
Titan Research Gear Porn


Got my stuff today "Looks" good. Pinned fine. Doing 250cyp & 100Tri-Tren EOD in 6 weeks from today will get my blood work done and see what comes up. Im currently on Pharmacy Cyp 200 EOD and 4iu Growth also Pharmacy. So if the Cyp isnt legit I will be able to tell sooner then 6 weeks. Other thing threw me off. No caps?

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I wrote Titan Research labs asking about the caps. No response as of yet. They always reply and were good on shipping. @titanresearchlabs

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I was wondering exactly what they meant by no flip top. I'm planning on placing an order with them soon. I can't not at those prices
Flip tops would be a nice touch but hey some sources choose to use them and some don't. What matters most is whats inside. Get those bloods bro and post them up.

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@taurus up until now and I have been doing this since 94 this is a first. But wasnt using UGL's then. Was all about our good friends south of the border. Some people mentioned something about sanitary being better with caps? I could be wrong. 😂

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All the gear pics I have seen on here all have caps. @taurus reference another company that doesn't use caps

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@DTA707 Price matters but finding something not underdosed and legit is more important. You pay less but then gotta wonder why it's so cheap. That's my 2¢ worth though.

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Got my stuff today "Looks" good. Pinned fine. Doing 250cyp & 100Tri-Tren EOD in 6 weeks from today will get my blood work done and see what comes up. Im currently on Pharmacy Cyp 200 EOD and 4iu Growth also Pharmacy. So if the Cyp isnt legit I will be able to tell sooner then 6 weeks. Other thing threw me off. No caps?

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That's nice[emoji106] [emoji109]

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Titan just wrote me back about the flip tops/Caps Not that I can verify what he says is the case. I do feel allot better/good about what I'm working with now. On to to the final chapter.

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@DTA707 Price matters but finding something not underdosed and legit is more important. You pay less but then gotta wonder why it's so cheap. That's my 2¢ worth though.

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I completely agree with you on the price/quality issue. My understanding is that all the sources on this particular site are legit. I wouldn't order some random cheap gear without hearing good things and seeing good bloods
I completely agree with you on the price/quality issue. My understanding is that all the sources on this particular site are legit. I wouldn't order some random cheap gear without hearing good things and seeing good bloods
@DTA707 Whelp meet the titanlabs guinea pig. I'm sure in the next couple weeks I'll know if it's gonna be on point. Since I'm starting in mid cycle and I'm strong as shit currently atleast for myself I'm strong 505 bench for 2 at 227lbs 5'10 I was eating clean to be lean for summer now fall is here and weather in the PNW is shifting so i can start upping calories and hopefully with the help of Titan labs get even stronger. Or the opposite will happen limp wang and allot of crying😂 but either way insurance covers my blood panels so I will get one and see what's up. And post a picture with the date etc etc. I took tren hex before and I looked super human so I'm hoping for the return of that.

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@taurus up until now and I have been doing this since 94 this is a first. But wasnt using UGL's then. Was all about our good friends south of the border. Some people mentioned something about sanitary being better with caps? I could be wrong. 😂

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caps dont make any more sanitary, caps are not air tight they just provide a cover in top. The sanitary mechanism keeping everything out is the rubber stopper
@SD might stop people from licking the top 😛. Joking. Ya I'm not worried anymore. Now the waiting game.

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All the gear pics I have seen on here all have caps. @taurus reference another company that doesn't use caps

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Robolics, Mad Science, and Alpha Project just to name a few all use no caps, and they all have damn good gear. I actually prefer no caps if I'm gonna run ugl gear, since I know the vials were sterilized by an actual medical laboratory facility, and the gear is filtered into the vial through a syringe filter, so you aren't depending on the ugl to keep the vials sterile during the filling process. If they're just filling open vials that still have to be crimped, the gear is subjected to airborne contaminants since your average ugl isn't gonna have the sterility of a pharma lab.

I've ran Titan gear for awhile now and have had nothing but great experiences all around bro, so I think you'll be more than satisfied!
@Bigbassturd thanks. I hope your very right! I like when I can establish new relationships. Some one PM'd me saying the same thing about the other companys u mentioned. 💪💉

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No problem man, I've been around this for a long time and have seen a lot of good gear from UGLs, with and without caps. What matters is what's inside, and all of my experience with Titan has proven to me that they have the customer in mind with everything they do. I have ran bloods on their gear and had great results, and seen the changes in the mirror too.

Be careful running that Tri tren at even 100mg eod unless you are experienced with it bro, I had to back off a little after about week three at that dose when I could barely stay awake at work and was sweating so much at night I had to buy a new mattress. Got strong as fuck though. Ran it for 12 weeks with test and EQ and looked like a freak
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