
New to Sarms Ive done lots of research still some questions


Hey guys,

Long story very short here> 26yr 196lbs ive been lifting since 2012 4-5 days a week. Never ran anything other than purus labs DAA and PES Erase estro block Heres what i want to do

I purchased MK2866 as a standalone from Sarmsx and Nolva/Clomid from ag-guys for pct aswell as some DAA from the local shop.

I want to run Clomid and Nolva on pct just for safety i guess so am i right in understanding this..
MK2866 1-12 25mg
Clomid 50/50/25/25 ??
Nolva 20/20/10/10 ??
daa 9-12

Im going to start my DAA at week 9 like dylan has said in multiple posts, also i see that HC generate used to be pushed as a good idea but not so much anymore? Is this because of politics or it really isnt "Needed" ?

Do i need to run anything while on MK to keep me going in the bedroom ? Thanks for the help fellas. I look forward to this run.
btw what does "ED" or "EOD" stand for when concerning dosing?? Forgive me, and How many days after final dose of MK2866 do i start the PCT? Ive read guys saying that DAA actually gave them some weird sides while on MK thoughts?
Answer all these for the guys and they'll be able to give a better recommendation:

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)
Joe S.

BF I havent checked in awhile but from when i did last id say right now about 18%
Training 4 years now
Cycle history-------None. Ive only every cycled Purus labs Dpol and Pes erase and of course a multi and fishoil
Goal- 5lbs of lean muscle mass, maybe a little fat loss
Intake 3000-3500 cal a day, I havent checked my macros recently but will be paying more attention on this first cycle
No allergies
No injuries
yes you would take them everyday 50 mgs per day for the 1st week 50 per day for the 2nd week and then 20 a day for the next 2 weeks for nolva
clomid the same 20 ed for the first week and so on and so on
for 12 weeks i think osta alone would be attainable 5lbs. pick up some lgd or s4 though if you want that 5lbs for sure, heck you might even put on 10-12 adding in lgd or s4(andarine). for 12 solid weeks especially this being your first anabolic supplement of any sort. I would def consider doing a recomp at those stats though man.
Yea, honestly guys life has "happened" all within the past year divorce, more hours at work, hobbies etc, although i never fell off the bandwagon i have certainly slacked off a little. I still look good, but nowhere near as fit as i was a year ago. I did read up on the s4 and lgd. Id really like to just keep it as a standalone for the first time since im new to it and i just like to play on the safe side of things ya know. Ive read many good reviews on it as a standalone and also with that stack you speak of! so rockmfhudd you were saying 50/50/20/20 for the nolva and 20/20/20/20 clomid? Reason i ask is i think the guy dylan gemmenli (pardon spelling there) said typically its 50/50/25/25 or 50/25/25/25 for the clomid alone right? I know every one of us is different. Thanks for the replies fellas, i appreciate it
taking Osta alone isnt gonna come near a 5pd goal for a cycle.

im sorry bro but thats completely wrong... you can absolutely get 5 lbs. with osta alone... is it easier to do so in a stack, of course, but i have seen people for MANY YEARS, avg. 5-7 lbs. with it, of course, diet and training conducive.. its very gradual and very clean but highly attainable...
Yea, honestly guys life has "happened" all within the past year divorce, more hours at work, hobbies etc, although i never fell off the bandwagon i have certainly slacked off a little. I still look good, but nowhere near as fit as i was a year ago. I did read up on the s4 and lgd. Id really like to just keep it as a standalone for the first time since im new to it and i just like to play on the safe side of things ya know. Ive read many good reviews on it as a standalone and also with that stack you speak of! so rockmfhudd you were saying 50/50/20/20 for the nolva and 20/20/20/20 clomid? Reason i ask is i think the guy dylan gemmenli (pardon spelling there) said typically its 50/50/25/25 or 50/25/25/25 for the clomid alone right? I know every one of us is different. Thanks for the replies fellas, i appreciate it

hcgenerate is triple the price it should be for what it is... there's nothing so wrong with the product itself but its not some sort of miracle or pct whatsoever... it can be a small aid in pct but there's no way on the planet earth you should ever spend money like that on it... no fucking way.. you can get the same type of test booster in so many forms for less than half that price... its so absurd.

you clearly have not studied much because you bought products from AG Guys... bro, they have such shit products... everyone knows this.. i dont even need to get into it because people everywhere know this... the worst thing to get something of bad quality on is your pct... very very bad move...

you DO NOT need two serms on a sarms cycle either... clomid and gw-501516 is all you need for pct... where did you get your sarms?
Dylan, thanks for clear a few things up. To begin with, yes I have studied sarms for days on end trying to make sure I get the best stuff and the best dosing etc. this doesn't mean I won't or can't make a mistake. After all... It is the interwebs here. I bought my sarms from SARMSX of course, and if they sold nolva or Clomid I would buy from them. Do they? I don't have a problem whatsoever canning the aG-guys stuff just point me in the right direction . Again I'm new to this, I'm asking for help, after doing my own research just trying to clarify a few things. Thanks!
I just did a quick search and it looks like ag-guys has gotten a worse rep since 2016, I noticed Rick had good things to say back in April 15 but more bad things from some of the more popular posters since 2016. So if you would point me in the right direction for the clomid id greatly appreciate it
I just did a quick search and it looks like ag-guys has gotten a worse rep since 2016, I noticed Rick had good things to say back in April 15 but more bad things from some of the more popular posters since 2016. So if you would point me in the right direction for the clomid id greatly appreciate it

absolutely bro... i dont expect you to know everything whatsoever and thats why your here... to learn and im always here to help... you come to me ANYTIME you need help bro... you can buy pct stacks at sarmsx as well... also, they have aromatase inhibitors (aromasin, arimidex, letro) and male enhancement (viagar, cialis and the triple x stack) here are the links for nolva and clomid... and

here is a link to the platinum pct stack as well as the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
I just did a quick search and it looks like ag-guys has gotten a worse rep since 2016, I noticed Rick had good things to say back in April 15 but more bad things from some of the more popular posters since 2016. So if you would point me in the right direction for the clomid id greatly appreciate it

AG guys had decent products at one time, but they definitely went south and quality has went downhill big time since them bro. I still have a bunch of Aromasin and other products from them that I won't touch. The las time I used their Aromasin it was clearly bunk. Good thing for me I'm not estrogen sensitive because otherwise I would have had gyno with the amount of test I was running. My estrogen was obviouosly elevated way above what it should have been.

Since then I only use sarmsx for all my ancillary needs, and use everything from sarmsx exclusively. I wouldn't trust their Clomid or Nolva at all based on countless bad experiences since their quality went to crap
AG guys had decent products at one time, but they definitely went south and quality has went downhill big time since them bro. I still have a bunch of Aromasin and other products from them that I won't touch. The las time I used their Aromasin it was clearly bunk. Good thing for me I'm not estrogen sensitive because otherwise I would have had gyno with the amount of test I was running. My estrogen was obviouosly elevated way above what it should have been.

Since then I only use sarmsx for all my ancillary needs, and use everything from sarmsx exclusively. I wouldn't trust their Clomid or Nolva at all based on countless bad experiences since their quality went to crap

I remember ALL the bull shit you had to deal with them... remember how fucking unreliable they became and how frustrating it was? fucks sake... i dont know how on earth they are still going... their reputation is no secret anywhere..
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