
New to Sarms Ive done lots of research still some questions

I remember ALL the bull shit you had to deal with them... remember how fucking unreliable they became and how frustrating it was? fucks sake... i dont know how on earth they are still going... their reputation is no secret anywhere..

your more than welcome brother... don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions and please make sure to keep us updated on your results...
Hey guys,
Wanted to pop back in and give an update . I've been taking 25mg osta for 9 days now along with Zinc, and Creatine mono from ON . Mind you I've been supplement free now for a solid 6 months and a year without creatine. Along with this supplement run I've also decided to take it full swing and really put 110% into my gym time. I've decided to also pay more attention to macros and dieting. All in hopes to get the biggest and best gains while trying ostarine.

On to the good stuff:
I'm 9 days in so honestly I think a combo of BIG placebo effect along with creatine/osta/ dieting right (bulking) I absolutely love this so far! Again I no it's not a miracle drug and a lot of it has to do with my diet, change in routine etc but MAN!! 3 days In my libido I swear I couldn't get enough! The ole lady was loving that :) and I've had more compliments from co workers and even people that I don't know (guy at a furniture store said , "with those arms you can move this couch yourself ) anyway, i know it's a little early for osta atleast from what I'm reason online, but I feel good! And my strength is going up. I feel like I'm getting greedy and want to add another sarm to this but not sure if that's such a great idea? I'm using 25 mg under tongue every morning (ouch!! That burns ) . So just to wrap this up. My muscles feel hard, dry, big and life is good
Dang man I was just assuming it'd get into your system more efficiently. I had to of read it somewhere but we all know how the Internet is. I'll just drop it in and swallow with gulp of water from now on. Thanks Montgomery
Dang man I was just assuming it'd get into your system more efficiently. I had to of read it somewhere but we all know how the Internet is. I'll just drop it in and swallow with gulp of water from now on. Thanks Montgomery

It will get absorbed much better swallowing it.
Chase it with whatever you like to problem
Wanted to pop in and give an update:

Put 300lb up on flat bench yesterday. usually I workout with 185 for sets of 8. But did 225 for sets of 6-8 after putting 300 up. I know its not a hardcore log like most do but just wanted to share. I still do feel pumped up in general and overall good feeling. The libido has subsided back to normal now.. man for a few days there I was walking around with a strong one I swear, maybe it was in my head idk but nonetheless I noticed it. Im going to more then likely add mk 677 to it aswell. For anyone out there reading and debating on this supplement for a beginner. YES YES YES
Wanted to pop in and give an update:

Put 300lb up on flat bench yesterday. usually I workout with 185 for sets of 8. But did 225 for sets of 6-8 after putting 300 up. I know its not a hardcore log like most do but just wanted to share. I still do feel pumped up in general and overall good feeling. The libido has subsided back to normal now.. man for a few days there I was walking around with a strong one I swear, maybe it was in my head idk but nonetheless I noticed it. Im going to more then likely add mk 677 to it aswell. For anyone out there reading and debating on this supplement for a beginner. YES YES YES

nice work bro... definitely add the 677 in here as well... MAKE SURE you get plenty of potassium with it and that you run it for 6 months at the minimum... a year being the most optimal...
Triple X Stack.... If you haven't gotten yourself a bottle you have not lived life! Holy **** this stuff is amazing! I think I drilled holes in my mattress! Your better half will thank you! Wow! For those who don't know. It's viagra Cialis and I believe varden mixed together.
Triple X Stack.... If you haven't gotten yourself a bottle you have not lived life! Holy **** this stuff is amazing! I think I drilled holes in my mattress! Your better half will thank you! Wow! For those who don't know. It's viagra Cialis and I believe varden mixed together.

That's absolutely right bro! Triple X is no joke, and awesome stuff! I'm a big fan of it myself for both the bedroom and the nice pumps and vascularity in the gym. If you haven't used it preworkout yet, give it a shot!
Just wanted to pop in. On week 6 now i think, no real updates. little less motivation in the gym but hey we all get a case of the mondays every now and then!
Hey guys, dropping in here to update and ask a question. I'm on week 10 started Daa last week. Libido is up. But here's the weirdest thing. During my workouts the "burn" you get when lifting is excruciating ! Say for example I do 15 reps of standing barbell curls. When I put the bar down my arms hurt so bad especially forearms to the point I want to just call it a day lol. And this has been since about midweek last week. It's every muscle group but arms are the worst. Anyone have any ideas why the burn is intensified? Is this the time to really push hard ?
Hey guys, dropping in here to update and ask a question. I'm on week 10 started Daa last week. Libido is up. But here's the weirdest thing. During my workouts the "burn" you get when lifting is excruciating ! Say for example I do 15 reps of standing barbell curls. When I put the bar down my arms hurt so bad especially forearms to the point I want to just call it a day lol. And this has been since about midweek last week. It's every muscle group but arms are the worst. Anyone have any ideas why the burn is intensified? Is this the time to really push hard ?

im not sure bro... not something i have heard or seen... are you lifting a lot heavier than normal?
Since this has started I've actually been doing less weight more reps working on my endurance. I will add I'm up 9 lbs harder leaner and the compliments keep coming so I highly recommend fhis to anyone. I'm staying well hydrated too. I'll keep looking into it! Thanks !
Since this has started I've actually been doing less weight more reps working on my endurance. I will add I'm up 9 lbs harder leaner and the compliments keep coming so I highly recommend fhis to anyone. I'm staying well hydrated too. I'll keep looking into it! Thanks !

many times this happens when volume or load increases so if you are increasing output, which it learly sounds as though you are, then this is a common occurrence... mk2866 really helps to alleviate this...
Hey guys, dropping in here to update and ask a question. I'm on week 10 started Daa last week. Libido is up. But here's the weirdest thing. During my workouts the "burn" you get when lifting is excruciating ! Say for example I do 15 reps of standing barbell curls. When I put the bar down my arms hurt so bad especially forearms to the point I want to just call it a day lol. And this has been since about midweek last week. It's every muscle group but arms are the worst. Anyone have any ideas why the burn is intensified? Is this the time to really push hard ?
You sure you aren't just getting some big pumps? Sometimes on cycle pumps can get so big that there is pain involved

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
yes, huge pumps is exactly what i am thinking.... a lot of blood flow etc... often when i increase load and volume i get tendinitis and shooting pains in certain spots in my arms, specifically where my arm bends...
Yea, the pumps are HUGE! I literally feel like my skin is going to pop sometimes. Dylan mentioned tendinitis. Perhaps i'm experiencing this in my forearms as well, who knows! Thanks for the responses guys!
Yea, the pumps are HUGE! I literally feel like my skin is going to pop sometimes. Dylan mentioned tendinitis. Perhaps i'm experiencing this in my forearms as well, who knows! Thanks for the responses guys!

thats what happens to me when i increase workload bro
Yea, the pumps are HUGE! I literally feel like my skin is going to pop sometimes. Dylan mentioned tendinitis. Perhaps i'm experiencing this in my forearms as well, who knows! Thanks for the responses guys!

That makes a lot of sense then bro. Try adding in some taurine preworkout at about 3-5g

It can help tremendously with painful muscle pumps

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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