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  1. W


    Along with the sarms, im already running Test cyp @ 200mg/week.. So are you saying var altogether is shit whether you have a base or not?
  2. W


    I was just asking a generalized question just to see if it had ever been done. But if I was about to do it, I would have provided the info that was left out!!!
  3. W


    Currently cutting with GW-501516 and S4. Would it be ok to run anavar along with those two??
  4. W

    Taste of Sarms

    I was going to try that stack during my next bulk. Glad to hear it works well. Thanks for the info brother!!!
  5. W

    Taste of Sarms

    I'm taking S4, SR9009, GW-501516, MK-2866!!!
  6. W

    Taste of Sarms

    It just to try it out and see if I like it and if I get results. I ordered it from
  7. W

    Taste of Sarms

    Hey guys, im new to sarms and just started doing the 4 weeks cutting. Can someone explain is this stuff suppose to taste this awful? If so, ill.just.have to man up and deal with it, but good lawd!!!
  8. W

    GW doses

    I figured it out. It's 1 ml is equal to 20mg. If this shit taste this nasty, it has to work!!!
  9. W

    GW doses

    The recommendation dosage for GW is 20 mg a day. I just opened my bottles and the dropper is measured in ml and does not have a slot for 20. Can someone help me out with this on how much to take..
  10. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    Can this be bought in a stack, if so, what website to use to make sure I'm getting quality stuff...
  11. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    Thanks man for this layout. I'm in cruise control now!!!
  12. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    GW and S4 for 12 weeks.
  13. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    Thanks brother!!! Let's get the show started. I'll be posting pics of my progress!!
  14. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    I've done so extensive research on steroids and truly understand their meaning and use. The bodyfat % I didn't know and appreciate the information. Along with my dieting and training, and the SARMS be taken to assist in cutting bodyfat? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm just...
  15. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    I'm right at 20% bodyfat, Jake. Does this change the numbers and dosage?
  16. W

    Sarms w/Test cyp

    I'm about to start a 12 week sarms cutting stack. Would it be beneficial to run test cyp or prop with it? If so, at what doses or better yet what dosage for both forms of test?
  17. W

    Sarms cutting stack

    I got guys!! Thanks for the help!!!
  18. W

    Sarms cutting stack

    Trying to understand your layout for starting sarms. Where it splits off and says 9-12 and closed typed at the bottom. I know the closed is for PCT, but I'm not understanding where it should go in the order.
  19. W

    Sarms cutting stack

    Just received my cutting stack, S4 and GW. Can someone give me an idea of what's the best dosage to start at, best time to take it and how to take it. Meaning, does it go under your tongue or do you just swallow it. Help a brother out!!!
  20. W


    Will do my man!! I'll be getting with you early this week about a cycle!!!
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