
Titan Research Gear Porn

@bigbassturd ya the EOD so far in week 2 nothing except and I am assuming from past experience with tren enan I having ridiculously retarded dreams that are well above average real leaving me tweaked when i wake up. No sweats,no strength as of yet no weight gain to speak of. But only weak 2.

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@bigbassturd what's your recommendation on dose of not eod

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With Hex and E I've always had to play it as it came, both never really hit me hard until around mid-late week 3 and I would adjust up or down based on how I was feeling. The 100EOD is probably your best baseline to judge off of, and when the sides start rolling in you will know where you want to go with it.

I wouldn't up the dose with any long ester tren until you know how it's going to affect you, just in case you want to back off the dose, it would still take like two weeks before the sides start to ease up. You're at the dose I'd recommend for now though, another week or so give or take a couple days either way and you should feel it come rolling on pretty strong within about two days, at least that's always been my experience with long ester trens
@Bigbassturd I will give it a shot. Started the 9th so still have a little over a week to go. I'm antsy as I want to know I'm working with legit so can't wait for any kind of sides.

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@Bigbassturd I'm in need of a 3rd opinion. So I got my Titan and started Sept 9th. I was on my script Cyp 200mg EOD in combination with my script gentropin 3.6iu a day. Leaving me strong vascular good size for my weight as growth keeps you full if diet is on point and pumps were ridiculous. So now 16 days later pump is half if not a 3rd of what it was. I have lost 5lbs and I eat just the way I always have clean 6x a day plus shake meals are lean meat 6-8oz 30-40 grams carbs spinach salad or asparagus. Except for breakfast 8 whites and 2 whole eggs with spinach mixed and cup to cup and a half cream of rice. Gallon and a half water a day. Soooo, now I look and the mirror something looks off my are always first to show signs of dwindle. 20" now 18" weight down and my mail lady asks me if I'm dieting she says you look like your losing weight? I think fluke. Tonight at work 2 separate people who are used to seeing me jacked walk up and say u leaning out??? I'm like uhh yea taking a break for a minute. I had said to you I'm taking Titan 250cyp EOD And 100mg Tren Hex EOD as well. So by now I should have any kind of signs of tren beginning stages sweats,sleeplessness,Agression,Strength on a serious rise when in combo with the 250cyp 50mg more then what I was on I should have a little more size ridiculous pumps and throwing weight. I'm the opposite. So the opinion I'm asking was I'm strongly considering getting my blood work done this Fri rather then waited another month when I will have lost what I worked for altogether. Is 21 days which I kind of know the answer enough to show me the severe drop I need on my panel to make my point on here? When I see other people do this on this forum people have a tendency to be attacked. I don't want that but I also wasted $$$ to make this point. Have their tren enan but y start till after this panel thinking Fri. Then start the ROBO CYP I ordered from his sale everyone says nothing but good things about him. So I have a rainbow hopefully from this. To bad I had to throw money To The wind. 😕

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I would contact them bro, they've always made sure to take care of any issues, so get them involved with an email and see what's up. I really doubt you've thrown money away dealing with someone on this board, you just need to contact them first
I would contact them bro, they've always made sure to take care of any issues, so get them involved with an email and see what's up. I really doubt you've thrown money away dealing with someone on this board, you just need to contact them first
I 100% agree with you
I would contact them bro, they've always made sure to take care of any issues, so get them involved with an email and see what's up. I really doubt you've thrown money away dealing with someone on this board, you just need to contact them first
I did write him. Several times. I'm right now turning in my script for blood work as I write this

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I would contact them bro, they've always made sure to take care of any issues, so get them involved with an email and see what's up. I really doubt you've thrown money away dealing with someone on this board, you just need to contact them first

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@Bigbassturd you mention contacting them and I did. Also it would b ok if only cyp was weak or non existent. But the tren also? At that point I would say more than a slip up. I'm going to start ROBO cup today and see what changes I can see. Titan was really helpful in explaining questions I had on other things like raws and why other people charge more etc. But the odd thing that stuck out is when I wrote him how long roughly till hex starts working. No reply. I realize people are busy as well. But he answered any other question with great replys. IDK I have spoke with someone else who PM'd me on a question on PIP and I wrote him asking what he is seeing. He got Deca & Tren he said Deca seems legit but zero sides from tren and he is sensitive to it. So again. Not making waves. But my blood test will tell me. Just HATE wasting Time and Money. But I guess I'm in a learning curve again.

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I would contact them bro, they've always made sure to take care of any issues, so get them involved with an email and see what's up. I really doubt you've thrown money away dealing with someone on this board, you just need to contact them first
@Bigbassturd they told me they are new to the Board? How did they take care of previous issues if they are new?

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I have a weird feeling about this. I'm very confident you'll be happy with robo. Haven't tried them but I hear nothing but good things
@dta707 guess I need to order more stuff. My cycle is jacked and right in the middle.

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Well looks like I have a sale on titan cooking oil if anyone is interested 😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢

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There are some serious red flags going on with Titan. That bogo seemed a little too good to be true
I did write him. Several times. I'm right now turning in my script for blood work as I write this

Sent from my SM-N930T using Tapatalk
Wow what date was the first time you contacted him? Last I heard the new list was coming out very soon and I too look for the announcement, but he has been silent on the boards as of now. I understand it takes time to switch locations and get re-adjusted. Honestly I liked this new source a lot hope he pops up around here soon...
I'd imagine they'd make things right. Everyone does get bad raws at some point
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