
What's the one thing you can't give up?

That's pretty interesting I wish there was a wider selection of flavors but it's pretty cool you can make the protein how you want and take the things you don't like out

i like it for several reasons... the main one is you pick the blend... i get the soy free whey isolate at 35%, the micellar casein at 35% and the concentrate at 30%... the concentrate allows you to cook easier with it and it blends in the blender far easier... you can pick all your flavors and its nice because they have an entire selection of flavors that use stevia as opposed to sucralose... its a great site for protein...
Mr. Gattis Pizza has always been my weakness. I'm sure all my Texas folks know what I'm talking about. I can go a solid 2-3 weeks tops before the craving starts hitting me. 4 weeks without it is doing really good for me. LOL.
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