
Primo inquiry cycle


New member

Came across your YouTube videos and I wanted to send you a direct message about Primo. Sadly, Primo is highly counterfeited. I normally do a TRT cycle, however I want to incorporate primo into my cycle. I'm not a bodybuilder, nor I planned to be home I enjoy taking care of my body and look good.

Since Primo is a very safe steroid to use I'm leaning towards Primo, Anavar and T3 cycle. I'm confused about the dosages, 300/400 per week 600mg etc.? I want to do a safe cycle~

Anyway, looking forward to your assistance or guidance~
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i want NOTHING and i mean NOTHING to do with discussing sources.. the minute i make a recommendation and the slightest thing goes wrong, guess who gets blamed?? so you can see why that is not anything i want my name involved in whatsoever... there is a source section here where you can ask and get help…
you want to take care of your want to use T3..WTF..bro you need to do alot more research on T3 (not from BBing sites)

Also..the only guys I know that ever want to use because they are need to concentrate on proper nutrition and cardio...NOT LOOK FOR A CHEMICAL SOLUTION
you clearly dont have a clue what you are doing either man... what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? how many cycles have you ran?
40yrs old, 5'06, 158lbs, 12bf, I'm on TRT now but I have done numerous cycles when I was into bodybuilding. I've done many cycles but I'm no expert and that is why I am asking questions. My goals is to lose some bf, lean out a bit more. I'm very active in regards to working out, professional life, and mix martial arts. I came here for help not to get ridiculed for asking simple questions. If anyone wants to help or provide guidance than I will appreciate the assistance, but negative comments, or flaming is not cool~ Nobody comes into this world knowing everything, we all have to learn and ask questions and lastly, I don't rely on a chemical solution to assist me however... AAS is an addition on top of proper diet, nutrition, cardio, etc etc. Thanks
who ridiculed you dude? seriously, im so sick and tired of the need for hand holding... it absolutely ridiculous... im sitting here having to waste time to coddle you because you say you were ridiculed... if this is ridiculing then i dont know how you even survive in the real world... you made several errors in your first post that were pointed out to you and were asked for stats which ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE YOU ANY SORT OF HELP... i pointed out you didnt know what you were doing because you don't... how is that ridicule?? explain that to me? did i beat you up about it? show me where that occurred please... lets waste more time on that instead of getting to the help part
who ridiculed you dude? seriously, im so sick and tired of the need for hand holding... it absolutely ridiculous... im sitting here having to waste time to coddle you because you say you were ridiculed... if this is ridiculing then i dont know how you even survive in the real world... you made several errors in your first post that were pointed out to you and were asked for stats which ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE YOU ANY SORT OF HELP... i pointed out you didnt know what you were doing because you don't... how is that ridicule?? explain that to me? did i beat you up about it? show me where that occurred please... lets waste more time on that instead of getting to the help part

Dylan, first of all I didn't post a question to your board. I sent you an email directly to you in private than you respond to me and ask me to view my email question on your forum. Coddle me? No there’s no need for that, with 21 years in the public safety field and 17 years in the military with 3 combat tours under my belt doesn't qualify me for coddling. Now lets get to what’s important which is a cycle suggestion, I already have testosterone as a base and plenty of it, also I ordered primo and ghg from a reliable source and I have plenty of PCT goods too. I have never ran primo so I decided to inquire within. If I don't know what I'm doing than help me out for everyone needs guidance. I wish not to get into mindless points of views constructive criticism works best. Besides I’ve been out of the AAS game for quite sometime so that doesn’t help much~ So I maybe naive about a few things~ Thanks
you dont need a pct with being on trt... you said you were on trt correct? i dont recommend t3 to anyone period... are you set on running that?? i wont advise on that because i DO NOT recommend messing with your thyroid in any way, shape or form... some may disagree, but i dont care, i dont ever think thats a good idea without the care of a doctor... im also not very big on anavar but if you are set on it then i will advise how to run it but winstrol is a FAR better option
" I don't rely on a chemical solution to assist me"

REALLY...please enlighten all of us dumb asses that have been in this lifestyle for many many years...just WHAT is the benefit of running T3???...

