
What is better for general use? Armoasin Or Nolvadex


Hey guys been dealing with a issue thats really pissing me off as of latley. Nipple issues itchying and also when i flex looks like a fat pocket or pre gyno and a general sag in the chest area, General body softness. I have a bottle of armoasin and nolva dex i was thinking of jumping on one of them. Question is what is safer to take for a small boost in the physique? Last labs were taken 3 weeks ago. (i am not on any form of anabolics or ever took one) i been training for a good steady 6 years now body should be feeling and looking different im not longer lean its like my body just gave up. I can perform well only SOMETIMES. one day im strong as Thor or other days im weak as if i just started lifting. was thinking of taking a solid Week or 2 off of any form of weights.

Total test was 538

Serum Estrogen 111 out of a max of 190

Total Estrodial 23 out of a max of 39

Free test was right in the middle as well.

I train 4-5 times a week. Weights and Cardio but Cardio is brief just a quick 20-25 minutes on a bike or the stair mill at the gym.
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First of all, it is important to understand that you are talking about two different types of drugs here. Nolvadex is a SERM, while aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. So one of the qualities of Nolvadex is that it will stop estrogen from binding to the receptors at the nipple, Aromasin will stop estrogen in its tracks. Just kill it in its tracks, because it is a suicide inhibitor.
Have you not taken anything which could have initiated this problem in the past? Your estrogen could be a little lower, but I'd want to know why this began. How old are you?
First of all, it is important to understand that you are talking about two different types of drugs here. Nolvadex is a SERM, while aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. So one of the qualities of Nolvadex is that it will stop estrogen from binding to the receptors at the nipple, Aromasin will stop estrogen in its tracks. Just kill it in its tracks, because it is a suicide inhibitor.
Have you not taken anything which could have initiated this problem in the past? Your estrogen could be a little lower, but I'd want to know why this began. How old are you?

I appericate the response. im 29 years old 6'1 im at 192 in weight at the moment(thats nother issue ive gained some random weight) 2.5 years ago a Urologist gave me Clomid and Adex due to some erectile issues i was facing. Honestly didnt do shit in the boner department but honestly havent been feeling the same personally and training wise either since then
First of all, it is important to understand that you are talking about two different types of drugs here. Nolvadex is a SERM, while aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. So one of the qualities of Nolvadex is that it will stop estrogen from binding to the receptors at the nipple, Aromasin will stop estrogen in its tracks. Just kill it in its tracks, because it is a suicide inhibitor.
Have you not taken anything which could have initiated this problem in the past? Your estrogen could be a little lower, but I'd want to know why this began. How old are you?

When you say my E could be a little lower are you meaning the total Seurm Estrogen? or the Estrodial? and if you know does Armoasin Decrease all estrogen or just estrodial?
First of all, it is important to understand that you are talking about two different types of drugs here. Nolvadex is a SERM, while aromasin is an aromatase inhibitor. So one of the qualities of Nolvadex is that it will stop estrogen from binding to the receptors at the nipple, Aromasin will stop estrogen in its tracks. Just kill it in its tracks, because it is a suicide inhibitor.
Have you not taken anything which could have initiated this problem in the past? Your estrogen could be a little lower, but I'd want to know why this began. How old are you?

another symptom is my body is soft even when i flex as well. Feels like something is defintilty off and no this is not just in my head you can look at my body and tell. you dont work out for 6 years straight and then all of a sudden your not lean..nipples get puffy and muscles turn soft for no reason.
I honestly don't have much to offer here without more info. This is a difficult issue here, to me at least. Yes, aromasin is going to lower total estrogen and estrodial. Your urogist prescribed adex, which is used for the same issues aromasin is used (to lower estrogen) for a reason. Clomid, which is a SERM, idk, it can be used as a fertility drug so his reasons there aren't 100% clear to me. And you say this is when you began having issues?
Hopefully someone with more to offer than I will join in here, I'd like to understand this more clearly myself. I'm sure you'll get some more responses soon.
(And your estrogen isn't bad high)

Your hormone profile seems to be just about normal though, that's why im a little lost as to what might be done.
I honestly don't have much to offer here without more info. This is a difficult issue here, to me at least. Yes, aromasin is going to lower total estrogen and estrodial. Your urogist prescribed adex, which is used for the same issues aromasin is used (to lower estrogen) for a reason. Clomid, which is a SERM, idk, it can be used as a fertility drug so his reasons there aren't 100% clear to me. And you say this is when you began having issues?
Hopefully someone with more to offer than I will join in here, I'd like to understand this more clearly myself. I'm sure you'll get some more responses soon.
(And your estrogen isn't bad high)

