
Still bloated 12 weeks after cycle.

Hey guys I'm getting some blood work done next week but was just wondering why I'm still bloated after being off gear for a while My last aas cycle was dbol/test-c/DECA with aromasin. My pct was clom/nolva/aromasin. I'm currently on week 12 of my off cycle and I'm still bloated. Its not causing pain or discomfort but it sucks having it and it will help my physique look way better without it. I eat 5 times a day along with a gallon of water. I take whey protein and creatine. Vitamins are a multivitamin, B6, E, zinc. I had bloat before the creatine and I just started using it. I changed my diet around to get rid of foods that cause bloat but not sure if I did it right. here's what I eat on daily. Pnut butter, oatmeal, chicken, pineapple, spinach, carrots, cucumber, pasta, whole grain bread, nutrigrain bar, steak, activa yogurt, brown rice, banana, steak, grapes. Is there something I can do or take to get rid of the bloat? I don't feel tired or have any libido issues, just bloat. My next cycle will be in january and it will be Lgd/s-4. Thanks. Stats: 37yrs. 6ft. 205 bf 14%
Given your stats and diet I'm stumped. Dbol might be the culprit as the conversion rate is frankly, horrible. I'm assuming you front loaded, but you also ran deca so did you run caber, or prami???

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its impossible to tell you without bloodwork... did you run caber or prami when you ran deca??
I'm lost on this one. Im on a gram of test, 600 deca, 800 eq and 50mg dbol per day and dry as a bone.

You are like thst off cycle that long, it's time for bloodwork. That's your first step

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
without bloodwork, its going to be impossible to say but i would get prolactin checked as well because that can be an indirect culprit to your estrogen and can cause a truck load of issues...
Thanks guys. Yea I'm getting blood work done next week. My last cycle was a 12 week test/deca cycle, 300mg each per week with dbol for the first 4 weeks. Aromasin at 25mg EOD. I didn't have caber or prami on hand but I should have. I'll post again when I get the results. Thanks for the input
Thanks guys. Yea I'm getting blood work done next week. My last cycle was a 12 week test/deca cycle, 300mg each per week with dbol for the first 4 weeks. Aromasin at 25mg EOD. I didn't have caber or prami on hand but I should have. I'll post again when I get the results. Thanks for the input
bro, fuck sake, why would you run the cycle if you could not get everything you needed... THIS is what happens when you do things like that... you better get a prolactin test when you go as well because thats probably the culprit here... i just dont get it man... why you would run this cycle without it... especially knowing that dbol converts to estrogen higher than anything... if your prolactin/estrogen ratios are off, well, in simple terms, your fucked... you can see that now...
bro, fuck sake, why would you run the cycle if you could not get everything you needed... THIS is what happens when you do things like that... you better get a prolactin test when you go as well because thats probably the culprit here... i just dont get it man... why you would run this cycle without it... especially knowing that dbol converts to estrogen higher than anything... if your prolactin/estrogen ratios are off, well, in simple terms, your fucked... you can see that now...

Would the prolactin cause the bloating.I thought that was mostly an estrogen thing?(still learning)
Would the prolactin cause the bloating.I thought that was mostly an estrogen thing?(still learning)
if your prolactin is off or elevated, it can then it turn elevate your estrogen or completely throw it off... thats why i always stress how important it is to have EVERYTHING on hand and ready to go and you run it from the start....
yea, getting high estogen is a no fun party. I'm still getting kicked by high estrogen, but feeling better now finally. Bloating, night sweats, etc.
yea, getting high estogen is a no fun party. I'm still getting kicked by high estrogen, but feeling better now finally. Bloating, night sweats, etc.
exactly right bro and that's what always gets me when people are encouraging others to wait to use an ai until symptoms start to show... i would NEVER give them a chance... you dont want it to even get started... you can control estrogen properly where you will get all the benefits without any of the negatives that could come along with dosing too high... you just have to learn your body and know what it requires, which everyone should be every cycle anyway...
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