
Upcoming strength cycle!


I'm a powerlifter and my next meet is in July. My meet prep and cycle start around the end of March. My current stats are: 700-squat, 560-bench, 600-dead. I'm 26, 6'3" 289lbs @ 18% bodyfat and have been lifting for 13 years. My goals are to stay in the 308 weight class if possible, and total 2,000lbs. Here's what I have planned for my cycle:

16 weeks out
500mg Test C every 5 days
500mg EQ every 5 days
50mg Proviron ED
12.5mg Aromasin EOD

6 weeks out adding:
100mg Tren A EOD
50mg Winstrol ED

I'll be running a log here once I start. I have a little time yet, so I'm open to edits and critiques. Let's hear your questions and comments, brothers!
Those are some epic lifts. At least from my point of view lol. I will definitely follow a log for this.

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Good luck scuds. Is Proviron a strength blder ? I've never used.
Also why not add some Drol or Halo close to cycle end to get extra boost ?
This are some really impressive lifts! The cycle looks nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes for you. You could probably bump that EQ dose a bit if you'd like. It really shines around 800 a week. I'm also think a little Deca would be good in there, it gets me strong as hell and it's excellent to lubricate your joints for those big lifts

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Good luck scuds. Is Proviron a strength blder ? I've never used.
Also why not add some Drol or Halo close to cycle end to get extra boost ?

Proviron doesn't really give anything in terms of gains, but it does make you feel great while on it and compliments any cycle well. It also is mild with no side effects or toxicity

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Proviron doesn't really give anything in terms of gains, but it does make you feel great while on it and compliments any cycle well. It also is mild with no side effects or toxicity

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks Rick, good to know.
I like the Proviron for how it makes me feel on cycle and it's a nice compliment to a cycle just like Rick said. I've never used Halo.. Seems likes it's hard to find legit Halo. For my joints I take Pentosan. It lubricates my joints very well and is free of any real sides. As for the Drol, I can't not blow up on Drol. I'll be well into the super heavyweight class if I take it no matter what I do. I'll use it here and there in the offseason, but I want to stay in the 308 weight class for now.
@RickRock you think I should still up the EQ even though I'll be pinning every 5 days? I'm basically pinning a gram over 10 days. I've found that schedule works perfectly for me with test and wanted to try it with the EQ this cycle since it's a longer ester. What are your thoughts?
@RickRock you think I should still up the EQ even though I'll be pinning every 5 days? I'm basically pinning a gram over 10 days. I've found that schedule works perfectly for me with test and wanted to try it with the EQ this cycle since it's a longer ester. What are your thoughts?
Ah, ya bro I totally missed where you said every 5 days. I was thinking weekly. In that case I think your dose is spot on

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I'm a powerlifter and my next meet is in July. My meet prep and cycle start around the end of March. My current stats are: 700-squat, 560-bench, 600-dead. I'm 26, 6'3" 289lbs @ 18% bodyfat and have been lifting for 13 years. My goals are to stay in the 308 weight class if possible, and total 2,000lbs. Here's what I have planned for my cycle:

16 weeks out
500mg Test C every 5 days
500mg EQ every 5 days
50mg Proviron ED
12.5mg Aromasin EOD

6 weeks out adding:
100mg Tren A EOD
50mg Winstrol ED

I'll be running a log here once I start. I have a little time yet, so I'm open to edits and critiques. Let's hear your questions and comments, brothers!

Dam bro...I can do less than half of all those weights! I think your cycle is fine.
Thanks bro! I was thinking of adding Halo or oral Tren 2 weeks out. If I can find it legit. Any thoughts?
For what you are using it for in a powerlifting meet, it makes perfect sense. Just keep that down to no more than 2-3 weeks because of how harsh that shit is.

Can be hard to find a decent source for them though

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I have not tried it myself. But someone here recommended
Roids24 for Halo. I'm gonna try it

Saw it on their site last night. Wish somebody would use it and review it on here. Preferably not a Roids24 rep. If they have one. Shit, I'll just pick some up and see how it goes when I run it at the end of my cycle.
Saw it on their site last night. Wish somebody would use it and review it on here. Preferably not a Roids24 rep. If they have one. Shit, I'll just pick some up and see how it goes when I run it at the end of my cycle.

Pm TX terror. He is big on halo and will steer you in the right direction
Saw it on their site last night. Wish somebody would use it and review it on here. Preferably not a Roids24 rep. If they have one. Shit, I'll just pick some up and see how it goes when I run it at the end of my cycle.

I have used halo a few times but mine was pharm. It is very powerful....halo laughs at adrol and dbol. Naturally the stronger the more sides, so be careful with your dose.
I have used halo a few times but mine was pharm. It is very powerful....halo laughs at adrol and dbol. Naturally the stronger the more sides, so be careful with your dose.

Yes sir! I'm fully aware of the danger associated with Halo. Truth be told, most of the lifters I know who use Halo only use it on the day of the meet for aggression- like a preworkout from hell. I'd like to actually get some results from it which is why I'm looking at 2 weeks 3 max.
Damn, I hear so many amazing things about Halo, but at the same time, some scary shit too lmao.... I would love to take it but damn man, I have mixed emotions on it haha
I've used halo myself, and it was decent but I actually didn't get the huge strength gains that a lot of people do

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
How much stronger can you possibly get on it approximately?... Like 10 pounds strength gains per week or like 50pound strength gains in a matter of a few days?... Just a few analogies
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