
Do y'all even buy those trendy supplements?

Hey guys just curious. I'm either on gear or sarms or the combination of both. The only reason I go to a supplement store is to buy my protein and bcaas. Seems like Every time I go, I see the latest and greatest flashy new pill or powder that guarantees strength and size. the product design looks super cool to the untrained eye and All those test boosters n stuff seem to promise the world. I just chuckle when i see them since I'm on aas but I just cringe when I see people spending there hard working money and spending like $200 plus on this stuff. Does that stuff even work? I'm assuming that if people that are not on gear they would take that stuff since that's there only option.
Haha I remember when I was in the military, they would have a gnc inside the base. We would just assume that if the supplement would all of a sudden be taken off the shelves by gnc, The product worked. It was always a theory that the military hated there soldier's getting some gains so we would find out what products they had stopped selling and go find them online or at a store outside the base.
I buy all the trendy stuff.... test, tren, deca, HGH, primo, dbol, winny... I go to GNC simply to talk shit. There's a place down here that has a bomb ass weight gainer I buy my son.... they sell it to me for $35. Everyone else pays $50+ tax. They like when I come in there when they're crowded. They pretend I buy all my supps there and lie about what they sell me. Hey... saves ne $15 and tax on my son's powders.
I buy all the trendy stuff.... test, tren, deca, HGH, primo, dbol, winny... I go to GNC simply to talk shit. There's a place down here that has a bomb ass weight gainer I buy my son.... they sell it to me for $35. Everyone else pays $50+ tax. They like when I come in there when they're crowded. They pretend I buy all my supps there and lie about what they sell me. Hey... saves ne $15 and tax on my son's powders.

when I own a business the 44 doesn't get a discount, he gets freeeee
I spend a good amount on sups, but nothing trendy. I stick with bcaa, creatine, whey, casein (night), and usually a pwo (got to have my massive caffeine for morning gym).
When I was in and deployed if I got to stop somewhere that had a decent PX/MCX that had supps I would buy shit to try it out... I bought Kreacline or whatever it was called. I just bought it for the sake of buying something and trying it out of boredom.
I buy creatine and protein for my "sporty" supplements then I buy wellness supplements like fish oil, antioxidants, probiotics, sometimes a greens powder I'm feeling adventurous. But no need to buy anything like "clear muscle" or "growth hormone booster 7000 2.0" . When I worked at gnc I would hate having my manager there. She would get mad at me for not selling the over priced gnc weight gainer. Apparently because it has fenugreek in it its going to be a testosterone booster at the same time and pack on all kinds of mass. I was probably the only person working there that didn't bullshit the customers...
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