
New to Sarms Ive done lots of research still some questions

That makes a lot of sense then bro. Try adding in some taurine preworkout at about 3-5g

It can help tremendously with painful muscle pumps

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

definitely bro.. thas always the first method to try when muscle pumps become too much.. .
Coming up on week 11 of MK2866. I notice everyone says it takes 2 bottles for a 12 week cycle. Im almost finished with the first bottle but I swear I think itll get me through week 11 atleast. Is this typical? I also was curious, have any of you guys noticed anything on the lines of depression/ loss of appetite? I don't feel sad or down lol just have that "blah" feeling so to speak. My appetite is all but gone and ive never experienced that. Thanks fellas!
Coming up on week 11 of MK2866. I notice everyone says it takes 2 bottles for a 12 week cycle. Im almost finished with the first bottle but I swear I think itll get me through week 11 atleast. Is this typical? I also was curious, have any of you guys noticed anything on the lines of depression/ loss of appetite? I don't feel sad or down lol just have that "blah" feeling so to speak. My appetite is all but gone and ive never experienced that. Thanks fellas!

1 bottle should last 8 weeks if you are dosing it 25 mg per day... at least with a sarms x bottle...
That's what concerned me. Ive been filling the dropper to the .5ml(I think that's what it says, not looking at the dropper right now) every day basically half dropper. And here we are week 11 and there still some left in the bottle. Am I misreading something here fellas?
That's what concerned me. Ive been filling the dropper to the .5ml(I think that's what it says, not looking at the dropper right now) every day basically half dropper. And here we are week 11 and there still some left in the bottle. Am I misreading something here fellas?

yes, that is correct but you must be off with something because even if the bottle was overfilled, it would not have enough room for that much overfill so you must have had days where you were misdosing... it should be half a dropper 7 days a week... you never skip a day...
When I get home I'm going to take a pic of the dropper and how far I fill it. I've never missed a day , believe me my tastebuds would love me for that! Lol. All my gear is from sarmsx including my pct I have on hand. It is the .5ml mark that I need to fill to right?
When I get home I'm going to take a pic of the dropper and how far I fill it. I've never missed a day , believe me my tastebuds would love me for that! Lol. All my gear is from sarmsx including my pct I have on hand. It is the .5ml mark that I need to fill to right?

brother, you dont need to take a picture... yes, the .5 mark is where it needs to be dosed.. there must have been major overfill on your bottle then and thats just in your favor!
So, I finished up the Ostarine cycle. Im happy with the gains. on my 4th day of Clomid...Ok, so the Ostarine didnt taste too terrible.. but that Liquiclo holy **** that stuff is horrid! LOL. Im on the 4th week of DAA aswell, still feel good
So, I finished up the Ostarine cycle. Im happy with the gains. on my 4th day of Clomid...Ok, so the Ostarine didnt taste too terrible.. but that Liquiclo holy **** that stuff is horrid! LOL. Im on the 4th week of DAA aswell, still feel good
The taste isn't the best, but you can't beat the quality. Keep killing it bro

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
So, I finished up the Ostarine cycle. Im happy with the gains. on my 4th day of Clomid...Ok, so the Ostarine didnt taste too terrible.. but that Liquiclo holy **** that stuff is horrid! LOL. Im on the 4th week of DAA aswell, still feel good
its not fucking mouthwash bro! LOLLL its all good... im glad you had a great cycle! whats the plan moving forward?
im sorry bro but thats completely wrong... you can absolutely get 5 lbs. with osta alone... is it easier to do so in a stack, of course, but i have seen people for MANY YEARS, avg. 5-7 lbs. with it, of course, diet and training conducive.. its very gradual and very clean but highly attainable...

Hell one should be able to get 5lbs and 12 weeks naturally if they do everything right.

To the OP I would get some Sarmsx clomid for your pct because AG guys is known for bunk or underdosed stuff. I wouldn't trust it at all.

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Hell one should be able to get 5lbs and 12 weeks naturally if they do everything right.

To the OP I would get some Sarmsx clomid for your pct because AG guys is known for bunk or underdosed stuff. I wouldn't trust it at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
absolutely right brother...
Hi Dylan! Very informative vids on YouTube! Just wanting a bit of advice tbh. I'm running a cycle of MK677 (25mg per day) and LGD4033 (10mg per day). This is my first cycle of anything ever. I'm currently on day 3 and have noticed slight testicle shrinkage already and lower amount of sperm. I'm baffled why this has happened so early? What are your thoughts?
New to sarms.

Hi Dylan! Very informative vids on YouTube! Just wanting a bit of advice tbh. I'm running a cycle of MK677 (25mg per day) and LGD4033 (10mg per day). This is my first cycle of anything ever. I'm currently on day 3 and have noticed slight testicle shrinkage already and lower amount of sperm. I'm baffled why this has happened so early? What are your thoughts?
Hi Dylan! Very informative vids on YouTube! Just wanting a bit of advice tbh. I'm running a cycle of MK677 (25mg per day) and LGD4033 (10mg per day). This is my first cycle of anything ever. I'm currently on day 3 and have noticed slight testicle shrinkage already and lower amount of sperm. I'm baffled why this has happened so early? What are your thoughts?
Where are your sarms from?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I trashed the AG guys stuff long ago fellas its in the thread i think. My Clomid is from SARMSX! Jacksteel, I don't do everything right buddy. I am human! mistakes, shortfalls, lack of motivation all part of life for most including me lol. Does Clomid or coming off Osta affect mood at all for any of you reading this? Man i have just felt like shit for no reason the past few days. Plan moving forward is to finish off the Clomid and work on my next cycle/stack towards December with the help from some of you fellas of course.
ok guys, im about 8 weeks in on my Osta/LGD cycle, and My Lgd ran out and a bottle on the way. can i restart that when it gets here for the last few weeks or should i just not continue the LGD? Thanks fellas
ok guys, im about 8 weeks in on my Osta/LGD cycle, and My Lgd ran out and a bottle on the way. can i restart that when it gets here for the last few weeks or should i just not continue the LGD? Thanks fellas
a few days will not hurt your and certainly would not justify you stopping... definitely continue...
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