
Taste of Sarms


Hey guys, im new to sarms and just started doing the 4 weeks cutting. Can someone explain is this stuff suppose to taste this awful? If so, ill.just.have to man up and deal with it, but good lawd!!!
ok what all did you get from them. you will like them but im not sure if 4 weeks is enuff, however you can always order more and they ship fast as you already know. but I tell you im just off my 2nd run and it keeps getting better throughout the 12 weeks. hell im still killing cardio and ive been off all except gw and mk677 for 3 weeks now.
very nice stack there. that gw and sr are gonna cut u up for sure amazing together. then you will get the strength and recovery from the other 2 I love all 4 of those. I just came off the superman stack and it was amazing.
I was going to try that stack during my next bulk. Glad to hear it works well. Thanks for the info brother!!!
You ever try grain alcohol?
Come on.... Its a little dropper worth.
My fucking GF does it. lol I hpe nobody needs to "man up" for it.
Would I order it in a resturaunt? no. Do I look forward to it? no. but do I care? no.
I just started it yesterday & I kinda like the taste.It's no worse than drinking moonshine.It's best to squirt it on the back of your tongue.Don't shoot it to the back of your throat!You'll get a helluva cough & it'll go up into your nasal cavity & get your eyes watering.I learned this yesterday.
Hey guys, im new to sarms and just started doing the 4 weeks cutting. Can someone explain is this stuff suppose to taste this awful? If so, ill.just.have to man up and deal with it, but good lawd!!!
It's suspended in grain alcohol, so of course it's not going to taste the best. They don't make these for taste. They make them for results. You'll get used to the taste in time. It's not even an issue at all for me. I don't even chase them with anything anymore. Just have to man up bro. It's really not a big deal at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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