
Trenbolone acetate

So you took trenA on saturday and by monday your hdl was 5? Well then it was 5 before you started.There is nothing that I can think of that will rack your hdl and ldl in 2 days bro. It takes tren more than a few WEEKS to start effecting cholesterol values

Causality would definitely be suspect then. I was just so shocked at the time that I cleared it, worked to clean things up and had it back in line pretty fast... 30 days or so if I recall. All I was on other than tren was Test C...which should not have done such a number on it right? My normal hdl would be in that 50s range. A little lower on cycle. LDL runs 120s to 130s. I have gone on an every other day regimen of red yeast rice plus GW and it really stays solid even on cycle now.
Thanks 4 the response i need all the help i could get .. Been running gear 4 7 years im 32 now every year i learn more but i never used forums to there full potential
Yes this is like a CVS brand of unisom. I'll have to look into doxy because with this stuff I have the increase the dose with time. Melatonin doesn't do anything lol

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere

I don't know what unisom has in it but diphenhydramine is just benedryl. Just an antihistamine.
Hell yea I took 4 yesterday cuz I had insomnia and it was a big mistake. Woke up at 4pm today

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
it most def .. but the gainz brutal. LOLL

Not as brutal as
By the way 100% proof that trenbolene use gives way to Alzheimers and destroys your ability to memorize and diminishes your sense of direction . But you will be swole
When you mix athletics that cause the brain to touch the skull from blunt impact .. Now your really cooking up a shit storm ... Thats what im interested in seeing down the line
Thats why i was asking after my first cycle of tren ace 100 mg eod and test eth at 500 mg per week for around 12 weeks right at the stop i started to have severe dizzyness at approx 9 -10am until i slept at night .. Dr.s did mri bloodwork nothing showed to be wrong with the exception of an extremely low E2 most likely from the over use of arimidex but i always wondered was this the result of the tren ace . I suffered with this for over two months post cycle .. Psychiatrists intervened put me on 200 mg of zoloft and sure enough months later it stopped dizzyness completely ceased . However now i am back on a regimen of 100 mg ED thinking this would mitigate sides but im begining to feel some brain wavyness sort of like zaps or something i tapered off of zoloft completely and i am looking for answers . Does tren ace cause this dizzyness or electric zapy kind of feeling in the brain?
Thats the puzzle man bp was perfectly fine i trained 6 weeks out from contest with tren ace i dont understand and i feel sadly i will never know why tren gives me these brain wavy zappy feelings .. Do u feel anything of the sort ?
I hope this cycle goes well if u have a little time maybe u could pm me a nice cycle with ace and prop dosage and AI advice during and post every little bit of advice will be awesome
I am thinking baout doing this for my next cycle...i am 6'4" 262lb

what would be your advice if i added EQ ? What would be a good dosage for this scenerio?

My PCT would be an 4-6 week cycle

I've run tren 24wk. First 10wks EOD. Tapered every 3 days. Stopped 3wks(pct protocol) then went back to every 3 days... Told my Dr. I was taking some test boost supps from GNC. She had no clue but wouldn't give me any gyno meds. I asked to and explained how they work lol

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