
Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

and I am not in this to compete or gain any athleticism just was out of control with my life after I retired from the air force and needed to get back in shape so I am competing with myself and father time bro

which you have done a phenomenal job with.... your transformations speak for themselves...
Hello Gentlemen,
Have any of you guys taken Halotestin before? And how did you feel when you took it and how much did your strength increased by?
Hello Gentlemen,
Have any of you guys taken Halotestin before? And how did you feel when you took it and how much did your strength increased by?

yes i have taken it... its the most toxic oral you can find... its for someone extremely experienced and there really needs to be a good reason as to why to use it... rarely is it recommended...
Hahaha what do you mean?... Why would it be such a dark road? Lol.... Also, I've heard Tren really messes with your cardio... Wouldn't it hinder me? What do you think?
All easily combated with different things.

I mean it's a bad one to mess with. You gotta determine what your willing to risk really. It's gonna do the job for what you need without any doubt.

BUT it will be in your system for a while and you may end up dealing with some unwanted sides. It's also the steroid thay you run and everyone else will know lol. There is usually no doubt people will flat out know your on preformance enhancing drugs if your taking tren. But Il tell you what if you can for sure get away with it youl be a beast.

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I think the dark road refers to peds and football...rock what have you done in the past? Test only? Did you have sides?

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Ya man you risk your whole career here.

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Hello Gentlemen,
Have any of you guys taken Halotestin before? And how did you feel when you took it and how much did your strength increased by?
If you can do it correctly its another one that will allow you to fuck some serious shit up. I'm not sure but look into how fast it's in and put of your system.

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Even if I was to take 10mg daily of it, it'll still be toxic and dangerous?... Because I've heard it gets you REALLY strong, REALLY fast and that's what I need for football but I'm honestly nervous AF about it because some people say it's really strong and toxic lol.... But then, there's people who have taken it and is fine.... Maybe there stash was bunk? Idk lol
Even if I was to take 10mg daily of it, it'll still be toxic and dangerous?... Because I've heard it gets you REALLY strong, REALLY fast and that's what I need for football but I'm honestly nervous AF about it because some people say it's really strong and toxic lol.... But then, there's people who have taken it and is fine.... Maybe there stash was bunk? Idk lol
If you run the proper supports you would be alright probably. 10mg a is pretty darn low in ran it at 20 personally. Dylan, idk what he ran it at. Think is you can't run it long at all dude. Like 3 weeks or so tops.

There's lots of shit that will make you a freak it's just a matter of your health and your career. Il tell you the facts and the probable scenerio, but can't really in good faith recomend it.

Halo is commonly used by powerlifters for the specific reason of the strength and agression. You would want to run all the supports you can with it. Like TUDCA, NAC and whatever else you can. It will also take a toll on several other things.

I didn't even think of halo man. Honestly if you look at stuff to add to sarms or some of the safer options like even test, it's not a terrible idea. Thinking about it I vet halo is probably a go to.

Orals are generally in and out of your system really fast.

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Personally I felt totally fine at 20 for 3 and a half weeks but I'm younger and never ever ever drink. I also run a crap ton of support.

Without a liver biopsy though who really knows what the hell that stuff has done.

My friend runs halo like a nut.

Man what is your history though. Like that would be at least something to go off. Anabolic history and stats. Have you ever used aas?

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I appreciate you guys help. I honestly do. As for me, to give you a brief history and stats of myself, I'm 6"2 230 pounds... I've NEVER done steroids or any PED.... I've never drank alcohol, smoked weed or anything. The worst drug I've ever done, was take pain killers, prescribed by a doctor and that's about it.... I've done very well in football without the need of AAS or PED, but now I'm starting to find out, more people are taking AAS than I think and I honestly just want more of an edge, because almost everybody is on some PED.... We have a LB, that's 20 and is a shredded 270pounds who benches 485 pounds, power cleans 455, and squats the same boulders TX Terror loves to herrass lol... He's definitely on the juice, he gets roid rage at random times of the week and destroys the locker room some times lol.... I just want an edge, I want to be stronger, faster, etc!
K so perfect. It's thay the case start slow and incramentally build up. Your receptors are fresh. No business messing with the advanced stuff yet.

Start with sarms.

Then later on maybe do a test run.

Later on down the road maybe test and deca or something and then just keep incramentally building like the rest of us did.

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I would just start with the sarms and progress from there cuz once you go to the darkside its hard to go back
See man I'm young and went to far too fast and kinda regret it. Not much older than your LB buddy there. Trust me he will be in the same boat as me. If you start slow and steady youl outlast his ass for sure.

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I'm about the same height. I've gotten up to almost 300lbs now and dude it was too much too fast. My body just started feeling it not too long ago and I had to slow my role.

Don't just go balls to the wall. I'd start with just sarms squeeze what you can out of that and go from there.

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So what's been the issue with you starting to fast?... Sorry to hear that bro!
Joints, and ligaments mainly.
Also the dht tore my hair up bad haha.
I also pretty much put myself in trt cause of what I used and how I used it. People are dumb man I was dumb. I was just taking shit to be a beast whatever it took. Bp is all jacked up too.

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