Are you deficient???
I'm sure your TRT Dr would of caught that when he diagnosed you as hypogonadal...but hey..maybe not..there are a lot of Dr. dispensing TRT without a proper work up
So...IF you do need to be treated for Hypothyroidism... you need to be under the care of a qualified Dr that can monitor you and help keep your thyroid in balance

OHHH...wait a weren't diagnosed hypogonadal...were you? ....Sounds like you are self medicating...because no one on legit TRT calls it a cycle
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Your stats are not that bad. You need to do a recomp cycle and get your diet straightened out. You're really not that far off.

If you're on "self prescribed" TRT then just say so. It's nothing to be ashamed of many do it because of the ridiculous cost of health care. Just educate yourself and do bloodwork often.

There is no PCT if you're on "TRT". When you're done with your cycle just go back to your TRT dose of Testosterone.

If you're on "self prescribed" TRT ... many do it because of the ridiculous cost of health care. Just educate yourself and do bloodwork often.
LET"S JUST NIP THIS NONSENSE IN THE BUD......because it's potential dangerous incomplete information...

The reason to get a qualified diagnosis is NOT ONLY to determine IF you are hypogonadal and come up with a suitable treatment option

But also... to TRY TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE!!! WHICH IN SOME CASES CAN BE LIFE THREATENING... testicular cancer being a big one...pituitary tumor being another
No amount of "research" you do is going to make YOU you're going to order a Pituitary MRI?

Yes...after being diagnosed and under stable treatment for at least a year.. can do your own bloodwork and monitor yourself..although I think it's false economy not to consult your Dr on a yearly basis (bring in your own bloodwork)

HYPOGONADISM is a disease...
It needs to be treated as's so much more than just getting a low serum testosterone score, having some symptoms and away you go
If your in your 50ies and beyond....the most logical cause for the disease is going to be general aging...BUT, you still need to rule out nothing else is going on
Guys in their late 20's to late 30's that think they are hypogonadal are especially at risk for causes other than a general decline in production due to advance age

PLEASE DON'T SPREAD THIS BRO SCIENCE OF SELF PROSCRIBED TRT....... it's certainly not wise..... or as simple as you make it out
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LET"S JUST NIP THIS NONSENSE IN THE BUD......because it's potential dangerous incomplete information...

The reason to get a qualified diagnosis is NOT ONLY to determine IF you are hypogonadal and come up with a suitable treatment option

But also... to TRY TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE!!! WHICH IN SOME CASES CAN BE LIFE THREATENING... testicular cause being a big one...pituitary tumor being another
No amount of "research you do is going to make YOU you're going to order a Pituitary MRI?

Yes...after being diagnosed and under stable treatment for at least a year.. can do your own bloodwork and monitor yourself..although I think it's false economy not to consult your Dr on a yearly basis (bring in your own bloodwork)

hYPOGONADISM is a disease...
It needs to be treated as's so much more than just getting a low serum testosterone score, having some symptoms and away you go
If your in your 50ies..the most logical cause for the disease is going to be general aging...BUT, you still need to rule out nothing else is going on
Guys in their late 20's to late 30's that think they are hypogonadal are especially at risk for causes other than a general decline in production due to advance age

Wow! You really took the time to write all of that because of my suggestion? Half of the people who are on doctor prescribed TRT come on this forum because their doctor is fucking clueless AND charging them an arm and a leg at the same time.

I'm on self prescribed TRT and I will continue to do so because it's my choice. Others who are doing the same thing I will continue to suggest they educate themselves and do bloodwork regularly. Of course the most responsible thing to do is see a doctor but if you're not at least do bloodwork regularly. That's all I'm saying. don't have A CLUE TO THE CAUSE OF YOUR LOW TEST.....could be testicular cancer..a pituatary tumor, but you don't want to know the complete picture...GREAT (your decision)...

BUT ....just because you are clueless ..DON"T ADVOCATE OTHERS FOLLOW YOU OFF THE CLIFF

"Half of the people who are on doctor prescribed TRT come on this forum because their doctor is fucking clueless AND charging them an arm and a leg at the same time.'
NOT the subject at hand...WE ARE TAKING ABOUT self prescribing TRT

I've already stated...self monitoring is a viable option once you get stable...I've also said REPEATEDLY...change your doctor if you feel he's not treating you properly
pretty fucking simple really
Last edited: know you don't have testicular cancer..a pituatary tumor...GREAT (your decision)...

