What’s up ladies and gents,
Decided to join the forums after snooping around for a year or so and watching some of DG videos on Youtube. Mostly looking to learn from many of you, experiment as well and learn to keep and open mind when the expert/pros are giving advice/recommendations. So here’s my general info:
38yrs old
15% BF
Prior Army
Strictly Fullbody/Strength Training Routine
1RM’s are:
Bench- 335lbs
Skwatt- 415lbs
Deadlift- 525lbs
Standing Press- 205lbs
Experience with PEDs:
In my 20’s I messed around with pro-hormones (mostly Superdrol) and oral only cycles (Dbol, Var, Winny...I was too much of a pussy to pin). I never PCT’d because I was too young, stupid, and ignorant to take anyone’s advice but luckily it didn’t really cause any damage. Decided to pin in my 30’s, around 35... mostly just test combined with an oral (dbol and var... I love dbol which I know many are not a fan of but makes me feel awesome in the gym). I’ve done a few cycles with that combination and I have done 2 test/deca cycle as well. PCT’d with nolva and clomid for the most part until my last cycle which I integrated HCG. Now I know I might get a lot of shit for this and that’s cool, like I said I’m here to learn but I’m not an advocate of heavy or large amounts of gear.... example 300mg of test and 175mg of deca a week. Not in it to look like a bodybuilder or Mr. Olympia but I just like to feel good and strong and that’s what works for me. Many of you might feel different and I can respect that. Messed around a bit with S4, GW and Ostatine. Decent results, got pretty lean, down to about 185lbs. I am currently on a prescribed dose of TRT at 200mg a week of test but I am looking to add some deca and dbol as well as trying caber for the first time to see how that makes me feel with deca. Never had issue with deca before but I might up the dose a tiny bit but that’s where I’m at right now... nothing is set in stone though. I think this forum is great which why I said “phuck it”, let me join the community and stop being an outsider. There’s probably more to be said but I’ll end it right here. If you have any questions or comments, let me know and I look forward to interacting with everyone.
What’s up ladies and gents,
Decided to join the forums after snooping around for a year or so and watching some of DG videos on Youtube. Mostly looking to learn from many of you, experiment as well and learn to keep and open mind when the expert/pros are giving advice/recommendations. So here’s my general info:
38yrs old
15% BF
Prior Army
Strictly Fullbody/Strength Training Routine
1RM’s are:
Bench- 335lbs
Skwatt- 415lbs
Deadlift- 525lbs
Standing Press- 205lbs
Experience with PEDs:
In my 20’s I messed around with pro-hormones (mostly Superdrol) and oral only cycles (Dbol, Var, Winny...I was too much of a pussy to pin). I never PCT’d because I was too young, stupid, and ignorant to take anyone’s advice but luckily it didn’t really cause any damage. Decided to pin in my 30’s, around 35... mostly just test combined with an oral (dbol and var... I love dbol which I know many are not a fan of but makes me feel awesome in the gym). I’ve done a few cycles with that combination and I have done 2 test/deca cycle as well. PCT’d with nolva and clomid for the most part until my last cycle which I integrated HCG. Now I know I might get a lot of shit for this and that’s cool, like I said I’m here to learn but I’m not an advocate of heavy or large amounts of gear.... example 300mg of test and 175mg of deca a week. Not in it to look like a bodybuilder or Mr. Olympia but I just like to feel good and strong and that’s what works for me. Many of you might feel different and I can respect that. Messed around a bit with S4, GW and Ostatine. Decent results, got pretty lean, down to about 185lbs. I am currently on a prescribed dose of TRT at 200mg a week of test but I am looking to add some deca and dbol as well as trying caber for the first time to see how that makes me feel with deca. Never had issue with deca before but I might up the dose a tiny bit but that’s where I’m at right now... nothing is set in stone though. I think this forum is great which why I said “phuck it”, let me join the community and stop being an outsider. There’s probably more to be said but I’ll end it right here. If you have any questions or comments, let me know and I look forward to interacting with everyone.