
Primo inquiry cycle

I’m 29. Been in TRT over two years. Three doctors and no clue why I was 27 with numbers in the low 300s.
But I agree with Cbbram. Most people on trt here, and other forums, are under the care of themselves. That or just cruising and calling it trt to not fall after.

up to you brother...But I think it's very short sighted at age 27 not to find out WHY you aren't producing testosterone

In my case I was severely anemic...saw 6 different types of specialists over almost 2 yrs..none of which could figure out what was going on with I last resort I got referred to an endo..a real live Dr House kind of guy,,
He kept saying there is a REASON for you anemia..and he wasn't going to give up until he found it...finally almost as a whim he sent me for an MRI of my Pituatary...BINGO..tumor

The moral of the story is..there is ALWAYS are reason for your condition...just cuz it's difficult to find, that isn't a cause to give's something that can have major health consequences if left untreated....pinning test does nothing but alleviate the symptoms
I’m 29. Been in TRT over two years. Three doctors and no clue why I was 27 with numbers in the low 300s. keep it REAL and tell it like it is ...with "numbers in the low 300's" most probably are not hypogonadal
YOU choose to go on low dose test for the rest of your life BECAUSE you wanted higher are not on TRT bro..sorry

Unless you tested higher when you were younger...and your serum test had been continuously declining.....low 300"s is what your natural body NEEDS to be mistakenly believe "higher" numbers are "normal"
If your body has been producing low 300's for your entire life...upping it to upper reference range is NOT NORMAL for are actual running a superphysiological dose FOR YOUR BODY
You can't compare your numbers to the reference guys body produces 300's..another guy produces 700's.....both are getting what their body needs
The reference range reflects the range of serum testosterone found in normal healthy's not a guide to say "oh..I'm on the lower end of the I'm low" doesn't work like that
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up to you brother...But I think it's very short sighted at age 27 not to find out WHY you aren't producing testosterone

In my case I was severely anemic...saw 6 different types of specialists over almost 2 yrs..none of which could figure out what was going on with I last resort I got referred to an endo..a real live Dr House kind of guy,,
He kept saying there is a REASON for you anemia..and he wasn't going to give up until he found it...finally almost as a whim he sent me for an MRI of my Pituatary...BINGO..tumor

The moral of the story is..there is ALWAYS are reason for your condition...just cuz it's difficult to find, that isn't a cause to give's something that can have major health consequences if left untreated....pinning test does nothing but alleviate the symptoms

I never said I had given up. Like I said I’ve been through several doctors and are still looking at things as we go.

I “chose” to go this route because I had at least 3 doctors recommend this route. You had a starting point with the anemia. My starting point? 10/10 symptoms of low T for years. So that’s what we worked with. All bloodwork great, eh minus some cholesterol that’s been worked out, and some creatinine levels. Which is extremely common for any athlete. So again, no flags other than low test. Bloods in the morning, mid day, afternoon. Fasting, eating, all liquid, done done and done.

So let’s talk the reference range? Why do you suspect they’ve lowered the range? Other than to make insurance keep more people off of paying out. Medically why?
It can almost be seen as an epidemic happening where numbers are dropping at an astonishing rate at all ages.
I think you’ve got a vast pool of knowledge Buen. I wish you would tap into it a bit more instead of coming of as accusatory and degrading so much. A think the majority of responses from you (that I’ve seen) have been negative. BUT when you get past that and actually decide to help the person, you’ve put out some gold.
Enlighten me....3 doctor's recommended you self medicate....but didn't put you on TRT protocol?
That makes no sense .....

From my limited knowledge base....if you are 10/10 on hypogonadal symptoms and still producing a "normal" amount of testosterone.....the problem lies elsewhere
The catch 22 in your case is you have no way of knowing what is " normal" for you since you don't have a pre-symptoms baseline ( and there is no reason you ever would have had )

This is one reason I've been pushing men to have a total and free testosterone test as part of a routine physical once ever 2 years....
I'll give you a real world example....I had a conversation last week with a guy 33 yrs old....classic hypogonadal symptoms total testosterone at 340ng/dL
His endo was baffled and finally checked his hypothalamus
Long story short...he was prescribed 125mg per day of T4
Within 30 days his total test level rose to 918 ng/dL !
If he hadn't shown me his lab report I never would of believed it
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Enlighten me....3 doctor's recommended you self medicate....but didn't put you on TRT protocol?
That makes no sense .....

From my limited knowledge base....if you are 10/10 on hypogonadal symptoms and still producing a "normal" amount of testosterone.....the problem lies elsewhere
The catch 22 in your case is you have no way of knowing what is " normal" for you since you don't have a pre-symptoms baseline ( and there is no reason you ever would have had )

This is one reason I've been pushing men to have a total and free testosterone test as part of a routine physical once ever 2 years....

Never said that I personally self medicate, just that there are quite a few here. I am prescribed by a doctor. I’ve tried the different routes. Their clomid restart but got some nasty sides from it. I went to inj test. I then switched doctors who did even more tests. I tried the BioTe pellets. But my body metabolized them much quicker than what is normally seen so the price would have been quite costly. So we just switched back to inj.
Just a side note. I’ve always metabolized it weird. Through my first doc my first bloods were 1009. I was lowered by 20mg a week and a blood draw at the same time gap came back at 349.
Agreed, we don’t have any before baselines, other than a year worth of blood works, but isn’t that the case with 90% of “illnesses”? Something comes up so you go to a doctor to find out what and why. I didn’t just go on a whim. It was a couple years worth of said symptoms. And a few longer than that.
I think that would be a great addition to physicals. The data that you would get over a 10+ year period could help catch any number of issues popping up.
To be perfectly clear:
I have no problem with self monitoring after being properly diagnosed.....BUT I have HUGE concerns when guys self diagnose
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To be perfectly clear:
I have no problem with self monitoring after being properly diagnosed.....BUT I have HUGE concerns when guys self diagnose

Makes sense and I’ll agree to that. With the ease of access to doctors there is no excuse not to see one or even more.
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