
Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

I'm about the same height. I've gotten up to almost 300lbs now and dude it was too much too fast. My body just started feeling it not too long ago and I had to slow my role.

Don't just go balls to the wall. I'd start with just sarms squeeze what you can out of that and go from there.

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Terror is right...For myself, I was on my way to getting as big as I wanted to be and I fluctuate at his size and below now but I'm older than he is...I'm pretty sure he'd agree; being a big dude is very overrated at times....I feel my best at like 225-245...but if I want I can beef it up much higher; it's not all that hard to do but there are so many issues that go with it...I generally end up feeling uncomfortable and at times far more unhealthy with all that extra mass...I'm sure him and I could go back and forth of all the negatives...but at the high weight my strength is unreal, I just, at this point in my life....plan on getting back down to 240, and working from there to the ultimate goal of like 215....I feel at that weight, I'd still be a beast, but a healthy I can do anything one...instead of a 280-300 or over lb Boulder....One last thing, before you know it you'll be at 235, then 250 hits, and it goes from there...something to keep in mind...

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Terror is right...For myself, I was on my way to getting as big as I wanted to be and I fluctuate at his size and below now but I'm older than he is...I'm pretty sure he'd agree; being a big dude is very overrated at times....I feel my best at like 225-245...but if I want I can beef it up much higher; it's not all that hard to do but there are so many issues that go with it...I generally end up feeling uncomfortable and at times far more unhealthy with all that extra mass...I'm sure him and I could go back and forth of all the negatives...but at the high weight my strength is unreal, I just, at this point in my life....plan on getting back down to 240, and working from there to the ultimate goal of like 215....I feel at that weight, I'd still be a beast, but a healthy I can do anything one...instead of a 280-300 or over lb Boulder....One last thing, before you know it you'll be at 235, then 250 hits, and it goes from there...something to keep in mind...

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Ha, and I am fanatical about my hair, I won't let go of it!

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Ya dht's will trash your hair bad. Haha I had awesome crazy think hair. No baldness in the fam. NOT NO MORE! Haha.

I agree 100% though. Very over rated at times. I will say I'm not a football player anymore either though. Maybe if I was 300 and could move on the field I would be a fan.

For me I follow bodybuilding so I just keep adding on muscle where I can. I fluctuate around. Always feel much much better cutting down.

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Oh man, I love some of the DHT juice, but I won't go near it anymore...ha....ya know too you hit it on the head...I played big time baseball, getting bigger and bigger, stronger was a huge I don't, so it's a much different is more of a concern....I'm sick of wearin' 3xl my arms and chest etc look good in them...yea...but do I feel like it's too much...yea too

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i need to knock on every piece of wood i see then because you both know i thrive on DHT's but luckily they dont get me and i hope they never do...

i would be in a million percent agreement... im a nutcase on being shredded and dry but i have been far bigger at know its not within my comfort.. when you add that kind of size, that rapidly, you already know the endless amount of strain that comes along with that and that is not short term... that's why so many steroid users suffer frequent injuries... do you remember Scott Steiner? after he turned into big poppa pump, although he was insanely fucking massive, he was ALWAYS injured... i mean like at least every few months and it just never stopped... it was always something knew... he grew way too fast and once you stretch tendons and ligaments, they dont stretch back.. they are permanently elongated and that is not a good thing... everyone has their comfort level but eventually most find being leaner is more comfortable and healthier... you can still be a fucking beast and not have to be in crazy size ranges...
perfect example from pics is RicRock 204lbs or so and he looks like he is fucking 220lbs or more. but it comes down to what you want and how you as a person want to look. for explosiveness and speed there are things to help you but you have to do it sloooowly so its safe
I'm in total agreement about staying at a healthy weight, and not trying to bulk up too quickly. If you try to do that, your body will definitely be trying to play catch up, and your jolts and ligaments will be taxed to the max.

Take it one step at a time, and do things slowly and the right way. I'm very happy staying lean, where I feel the best and perform the best. That's the way I always plan to stay without gong too far. I'd venture to say I only want about another 15 lbs of total muscle mass and that's all I'll want. At my height and frame, 210-220 is more than plenty

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
you know when we were young bucks that's all that was on our mind is to eat and drink as much protein powder and creatine and get "BIG" lol well that was my mindset anyways hahaha and now I just wanna be lean mean fucking machine
Hey brothers,
I also want to stay lean!!! I don't want to get huge.... For my position, I can't be too big anyways and I like the lean, ripped body look.... My goals, is to be stronger, faster and more agile. So I honestly don't care in bulking, I just want to be really strong and fast lol....
Hey brothers,
I also want to stay lean!!! I don't want to get huge.... For my position, I can't be too big anyways and I like the lean, ripped body look.... My goals, is to be stronger, faster and more agile. So I honestly don't care in bulking, I just want to be really strong and fast lol....
then make sure your diet is on point!!

here's a straight cutter with strength still being a key

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Diet will for sure dictate that. Just keep it clean and productive.

i completely agree... diet has to be spot on first... i dont care what kind of stack is set up, if thats not dialed in, full potential will never be reached... beyond that, the stack laid out is more than ideal for the intended goals.
Good Afternoon Gentlemen,

I got blood work done 01/19/2016, and I wanted to post some of my result's on here, if you guys can let me know if my results are low or not!

Maybe, these results could tell you a little bit more about me.

Testosterone Total LC/MS/MS: 450 (ng/dL)

Testosterone Free: 82.2

Testosterone Bioavailable: 194.1

SHBG: 20

Albumin Serum: 5.2

This is me naturally. I've never took any AAS before, so I'm posting this because I see it being posted in other threads as well. From looking at these numbers, is there anything I should know?

Thanks in advance!
if your looking for enhancements in the areas your asking, i have a strong layout for you... i agree with suraonyx about implementing plyometrics and squatting but i do have the proper enhancements here in a layout for you as well..

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

Hello Dylan,
Thanks for this SARMS stack, I purchased all that you recommended today and I appreciate the help. I have a question, I have a Sustanon vial from Pharmacom but I'm kinda nervous to take it because I heard it can be detected in your system for over a year(18 months).... So what steroid you think I should substitute for the sus?
Thanks in Advance!
Hello Dylan,
Thanks for this SARMS stack, I purchased all that you recommended today and I appreciate the help. I have a question, I have a Sustanon vial from Pharmacom but I'm kinda nervous to take it because I heard it can be detected in your system for over a year(18 months).... So what steroid you think I should substitute for the sus?
Thanks in Advance!

I don't know where you heard it could be detected for over a year, but that couldn't be farther from the truth with sustanon.

Generally what's best for the shortest detection times is shorter esters. Things like test propionate for example, but the problem is that it requires every other day pinning

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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