BUT ....just because you are clueless ..DON"T ADVOCATE OTHERS FOLLOW YOU OFF THE CLIFF
I'm not advocating anything. I'm just suggesting he do bloodwork.
If you're on "self prescribed" TRT then just say so. It's nothing to be ashamed of many do it because of the ridiculous cost of health care. Just educate yourself and do bloodwork often.


It's a far cry from..."hey..op..maybe you should get a proper's wise to find out WHY you're having this symptoms"
Instead you coddle him..tell him its ok...and lord or lord..GIVE HIM A JUSTIFICATION..for not doing the BEST thing for his future health
It's a far cry from..."hey..op..maybe you should get a proper's wise to find out WHY you're having this symptoms"
Instead you coddle him..tell him its ok...and lord or lord..GIVE HIM A JUSTIFICATION..for not doing the BEST thing for his future health
I agree with you there. Your advice is best but you should just give your advice and move on. You don't have to be a smartass to others who give advice that you don't agree with. If I did that I would be disagreeing with people all day long. Let the OP decide.
LET"S JUST NIP THIS NONSENSE IN THE BUD......because it's potential dangerous incomplete information...

The reason to get a qualified diagnosis is NOT ONLY to determine IF you are hypogonadal and come up with a suitable treatment option

But also... to TRY TO DETERMINE THE CAUSE!!! WHICH IN SOME CASES CAN BE LIFE THREATENING... testicular cancer being a big one...pituitary tumor being another
No amount of "research" you do is going to make YOU you're going to order a Pituitary MRI?

Yes...after being diagnosed and under stable treatment for at least a year.. can do your own bloodwork and monitor yourself..although I think it's false economy not to consult your Dr on a yearly basis (bring in your own bloodwork)

HYPOGONADISM is a disease...
It needs to be treated as's so much more than just getting a low serum testosterone score, having some symptoms and away you go
If your in your 50ies and beyond....the most logical cause for the disease is going to be general aging...BUT, you still need to rule out nothing else is going on
Guys in their late 20's to late 30's that think they are hypogonadal are especially at risk for causes other than a general decline in production due to advance age

PLEASE DON'T SPREAD THIS BRO SCIENCE OF SELF PROSCRIBED TRT....... it's certainly not wise..... or as simple as you make it out

I’m 29. Been in TRT over two years. Three doctors and no clue why I was 27 with numbers in the low 300s.
But I agree with Cbbram. Most people on trt here, and other forums, are under the care of themselves. That or just cruising and calling it trt to not fall after.
there is not an issue with self prescribing when there are incompetent doctors etc... the issue is MISUSE... people thinking that 300 mg per week is a proper trt dose etc... the problems are recklessness, not the decision to do it if its needed... there are far more incompetent doctors on this subject than competent ones and sometimes people have to take it in their own hands, but just blasting and cruising for the fuck of it or running ridiculous amounts of a so called "trt dose" are the issues
there is not an issue with self prescribing when there are incompetent doctors etc... the issue is MISUSE... people thinking that 300 mg per week is a proper trt dose etc... the problems are recklessness, not the decision to do it if its needed... there are far more incompetent doctors on this subject than competent ones and sometimes people have to take it in their own hands, but just blasting and cruising for the fuck of it or running ridiculous amounts of a so called "trt dose" are the issues

Agreed and I think everyone with common sense does as well. I’m also ok with TRT taking you to the top of “normal” levels regardless of age. Of course I continuously learn and if I find something that says otherwise as I age, my opinion can evolve.
Agreed and I think everyone with common sense does as well. I’m also ok with TRT taking you to the top of “normal” levels regardless of age. Of course I continuously learn and if I find something that says otherwise as I age, my opinion can evolve.
absolutely bro... you just have to understand what you are doing and getting into and also grasp the concept of how it is done properly and how harmful it can be if done otherwise.. .the problem is that people just jump onto it because it "sounds good" etc... thats a major issue...
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