Hey bro, welcome to the forum first and foremost. You have received some good and honest feedback so far from the other members. Let me see if I can offer up some suggestions that may be helpful. Disclaimer: These are my opinions and should be treated as such. As mentioned, you are overtraining or simply under recovering. On Monday you are doing Chest and Back...a good combo. In doing so, your secondary muscles biceps / triceps / shoulders are also getting worked. Then the following day, you turn around and hammer your biceps, triceps and shoulders again. Wednesday is leg day. Then, Thursday the cycle is repeated without a rest day. I would suggest a different workout split that allows for better programming and recovery. There are many out there, below are a few I have found work great for me:
Mon- Upper
Wed- Rest/Cardio
4 Day Split
Mon - Chest/Triceps
Tues - Back/Biceps/Ab's
Wed - Rest/Cardio
Thurs – Shoulders
Fri - Leg's/Ab's
Sat - Rest/Cardio
Sun –Rest
Next, is the MOST important...nutrition. I see you LISTED your daily nutrition, but how much? Rice, how much? 1 cup, 2 cup? Whey protein, 1 scoop, 2 scoop? How much pasta? Milk..Whole milk or skim, how much? You see where I'm going with this. Also, where are the lean meats? What is your BMR? What is your TDEE? What is your current daily Total calories intake? What is your daily macro split....not in percentages, total amount? What is your daily total: Protein, Carbs and Fats? These are ALL things you should know for your own knowledge and also be able to communicate to us so that we may better help you.