
Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

Anavar, you are totally fine...

Sarms are great. AAS is great. Together they are all that much better. Question is weather or not you can get away with it and avoid failing a test.

Anavar is a joke of a drug when it comes to toxicity and what it will bring as far as gains. The only thing counterproductive it's going to do for you is over pump your muscle tissue. The pumps on anavar are pretty ridiculous for most people. Just keep that in mind...

Idc who says l, you should run cycle support. Such as TUDCA and NAC weather or not you use the anavar. Even injectables have a slight level of toxicity.

Sust is a bit rough for a first time user idk what your history is...
You need to inject it 3 times a week or do to really maximize it. Some sust can have some nasty pip wich makes it not so comfortable in pads or while training.

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Keep in mind sustanon has the test deconate ester in it. So it will be in your system for a long time. Be careful how you time this. If you can trade it for something like test cyp, or even test isocaporate.

Proviron. Doesn't hurt if you got it. It's a mild dht. Don't expect much as far as strength or size from proviron.

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I wouldn't suggest Anavar it will have you too pumped to perform optimally. Are you a collegiate athlete because if so this stuff is tested man
I wouldn't suggest Anavar it will have you too pumped to perform optimally. Are you a collegiate athlete because if so this stuff is tested man

The calves are the worst too. I do get some serious cramping in the calf and tibia area on var.
I didnt play in the NFL, I know one guy who plays for the cowboys and I can think back to when I played football. The most ideal run for me would be test/tren/eq or test/npp/eq
This is without considering SARMS. Really man there are a lot of factors to it. I'm sure you train like an animal and eat well otherwise you wouldnt be where you are now. Most people coming around here for cycle advise really are not in the position to even touch steroids. I'm fairly confident that's not the case with you. Stats and cycle history would be helpful though.
I got serious pumps in my shoulders.. Man o man! I don't think you want Var OP. S4 can replace var and give you similar effects
ya I say stick with a sarms stack and test cyp maybe proviron, you still got time to tweak something later gw, sr9009 for endurance mk2866 for recovery. shit man I would do a super stack or superman stack that's what im on now. I love it
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Hey Dylan, quick question,
I have a vial of sus 500, Proviron and Anavar that I was planning on taking in April, should I cycle it together with the SARMS recommendation you gave me or do the roid cycle first, then hop on the SARMS or vice versa?
Thanks in Advance!

27 and going for the NFL, what position do you play?

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The calves are the worst too. I do get some serious cramping in the calf and tibia area on var.
I didnt play in the NFL, I know one guy who plays for the cowboys and I can think back to when I played football. The most ideal run for me would be test/tren/eq or test/npp/eq
This is without considering SARMS. Really man there are a lot of factors to it. I'm sure you train like an animal and eat well otherwise you wouldnt be where you are now. Most people coming around here for cycle advise really are not in the position to even touch steroids. I'm fairly confident that's not the case with you. Stats and cycle history would be helpful though.

You're actually offering some logic here that I think needs to be heavily considered...

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I think Dylan gave you a great stack with test cyp and maybe add some 2866 and or 677 with that

Rock, why do you think it's a good idea to offer, and let's just assume out of the 350-360 players that make it to the combine he is one of them, that he should take illegal PEDs, that if he did happen to get a spot, cost him that spot...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk is formerly pure essence and that is the best of the best. you do realize this may show up on a piss test so you want to come off of it about 2 months or so before any nfl or ncaa test

he has a year before the combine. I did say in the first page that shit shows up in a test and he needed a couple of months off before
We can't be offering that kind of advice guys, it could be utterly devastating in more ways than one...

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he asked what DG laid out the safest most effective way then he came back with the sust anavar question. CAN he do it, YES he can do what he wants. Would it be smart probably not, but if he has a year or more to prep, he can/could take some enhancements, tweak it a bit learn his body and what he gains he can maintain some for a few months thru the combine. If he were my 27 year old I would probably tell them the same shit. but also explain the consequences which we did. its better we advise him all of the what if's versus him learning from some meathead in the gym, like running anavar and not being able to run because of the muscle pumps.
Rock, I can live with that're right he ultimately will make his own decision and I'd hope he has a clearer head at his age...

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Rock, I can live with that're right he ultimately will make his own decision and I'd hope he has a clearer head at his age...

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He makes his choice at the end of the day. Dude already posses AAS. If he wants guidance on how to use these things we can help in that regard. I've already warned him in my advice as well about the potential to fail testing. Its his call from here.

We can tell you what car to buy and how fast it will go but the rest is up to you man. You go speeding and hitting old ladies hobbling across the road thats on you.
Hey brothers,
I appreciate all the feedback and help, I honestly really do. As far as testing, you'll be surprised how much collegiate and NFL guys juice, even some coaches are giving some selective players roids. However, as far as SARMS and AAS goes, I'm going to stop taking them by November or December, just to be on the safe side. I doubt they'll even test me until I'm fully emerged into the league, because how expensive these tests are, but it's better to be safe than sorry, so around the end of the year, I'll be done!
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