
t3 or t4 experince?

T4 is about 25/30% as strong as T3. T4 converts to t3 in the body.

no matter how many mg of anabolics you are on, do not take more than 175mcg T4, or 75mcg T3 in a day. I dont care if your on 1g of tes & tren each.

dont go past those doses. Also coming off, you need to slowly taper down to regulate your metabolism. You speed it up so much, when you want to come off you need to slowly back down and off of it.
Jonc316 said:
Can anyone comment on experience and their dosing for t3 or t4?

t3 is going to eat away at your muscle so keep that in mind... its definitely not optimal... t4 is more so if you are using hgh
I personally wouldn't use either. I don't think it's a good idea to mess with the thyroid, and the catabolic properties are a big negative when there are a lot of other great options out there for fat loss
I've used T3 a few times.

It makes a small difference but a real difference. You taper it up and taper down. High protein diet will work the best and it takes about 2 weeks to recover.

Week 1 50mcg ed
Week 2 75mcg ed
Week 3 100mcg Ed
Week 4 150mcg ed
Week 5 100mg ed
Week 6 75mcg ed
Week 7 50mcg ed
Week 8 25mcg ed

Split your dose in 2. When I get to 150mcg I split in 3.

Some people will say "don't mess with your thyroid" but all observed studies show that everyone recovers within 2 weeks.
TheSVPdeal said:
I've used T3 a few times.

It makes a small difference but a real difference. You taper it up and taper down. High protein diet will work the best and it takes about 2 weeks to recover.

Week 1 50mcg ed
Week 2 75mcg ed
Week 3 100mcg Ed
Week 4 150mcg ed
Week 5 100mg ed
Week 6 75mcg ed
Week 7 50mcg ed
Week 8 25mcg ed

Split your dose in 2. When I get to 150mcg I split in 3.

Some people will say "don't mess with your thyroid" but all observed studies show that everyone recovers within 2 weeks.

if your intent on using it then this is the method to follow
gymrat827 said:
150mcg is a lot. i wouldnt go past 100mcg. even tapering up/down.
In my opinion, if you do not use anabolic steroids must not cross the 50 mcg T3.
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