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    phurious pharma review

    Looking forward to adding var from phurious on this next cut . I have been very happy with all of his previous products. I am starting my cut soon.
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    Feeling but not seeing results with eq

    The mental sides. It's not easy to explain. but I will think my wife is looking at other men!! And what is so strange is, if I am not on high eq, I wouldn't even care! I became very jealous, Of old boy friends. I will think she has a thing for her boss. That is the kind of thing Is what I am...
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    Feeling but not seeing results with eq

    There is mental sides that starts to come into play after 800 aw.
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    scale between Test-e + tren-e

    Re: RE: Re: scale between Test-e + tren-e Run it. Add in mast at 600. You should meet your goals. Boom done.
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    scale between Test-e + tren-e

    I am NOT conservative, when it comes to cycling. So this is not intended to scare you away from tren. But there is a few things that guys need to know. Do I get all tore up over the cardiovascular stuff said about tren? not really. Do I care that some people think they're going to go crazy and...
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    scale between Test-e + tren-e

    What is your goals? I didn't see the other thread. What is your stats?
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    1st injectable cycle need some suggestion

    Stay on the scales daily as you run this cycle. At week 10 if gains are not stalled then keep going. But if you see a big drop in gains and myostatin has kicked in than you will be spinning your wheels. Eq will continue to make you vascular and the winny can help you harden up and maybe cut some...
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    best pre workout you have ever tried?

    30mg Halo /75mg trne. + caffeine
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    Running test solo

    I agree 21 is to soon to start. You can get your self low T at an early age and be tide to a needle for life. But people do what they want, and usually just go somewhere else for advice. 10 weeks is all you will want to run. After 8 weeks your cycle will start to stall if you are eating and...
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    1st injectable cycle need some suggestion

    You have over thought this, which happens to lots of guys after reading and not having experience with what you are reading about. You are already in week 4. Just stick with test and eq. Both are awesome and both are not harsh compounds. Do not add any other steroids to the EQ and test. Your...
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    The 40 yr old re invented

    I am not disagreeing with what has been already said. But trt has benefits besides fat loss. It can change how you conduct your self. It will cause you to start thinking like a man again. You will no longer lay in bed thinking about little trivial stuff that doesn't amount to any thing, when...
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    PHURIOUS is a reliable source. You will be happy with your cycle.
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    Protein powders!

    I know everyone hates GNC, but I love the mass gainer complex. I love the taste. And it gives me no gas. Every other powder I have used, gives me gas, big time. It makes me wonder what is the difference. It seems to work well. And I get it from Sam's club. 10# for 40 bucks. Go figure.
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    Protein powders!

    Just for the record. Do you think good protein powder will cause excessive gas? Or does good protein powder, give no gas at all. I have used proteins that do one or the other. Which one is the real deal????
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    This is one that really hurts!!! Wet had integrity. When a man dies with his integrity still intact, he did something that few men do. May God bless his family.
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    best recomp/cutting cycle

    Week 1-12 Test e 500 ew Tren a 600 ew Mast p 600 ew
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    AY Review

    Re: RE: Re: AY Review Don't sweat it brother. I can buy any were I want. And I still love phurious.
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    AY Review

    I broke my deadlift PR last night using AY halo. It's bad to the bone!!
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    I am loving my PHURIOUS oils. Received a large order from PHURIOUS, discrete and well packaged. The trne/tne 150 is the best cutter I have ever used hands down. If you can handle daily injections, nothing will change your looks faster!!!!! Ps I have injected more than 400 mls of PHURIOUS oils. I...
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