deflated compared to those 2 pics. He needs a sarms stack asap haha
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    Vitor Belfort off the gear

    Hey guys, did anyone see vitor belfort at the UFC weigh in's yesterday? What the hell? Dude looks like a regular guy. With the ufc having strict drug polices, some fighters are off the gear and it shows, especially on him because were used to seeing him when he was on gear and he was ripped up...
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    Time off in between Lgd & s-4 stacks

    Thanks rick rock for the info. Your right I'll probably change my mind a few times. I just like to have a rough draft layout only because so i can have an idea of money I'll be needing to save and spend. I forecast my future cycles but just concentrate on the current one and adjust as time goes by
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    Time off in between Lgd & s-4 stacks

    Thank you for the input JP!
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    Time off in between Lgd & s-4 stacks

    Hey guys, I like to forecast my cycles way out. I'm already looking into 2018. I want to dedicate that year to be sarms only. I've been doing a combo of aas n sarms but just want to try something different. I'm going to do a lgd-4033/ S-4 stack for 12 weeks. I have 3 quick questions. Do I start...
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    Sarms recommendations during off cycle

    Thank you Dylan. I will start looking into it and getting everything ready. Thanks once again.
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    Sarms recommendations during off cycle

    Hello mates, I was looking into adding sarms into my off cycle. My aas cycles are 12 weeks test/DECA. My time off in between cycles is 16 weeks to include a pct. Any recommendations on a sarms stack during this time? And if so, do I take the sarms, during or after pct. Thanks. Stats: 36yrs, 6ft...
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    Do y'all even buy those trendy supplements?

    Haha I remember when I was in the military, they would have a gnc inside the base. We would just assume that if the supplement would all of a sudden be taken off the shelves by gnc, The product worked. It was always a theory that the military hated there soldier's getting some gains so we would...
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    Do y'all even buy those trendy supplements?

    Hey guys just curious. I'm either on gear or sarms or the combination of both. The only reason I go to a supplement store is to buy my protein and bcaas. Seems like Every time I go, I see the latest and greatest flashy new pill or powder that guarantees strength and size. the product design...
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    Time off after boldenone

    Ok thank you chelades! I got the answer I needed
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    Time off after boldenone

    Hello mates, of my 6 cycles that I've done, they have all been long estered 12 week cycles. I understand the time on equals time off protocol. My off time is 16 weeks to include pct. I'm planning on doing a 18 week EQ/test cycle. Does that mean when I'm done I should take 18 weeks off plus pct...
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    Muscle loss prevention after surgery

    44yogearhead. Thanks for sharing your story. I know I'm gonna have the itch to get back in the gym as soon as possible but like you said I'm gonna play it by ear and recover enough where I can start of light and be smart about it. That healing n recovery stack is a winner I'll be getting that...
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    Muscle loss prevention after surgery

    Thanks guys for the info guys! Will do
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    Muscle loss prevention after surgery

    Thanks flanex. I'm gonna look into it. Good thing is that I'm off cycle so I won't have to worried about being on gear during recovery
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    Muscle loss prevention after surgery

    Hello mates, I've got surgery coming up. I've got a umbilical hernia. Unfortunately I'll be out of action in the gym for a while when I'm doing recovery. I'm 6ft. 205lbs. Bf 14%. I'm happy where I'm at right now and my diet is at a maintenance stage of 320grams of protein and 3500 calories a...
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    Pin Size for Delts

    25g 5/8 or 1inch depending whats available. Some oils are really thick and you might have a hard time injecting. Don't be like me on my first cycle a few years back. I pinned my delts with a 22g 1 inch needle holy crap!!! I did that for almost a full cycle. Horrible.
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    Aromasin during pct?

    Ok sounds good. Thank you once again for the input
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    Aromasin during pct?

    So does that mean I'll be on aromasin all year around? During cycle and pct? Thanks
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