Your hormone profile seems to be just about normal though, that's why im a little lost as to what might be done.

i appreciate the response. i wish i knew the answer as well. Yes at the time my total t was 560. So he thought it was a good idea to give me Adex and Clomid to boost my T. It rained it to about 660. but i honestly didnt feel any sort of difference. Once i stopped the medications after a Month of use my E went from 33 overall to about 52 so i definitive had a rebound effect. fast forward 2.5 years and problly 10 lab tests later this most recent one was the Lowest my E has ever gone or even in range my E has been slightly above the maximum limit since i came off that combo years ago. I am re dueing my labs just to be safe because im still having nipple/high e symptoms. i got a bottle of armoasin because my last lap i had high E but didnt want to take it currently because my E finally got in range
Yeah, you will see estrogen rebound with adex because it is not a suicide inhibitor like aromasin. Once you discontinue adex your estrogen spikes back up. This is one of the reasons we always recommend aromasin. I'll be following to see what you get figured out here bro.
adex seems like it destroyed my god damn life. Only tried it because a urologist told me too. I appreciate the responses. was thinking of taking a very low dose of either armoasin or nolva just for this nipple bullshit to atleast stop
it may just be water retention bro, what does your diet look like? sodium intake? potassium. are you doing a lot of protein shakes? etc etc
adex seems like it destroyed my god damn life. Only tried it because a urologist told me too. I appreciate the responses. was thinking of taking a very low dose of either armoasin or nolva just for this nipple bullshit to atleast stop
Nolvadex is not what you want for that bro, scrap that idea. That's just not what it's for. Get your blood drawn again like you mentioned and then perhaps if it comes back with higher estrogen levels aromasin may be the right option. Still waiting for some other opinions here though.
it may just be water retention bro, what does your diet look like? sodium intake? potassium. are you doing a lot of protein shakes? etc etc

i appreciate the response. My diet isn't perfect i have no desire to be on stage or any thing of that nature. i respect any one who does. Usually day consists of..3-4 eggs maybe some wheat toast or oatmeal. for lunch maybe steak or chicken with a cup of white rice..dinner consists of usually steak or chicken with a salad no extra carbs. and inbetween i eat almonds or cashews. i dont drink soda..or jucies only water. thats pretty much an average day..if its water retention what can i do to reduce this ?
Nolvadex is not what you want for that bro, scrap that idea. That's just not what it's for. Get your blood drawn again like you mentioned and then perhaps if it comes back with higher estrogen levels aromasin may be the right option. Still waiting for some other opinions here though.

yeah man thats the plan. The doctors are give me a hard time right now to get it rechecked because i just got it checked on the August 11th and it was in range with total estrogen and estrodial. But if it come backs in range for a 2nd time i have no clue what to do but you can clearly see something is off with the physique. Thinking of stepping away from the gym for awhile because i feel like im beating a dead horse. Weak as hell 3 out of 5 workouts and obviously nothing im doing is working. Seems like the more i work out the worse my body looks and feels now
You can get any hormone test you need done without a doctor's order at they will refer you to a local clinic for blood draw. It's affordable, and I have a coupon code you could use for 15% off, but it's only good for the next couple of days, so you'd have to order quick.
You can get any hormone test you need done without a doctor's order at they will refer you to a local clinic for blood draw. It's affordable, and I have a coupon code you could use for 15% off, but it's only good for the next couple of days, so you'd have to order quick.

i appceriate the information and atleast responding. These doctors are 0 help last one said " im sorry i cant help you further" and didnt even know what aromasin was
Give it some time here and you'll get more info than I can offer.

been trying for awhile now to get some help been staring at this armosin bottle for two weeks wanting to take it but i dont want to unless it was actually needed and suprisingly my last labs came back in range. same symptoms but good labs
It may just be your body composition bro. You might be over thinking a problem that isn't there. It happens to a lot of people that are carrying excess bodyfat, especially if things are within range.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
It may just be your body composition bro. You might be over thinking a problem that isn't there. It happens to a lot of people that are carrying excess bodyfat, especially if things are within range.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Appceriate the response rick. I understand where your coming from. BUt honestly what would expcially the random nipple bullshit and Massive weakness? ive had just about every lab test hormonally and general health tests as well
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