
Ultra Super Stack/ Mk-677


Hey everyone!

This is my first sarms cycle, using it as a bridge from my first test cycle. I'll give you some background info about me then layout my workout routine and stats.

I am currently 30 years old, 5'11" and have been lifting since my teenage years. Received my first weight set when I was 14 but had also grown up in a farm town so from a young age I developed muscle just from working hard, bailing hay moving farm forward a few years and I continued to do hard manual labor working in construction and took a more serious attitude towards the gym when I was 23. A couple months ago I did my first test cycle at 500 mg/week for 10 weeeks and finished off with 8 weeks of winstrol. Currently in my 3rd week of pct following Dylan's protocol and my PE order of the stack in the title will be here tomorrow (according to the tracking).

Before cycle I was 178 lbs. Guessing 10% bf.

After cycle I was 195 lbs. And around same bf.

During my pct i changed into a strength based program and kept my calorie intake up. I actually dialed in my training/diet more coming into pct because I was really determined to keep my gains.

Currently I'm 199 lbs as of this morning and clearly defined abs so I'm really happy with my progress coming into the sarms cycle. My goal is to be 205 lbs and ripped at the end!

Current workout routine is based on 4 basic exercises with a rep scheme for increasing strength.

1st workout

Bench Press- 5x220 Bent over BB rows- 5x195 Deadlift- 5x300 Standing Military Press- 5x135
1x250 1x220 1x340 1x145
1x255 1x225 1x345 1x150
20x165 20x145 20x225 20x95

I will keep my logs with the sarms as detailed as possible. Going to start the mk-677 right away followed by the ultra super stack 2 weeks after my pct is done. If you would like anymore info let me know!
Also current weights I'm using in my routine as of this morning.

Bench Press

Bent over BB rows



Military Press

I'll be following bro. You have a great stack that I think you'll love! What kind of diet will you be following with this cycle?
I'll be following bro. You have a great stack that I think you'll love! What kind of diet will you be following with this cycle?

That lose it app has been really useful, but so far I've been trying to keep my macros at 40/40/20. I calculated my bmr and its supposedly around 3400 so I've been shooting for around 3600 calories a day.

I'ts been working well so far, I'm up 1 pound from last week. I would like to keep that trend going until I'm at 205 then start cutting calories back a bit and sharpen everything up. I'll get some progress pics going tomorrow. Diet is not my strong suit by any means and I tend to keep it basic, eggs, milk, greek yogurt, oats, veggies. I'm open to any suggestions in that department.
Bit of an update, apparently the postal service isn't working on new years so my delivery is going to be delayed until Monday...disappointing.

PCT , just started week 3. I still don't feel like I'm "crashing" overall mood is well and I'm still really pushing to increase my strength. Really interested to see how my body responds transitioning from PCT into the sarms.

Does anyone know the color code for the bottles? I understand PE takes the labels off for international orders.
There he is!! Following along man, I know you were patiently waiting for this. Maybe even lost some patience [emoji6]
There he is!! Following along man, I know you were patiently waiting for this. Maybe even lost some patience [emoji6]

You have no idea! Lol its all good, the holidays definitely slowed down delivery but it'll be here.


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Thanks for following! There's been a lot of great logs on these sarms so I'm really excited to add another experience.
Morning workout.



Military Press


Deadlifts have been steadily increasing throughout my program. My goal for the end of my workout cycle is to be able to hit 315 for 20 reps and I'm fully confident I will be able to achieve it. Last time I was deadlifting over 400 pounds was 4 years ago. So it's been really nice to deconstruct the movement and come back at it with more knowledge than I previously did.

Other things to note since I made the switch to heavy weight/low volume...beginning to see more striations and muscle definition, more so then when I was on my test cycle which is really encouraging. Even saw a couple new veins pop yesterday in my forearms and biceps. ;)
So it's been really nice to deconstruct the movement and come back at it with more knowledge than I previously did.
This is perfect. A lot of guys don't realize that the deadlift is more of a technical skill than it is a show of muscular strength. Way to break it down and be smart about it!
Morning workout.



Military Press


Deadlifts have been steadily increasing throughout my program. My goal for the end of my workout cycle is to be able to hit 315 for 20 reps and I'm fully confident I will be able to achieve it. Last time I was deadlifting over 400 pounds was 4 years ago. So it's been really nice to deconstruct the movement and come back at it with more knowledge than I previously did.

Other things to note since I made the switch to heavy weight/low volume...beginning to see more striations and muscle definition, more so then when I was on my test cycle which is really encouraging. Even saw a couple new veins pop yesterday in my forearms and biceps. ;)

Nice update bro. Glad to see things off to such a great start for you.
Nice update bro. Glad to see things off to such a great start for you.

Hey Rick do you know the color codes for the bottles? I found most of them on the PE website but some of them are missing. I couldn't find the color codes for mk-677, s4 and sr9009.
Everything should be here tomorrow! Day off for me to so going to be nice and fresh for Monday, can't wait to kill it!
Hey Rick do you know the color codes for the bottles? I found most of them on the PE website but some of them are missing. I couldn't find the color codes for mk-677, s4 and sr9009.

I know S4 is green, and the MK-677 I have is mostly clear but has a slight yellowish tint to it. I'm not sure about SR9009 but I do know it is a thicker compound, so you should be able to identify it by that for sure
Everything should be here tomorrow! Day off for me to so going to be nice and fresh for Monday, can't wait to kill it!

Awesome to hear brother. Keep us updated on your thoughts on everything, and how everything goes for you!
I know S4 is green, and the MK-677 I have is mostly clear but has a slight yellowish tint to it. I'm not sure about SR9009 but I do know it is a thicker compound, so you should be able to identify it by that for sure

Awesome, I'll be able to figure it out with that info. Thanks!
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