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  1. T

    Upcoming strength cycle!

    How much stronger can you possibly get on it approximately?... Like 10 pounds strength gains per week or like 50pound strength gains in a matter of a few days?... Just a few analogies
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    Upcoming strength cycle!

    Damn, I hear so many amazing things about Halo, but at the same time, some scary shit too lmao.... I would love to take it but damn man, I have mixed emotions on it haha
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I most definitely will keep y'all updated but I'm not going to be able to start this in awhile because I just realized there's a lot of shit extra I have to buy from your list of compounds lol... By the way, what is a cycle assist?... I apologize for the multiple questions!.
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Oh ok I see.... By the way, can the pure essence clomids, aromasin, nolv, etc can be used for PCT for AAS also? Or it's only for SARMS?
  5. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I REALLY appreciate the help Dylan and I chose Sus because a Pharmacom rep, told me it would help with my football goals -____- So I guess I'll buy Test Cyp instead then!... How come Cyp is better than Sus?... I'm new to all this, so I love learning about all this lol
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I was thinking test and Winstrol also, but I've read that Winstrol really dries up your joints and I really can't risk that, knowing I'm going to be running a lot of hills, cutting and sprinting!
  7. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Oh ok I see.... So I have Sus500, proviron, Anavar, RAD140, SR9009, S4 and GW501516. How do I stack this?... Do I do them all together or do I do AAS 1st or SARMS 1st?... Somebody help me with stacking these compounds. Thanks in Advance!
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    And for Sustanon, how often do you have to pin?
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    So how long do you think the detection time is?
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hello Dylan, Thanks for this SARMS stack, I purchased all that you recommended today and I appreciate the help. I have a question, I have a Sustanon vial from Pharmacom but I'm kinda nervous to take it because I heard it can be detected in your system for over a year(18 months).... So what...
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    I get hype to: *Future* Young Jeezy Meek Mills Gun play Fabolous Rick Ross Yo Gotti
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I got other test's done as well, if you guys want to know anything else!
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Good Afternoon Gentlemen, I got blood work done 01/19/2016, and I wanted to post some of my result's on here, if you guys can let me know if my results are low or not! Maybe, these results could tell you a little bit more about me. Testosterone Total LC/MS/MS: 450 (ng/dL) Testosterone Free...
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hey brothers, I also want to stay lean!!! I don't want to get huge.... For my position, I can't be too big anyways and I like the lean, ripped body look.... My goals, is to be stronger, faster and more agile. So I honestly don't care in bulking, I just want to be really strong and fast lol....
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    So what's been the issue with you starting to fast?... Sorry to hear that bro!
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    I appreciate you guys help. I honestly do. As for me, to give you a brief history and stats of myself, I'm 6"2 230 pounds... I've NEVER done steroids or any PED.... I've never drank alcohol, smoked weed or anything. The worst drug I've ever done, was take pain killers, prescribed by a doctor and...
  17. T

    Endurance / GW / log

    Hey Dylan, Do you feel like the SARMS you recommended for me, would bring down my 40?... Like a 4.4 forty to a 4.2 or 10.9 100m to a 10.5, with the right explosive training?
  18. T

    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Even if I was to take 10mg daily of it, it'll still be toxic and dangerous?... Because I've heard it gets you REALLY strong, REALLY fast and that's what I need for football but I'm honestly nervous AF about it because some people say it's really strong and toxic lol.... But then, there's people...
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    Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

    Hello Gentlemen, Have any of you guys taken Halotestin before? And how did you feel when you took it and how much did your strength increased by?
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    Endurance / GW / log

    I love this type of log. When I get my SARMS, I'm going to log my before and after of my 40 yard dash improvements! I can't wait!
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