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  1. J

    Sarms and fertility

    Does anyone have options on SARMS and SERMS affecting fertility in males?
  2. J

    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    Finally got down to 160 carbs and 160 protein and 60 fat, which is about 1860 cals and the pounds are finally coming off Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. J

    t3 or t4 experince?

    Ok, i was thinking more of doing a very minimal dose and see where that leads
  4. J

    t3 or t4 experince?

    Can anyone comment on experience and their dosing for t3 or t4?
  5. J

    Any legit Canadian domestic sources?

    check out pro
  6. J

    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    But I've been putting weight on which is good but the bf isn't dropping as much as I'd like to see so I'm simply getting bigger. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. J

    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    Thanks brother ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    That might very well be the case, i look tighter in the mirror,not feeling looser in the pants yet however.
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    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    Been on a caloric deficit for awhile and recently added Ostarine, but been putting on weight in the process. Is this normal ?
  10. J

    Rich Piana, All Day You May product!!

    That's at the store my dude Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Rich Piana, All Day You May product!!

    Yeah, the 90 servings size of xtend is 89$ online Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Rich Piana, All Day You May product!!

    I'll pay about double that for xtend, supplements up here are much more expensive than in the U.S. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. J

    Rich Piana, All Day You May product!!

    We have a online bulk supplier up here who does BCAA 1lbs for 29.99 and glutamine 1 lbs for 19.99 so I'm gonna try that next Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. J

    itchy from peptide injection

    Yeah I'm doing 2mg of tb500 a week which is a full vial. I figured what hell I'll just use less bac water but it might have been too concentrated. The redness and bump are almost gone. The itchiness was comparable to a insect bite Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. J

    itchy from peptide injection

    That's exactly what happened I used less than usual thanks man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. J

    itchy from peptide injection

    Pinned my weekly dose of tb500 2 days ago and its very itchy around that area, any thoughts?
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    Rich Piana, All Day You May product!!

    I always use xtend usually because it contains glutamine but tried Rich's stuff last time and liked it a lot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. J

    Calorie/macro counting

    Interested to know who here counts their calories and macros and who doesnt and your thoughts behind it
  19. J

    Sarms calculator?

    Does anyone have a sarms Calculator according to MG per Ml and length of cycle etc?
  20. J

    Pure Essence Exclusive "In honor of Dylan Gemelli getting married " extravaganza sale!!

    Re: Pure Essence Exclusive "In honor of Dylan Gemelli getting married " extravaganza sale!! Congrats Dylan! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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