
Trenbolone acetate

I've run tren 24wk. First 10wks EOD. Tapered every 3 days. Stopped 3wks(pct protocol) then went back to every 3 days... Told my Dr. I was taking some test boost supps from GNC. She had no clue but wouldn't give me any gyno meds. I asked to and explained how they work lol

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1How were your bloods?
2After 24 weeks tren im assuming w/ test prop?
3And during what were bloods like?

3.5) did u cht weight at end and during ?
4) clinton or trump
5) any sides start during this cycle and or after?

Much appreciated. Thanks in advance
1How were your bloods?
2After 24 weeks tren im assuming w/ test prop?
3And during what were bloods like?

3.5) did u cht weight at end and during ?
4) clinton or trump
5) any sides start during this cycle and or after?

Much appreciated. Thanks in advance

With prop.

Test was through the roof!!!
Estrogen was high. So was liver and kidney function.

I really don't like either Clinton or trump. I did like sanders for a while but I think what he was proposing was too radical for a country founded on capitalism. There has to be poor and rich here unfortunately...

Sides weren't too bad. Pct was on point with the HCG

Starting weight was 194lbs. Ended at 188lbs. Kept my physique together up until my hernia popped out of my groin.
With prop.

Test was through the roof!!!
Estrogen was high. So was liver and kidney function.

I really don't like either Clinton or trump. I did like sanders for a while but I think what he was proposing was too radical for a country founded on capitalism. There has to be poor and rich here unfortunately...

Sides weren't too bad. Pct was on point with the HCG

Starting weight was 194lbs. Ended at 188lbs. Kept my physique together up until my hernia popped out of my groin.

How long before kidney and liver function returned to normal ?

Did you have the occasional 2-3 drinks once every say 2 weeks ? (Going to get chewed up by the jedhi knight holy juicers for this question but whatever. How could u drink bro on gear bro ... Like why would u drink ever in ur life . Taking gear and having a beer makes u an evil human from hell bro . I can see the responses already)

Estro high even w/ aromsin dosed EOD? Any residual bitch tits? Dizzyness or anxiety post cycle?
lol.....I just give up on the idea of getting any sleep on tren, nothing works for me not even xanax . I put a kids bed liner on my bed for the sweats , pump the ac along with two fans on either side of the bed, shut off the lights and get that 3 hours of resting with my eyes closed.
lol.....I just give up on the idea of getting any sleep on tren, nothing works for me not even xanax . I put a kids bed liner on my bed for the sweats , pump the ac along with two fans on either side of the bed, shut off the lights and get that 3 hours of resting with my eyes closed.

There is a product i use

lol.....I just give up on the idea of getting any sleep on tren, nothing works for me not even xanax . I put a kids bed liner on my bed for the sweats , pump the ac along with two fans on either side of the bed, shut off the lights and get that 3 hours of resting with my eyes closed.

Keep carbs under control past 4pm
lol.....I just give up on the idea of getting any sleep on tren, nothing works for me not even xanax . I put a kids bed liner on my bed for the sweats , pump the ac along with two fans on either side of the bed, shut off the lights and get that 3 hours of resting with my eyes closed.

take a real hot shower and smoke a joint right before bed,always works well for me im on a tren/test cycle right now
I wish I could brother , I actually own a Mmj company and can't use thc it makes me paranoid these days . I have high / pure Cbd and even that doesn't help. Going to give the anesthetized by blackstone labs a shot .

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I wish I could brother , I actually own a Mmj company and can't use thc it makes me paranoid these days . I have high / pure Cbd and even that doesn't help. Going to give the anesthetized by blackstone labs a shot .

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Well dam that bites bro, it just works so well against tren sides. Good luck
Yea tren is no joke man, at first you're this alpha macho but in the long run turn to a basket case

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere

I discontinued tren ace today at the tail end of an enanthate cruise. Even the small dose I used I've been emotional and neurotic. No more for me. Not with the shit I have going on in my life.
I discontinued tren ace today at the tail end of an enanthate cruise. Even the small dose I used I've been emotional and neurotic. No more for me. Not with the shit I have going on in my life.

Yes bro I feel your the little depression phase will only last about a week after today's last pin. After that you'll be good.
You tren ace users - have you ever used tren E? People seem to really not prefer it, from most of what I've seen?

Is it the larger doses less regularly, rather than smaller doses more regularly?

If the compound is the same, I can't fathom why peeeps would willingly pin more regularly if they didn't have to, but this seems contrary? Folks seem to love Tren A and hate on Tren E for some reason?
You tren ace users - have you ever used tren E? People seem to really not prefer it, from most of what I've seen?

Is it the larger doses less regularly, rather than smaller doses more regularly?

If the compound is the same, I can't fathom why peeeps would willingly pin more regularly if they didn't have to, but this seems contrary? Folks seem to love Tren A and hate on Tren E for some reason?

Take tren a more stability blood wise eod or ed injections
A couple of years ago, I hit my first pin of Tren Ace on Saturday night. Forgot that I had an insurance cholesterol test on Monday. Fasted. Went and had test. My good cholesterol was like 5. I put the cork in the Tren bottle at that point. I really like the effect it has in the gym but it wipes me out. I want to sleep all day and I have a job that won't allow for naps... lol. And I struggled with Tren somnia so had to take noxytropin to sleep. But I was a beast in the gym for sure.

How high did you run your test during that particular cycle
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