
My First Pin...Ever!


Just did my first pin of Test C. 23G x 1 1/2". After almost two hours of pussy-ness...I finally pushed through! As I was slowly plunging, I thought to myself..."this is it". Was not nearly as bad as I was anticipating. In was painless. Now I know to you vets this is no big deal, but to a first time's huge! I owe it all to you vets here for helping me get the balls to "just do it". You guys were right, it's not nearly as bad as I thought. Thanks again.
I started trt then had to hcg
Now it's nothing to pin ventral glute or sh

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Glute seems to be the easiest. I did quads first just to get it over with because I feared it mostly lol

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Lol. Me too.

I actually have yet to even do a glute injection. I just rotate quads, vg, and delts. I'm going to try a pec next week.

Something about glutes just rubs me wrong.

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Lol. Me too.

I actually have yet to even do a glute injection. I just rotate quads, vg, and delts. I'm going to try a pec next week.

Something about glutes just rubs me wrong.

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Try glutes you'll like it. I only do delts, quads and glutes

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Try glutes you'll like it. I only do delts, quads and glutes

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My first pin was in the glutes. Rotated cheek to cheek. Did they for my first 2 cycles. After my third I got courage to pin in my delts so started alternating quad quad delt delt. After my 5th I started pinning my quad. I have only done those three too scared to try anywhere else. My favorite site is probably the glutes
Try glutes you'll like it. I only do delts, quads and glutes

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I should say the same for vg. That right there is the Holy grail of injection sites. Zero pain, very very minimal pip and you can dump tons of oil in there.

I'll try glutes eventually. I'll probably have my girl do it though. I hate the reaching around.

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Wow, im on my second cycle and im more daring than all y'all haha! I just did a pec injection today, was super easy! Starting to feel minor pip from it being a first time injecting into this muscle. I also injected both delts for my first time this cycle as well. Minor soreness as if they were trained the day after, after 48hrs all pip was gone. Easy stuff, has all the diagrams.

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I should say the same for vg. That right there is the Holy grail of injection sites. Zero pain, very very minimal pip and you can dump tons of oil in there.

I'll try glutes eventually. I'll probably have my girl do it though. I hate the reaching around.

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Might have to give the vg site a try. Glutes are tricky at times especially trying to keep stable while aspirating and pushing in. Never had anyone help me pin tho.
Delts for the win.... Easy and painless.

The first time I ever pinned in my delt I had the worse pain ever. Idk if I maybe pinned a little too far deep or far back. But I couldn't lift my arm or lay on that side for a whole day after that pin. Haven't had that problem in recent cycles though
lol I used to hate it bro, always had a fear of needles. Safe to say I'm past that. Hell I'll try spots just to do it. Avoid the calves and traps.
lol I used to hate it bro, always had a fear of needles. Safe to say I'm past that. Hell I'll try spots just to do it. Avoid the calves and traps.

The only spot I know I probably won't ever try out is my pecs. I just can't see myself pinning into my chest. Know a few that have but I can't muster the courage. Especially if I don't actually have to.
Congrats OP....its all downhill from here. My first pin was 30 minutes of nerves before I hit plan was glute. That "oh that's it feeling"...remember that like it was yesterday.
Congrats! I don't even remember my first pin. Back then we didn't even have the internet. It's amazing that I never got an infection or anything. I was in the military and I would even pin a few guys that were scared to do it themselves. Little did they know I didn't really know much about it myself except for what I read in a book.
The only spot I know I probably won't ever try out is my pecs. I just can't see myself pinning into my chest. Know a few that have but I can't muster the courage. Especially if I don't actually have to.

Honestly pecs is one of my favorite lol
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