
Trenbolone acetate

Eat 3 them bitches

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

Yeah right I'll start hallucinating and won't wake up for three days lol, does it take forever to kick in like Benadryl

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
I only took two & I'm already feeling tired gonna knock out in like 20.

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
Yea tren is no joke man, at first you're this alpha macho but in the long run turn to a basket case

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere

very true... it comes on out of nowhere too... you have to keep the doses low to get through the cycle... otherwise, those sides are inevitable... it sucks something that amazing has to be that shitty at the same time
very true... it comes on out of nowhere too... you have to keep the doses low to get through the cycle... otherwise, those sides are inevitable... it sucks something that amazing has to be that shitty at the same time

Yes kinda like with great power comes great responsibility

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
Tren is nothing to take lightly. You must respect it, and if you don't you will pay for it. That is the absolute truth. About 14 weeks is the longest I've ran it, and by the end, I was ready for it to be over with for sure

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Cardarine GW - 50 did not bring HDL up i am shocked?

I'll be the first to say I've ran it for a long period and have the worst bloods of my life on it. My good cholesterol was a staggering.. 12.

Thats varies greatly from individual to individual, there is no way to give you an exact dosage/length as its different for everyone.

Cardarine GW - 50 did not bring HDL up i am shocked? I thought to combat HDL dropping adding Cardarine would do the job?
whats the hell part? I feel these weird sensations in my brain kinda like shocks or zaps. is this normal? I'm running cut mix 150 50/50/50 mix.. tren ace /mast/ and test prop and adding in 50 mg of ten ace running it ED
is the cut mix 150 a joke compared to the real tren ace ? I have been mixing the cut mix 150 with tren ace to bring then dose up to 100 total w/ prop at 50 mg with masteron at 50 mg .
I took tren ace w/ test eth 14 week cycle months ago and after completion I started to feel a dizzy sensation when walking around . I believe the reason was that post cycle I crashed my e2. side note I did not take caber to protect from prolactin sides . I have been dying to know what the hell went wrong
Ny didnt you throw some methyl tren in there at the end cause a sponser wanted you too log it think I remeber something about that .do you think that had a worse effect on uour lipid profile
Cardarine GW - 50 did not bring HDL up i am shocked? I thought to combat HDL dropping adding Cardarine would do the job?

It does help considerably....but everyone is different and who is to say what things would have looked like had he not used GW. Things could have been even worse.

when you run a combo like Tren and anadrol its going to be too much even for GW to combat it entirely on its own

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
is the cut mix 150 a joke compared to the real tren ace ? I have been mixing the cut mix 150 with tren ace to bring then dose up to 100 total w/ prop at 50 mg with masteron at 50 mg .

All blends are a joke in my opinion

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Bro I was on ace seven months. Fish oil, every supplement under the table, prescription cholesterol meds, etc. Your absolutely cannot run tren that long. Kills you. Literally.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

A couple of years ago, I hit my first pin of Tren Ace on Saturday night. Forgot that I had an insurance cholesterol test on Monday. Fasted. Went and had test. My good cholesterol was like 5. I put the cork in the Tren bottle at that point. I really like the effect it has in the gym but it wipes me out. I want to sleep all day and I have a job that won't allow for naps... lol. And I struggled with Tren somnia so had to take noxytropin to sleep. But I was a beast in the gym for sure.
It does help considerably....but everyone is different and who is to say what things would have looked like had he not used GW. Things could have been even worse.

when you run a combo like Tren and anadrol its going to be too much even for GW to combat it entirely on its own

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

that combination is one i NEVER recommend... the sides are far too extreme and of course your going to have problems with that combo, regardless of what you add to combat things... when you are flat out abusive with what your running, what would one expect?
A couple of years ago, I hit my first pin of Tren Ace on Saturday night. Forgot that I had an insurance cholesterol test on Monday. Fasted. Went and had test. My good cholesterol was like 5. I put the cork in the Tren bottle at that point. I really like the effect it has in the gym but it wipes me out. I want to sleep all day and I have a job that won't allow for naps... lol. And I struggled with Tren somnia so had to take noxytropin to sleep. But I was a beast in the gym for sure.

So you took trenA on saturday and by monday your hdl was 5? Well then it was 5 before you started.There is nothing that I can think of that will rack your hdl and ldl in 2 days bro. It takes tren more than a few WEEKS to start effecting cholesterol values
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