Hello all. New here, old time poster over at PHF before the owner past away and it got shut down.
160lbs (usually 175/180 but I've been sick, read below)
Training since early twenties when I was in the military
bf ~15% which is actually high for me
Have kids already
Get bloods often
I've run plenty of cycles before, mostly blasting and cruzing test e while throwing on other compounds during my blast. Long story short, I was injured and went on pain management and couldn't lift hard anymore. I did a proper PCT, but the pain meds crashed my test hard after years of taking them and I started getting what im equating to rebound gyno once I started tapering off my pain meds. So I'm dealing with that now, and it's going away.
Ive had low test scores for the last year since I started tapering off my pain meds and lifting again, doc says he wants me on TRT but VA doesn't want to pay for it because they think I'm still too young. Which is fine with me, I have a good source from a good UGL and I'd rather take what I want rather than what they tell me anyway.
I aquired my next run which will consist of
~600mg ew of test e
~300mg ew of deca
50mg dbol kicker for 4 weeks
And I have stain on hand at 12.5mg tabs that I'm probly going to start right away at EOD just because my nips are still a little puffy from that rebound crap, although not sensitive at all.
I've run all this before except the deca, which I want to run not only because it's a great compound for bulking, but also my joints tend to get dry on cycle and I have a bum knee/shoulder from the military. I lost almost 30lbs in the past 6 months from being sick, tapering off my pain meds, dealing with this rebound issue, and subsequently not training and eating properly, but I'm getting my weight and strength back up slowly now.
Kinda want to throw in eq after 2 months, but I'm iffy on the anxiety issues since I deal with that normally, but eating enough is hard for me sometimes, although the Daca might help with this also, no?
This cycle I really want to get back to how I felt I was at before my injury, so around 180 with ~10% bf. I'm thinking of running this for 20 weeks. Then cruzing at 250mg ew of test e. I've always been able to keep most if not all of my gains after PCT or cruzing so I'm hoping I can take off from where I left off on the blast after this one.
Any ideas, comments or suggestions are welcomed!