
Muscle loss prevention after surgery

Hello mates, I've got surgery coming up. I've got a umbilical hernia. Unfortunately I'll be out of action in the gym for a while when I'm doing recovery. I'm 6ft. 205lbs. Bf 14%. I'm happy where I'm at right now and my diet is at a maintenance stage of 320grams of protein and 3500 calories a day. Doctor said no heavy lifting for about 2 months. Is there any way I can keep my hard earned muscle during this time? I'm no expert but I'm assuming since I'll be out of action, there would be no reason to be burning muscle and that if I keep my diet the same and drink plenty of water like I do, what would be the reason for muscle loss? I already know I'll be losing strength.
Im sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in with a better stack but if it were me I would do MK-2866 to assist in healing & GW to help keep the gains.

Let us know how the surgery goes.I have the exact same thing & have been contemplating surgery purely for aesthetic reasons.
Thanks flanex. I'm gonna look into it. Good thing is that I'm off cycle so I won't have to worried about being on gear during recovery
Hello mates, I've got surgery coming up. I've got a umbilical hernia. Unfortunately I'll be out of action in the gym for a while when I'm doing recovery. I'm 6ft. 205lbs. Bf 14%. I'm happy where I'm at right now and my diet is at a maintenance stage of 320grams of protein and 3500 calories a day. Doctor said no heavy lifting for about 2 months. Is there any way I can keep my hard earned muscle during this time? I'm no expert but I'm assuming since I'll be out of action, there would be no reason to be burning muscle and that if I keep my diet the same and drink plenty of water like I do, what would be the reason for muscle loss? I already know I'll be losing strength.

M best recommendation for you would be to run the healing and recovery stack from sarmsx. Not only will it help you hold onto your muscle and strength much better, it will also help considerably speed up the healing process. Here is the protocol and links for the stack and pct

1-12 MK-2866 25mg ED dosed once in the AM
1-12 LGD 10mg per day dosed once in the AM
1-12 MK-677 25mg per day dosed once in the AM


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
I'm gonna tell you NOT necessarily to do what I did when I had my hernia surgery. The doctor who performed it was a specialist as it was what they called 'the biggest hernia they had ever seen', literally a good portion of my intestine was just under my abdomen skin and it looked weird as hell. I had my surgery, woke up afterwards and walked to the nurses station. Not a recommended move, nothing happened, but still. The doc told me no lifting anything over 15 pounds for 4 months and then they'd re-evaluate, but absolutely no heavy lifting for one year was the specific set of instructions. 4 days later I was in the gym curling 70's and checking my stitches after every set, I didn't bench over 225 though because I could feel slight discomfort. This is complete speculation, but the way I saw it I was bound to heal faster considering the cycle I was running during the injury... right? Wrong? Dunno, didn't care. If I ripped the stitches it would just mean another surgery and a bigger one they said. I can't stand being out of the gym, period. 4 days after surgery back in the gym, granted going lighter, but lifting none the less. My advice, is to judge it yourself and play it by ear. Is this sound advice? No, but only you know you. I have some gyno as well, nothing too serious, but I won't get it removed for sake of missing gym time. I'd hate to tear my nips lifting and have keloids... besides drain tubes and catch bags probably would be a red flag to the staff as I walked in there. Do what you feel is best, however definitely run the Healing and Recovery Stack to expedite your return whether you risk lifting, or not bro. 44 has been known to do some dumb things in his day.
44yogearhead. Thanks for sharing your story. I know I'm gonna have the itch to get back in the gym as soon as possible but like you said I'm gonna play it by ear and recover enough where I can start of light and be smart about it. That healing n recovery stack is a winner I'll be getting that soon. Thanks
You just sound like a complete idiot mate

You have your opinion, you're who you are and what you are because of the decisions you've made and I as well. I told him not to do what I did. The difference in mentality between you and I probably lies in our professions and personalities/mindset. Please don't assume to know anything about me and then use the word idiot when describing me. I, based upon what you said, am inclined to believe you have the propensity to conduct yourself in a more 'mild' manner in all aspects of your own life. See how that was phrased? Nothing insulting about it whatsoever. Certain base words could've easily been used, but I chose to convey my thoughts in a manner you'd get something out of this and benefit from. Never critique someone for their passion, if anything criticize their lack of it.
I've been out of the gym of due to ankle surgery for about 10 weeks now. I started the healing and recovery stack as soon as o got discharged from the hospital. I've been pretty much sedentary the whole time home and my diet has gone to shit. But I noticed that I haven't lost any of the muscle I built before my surgery.

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