Ive researched it quite a bit, here's a post from another board from a guy who went all out
Comparison between 100mg test Sub-Q and IM (with labwork)
Figured I would make a post specifically for this now that I have my results.
Quick summary, blood work using 100mg test-cyp 1 injection weekly, no other ancillaries used, timing of shot was Sunday morning. Reasoning was to get a real comparison between using test Sub-Q and IM. No other variables to cloud the results. I know protocols call for AI, HCG, multiple shots and so on. This is to get a result from just testosterone 1x a week using IM and Sub-Q delivery methods. These are MY personal results so if you have different results I encourage you to post them.
Results from labwork (100 mg Test-cyp Sub-Q 1x a week)
Estradiol 21.2 7.6-42.6 pg/mL
Testosterone , Serum 366 348-1197 ng/dL
Testosterone, Total, Lc/Ms 334.0 348.0-1197.0 ng/dL
Testost., % Free+Weakly Bound 30.8 9.0-46.0 %
Testost., F+W Bound 102.9 40.0-250.0 ng/dL
So when I did 1 shot IM 100g a week, my Total test was 792, over 2x what it is using Sub-Q.
This is a slight increase from baseline which was 284.
Baseline (no testosterone injections) 284 ng/dL (Sept 12, 2012)
100mg Test-Cyp 1x a week Sub-Q 366 ng/dL (Jan 3, 2013)
100mg Test-Cyp 1x a week IM 792 ng/dL (May 11, 2012)
Ill be switching back to IM with a drop of ldex 1x a week to keep the e2 in check. This explains why I have been feeling tired lately.
Bottom line, Sub-Q is not as effective as IM for me. IM shots are 2x as effective for raising testosterone levels with the same dosage and timing.
Question: Why did you switch from IM to Sub-Q if your test was good to begin with?
Answer: I wanted to see what impact sub-q had on my RBCs and test levels, in addition sub-q is much easier than IM. I know from experience HCG is effective sub-q so I was hoping injecting test sub-q would give me similar results.
Question: How long did you do Sub-Q or IM before getting test results?
Answer: 6 weeks on each protocol before getting labs.
Question: When did you get the labwork done in relation to the injections?
Answer: Labs were done on Wednesday, injections were on Sunday so 3 days after.
Last edited by GFA; 01-12-2013 at 10:08 AM.