
My First Pin...Ever!

The only spot I know I probably won't ever try out is my pecs. I just can't see myself pinning into my chest. Know a few that have but I can't muster the courage. Especially if I don't actually have to.

Pecs are so easy to pin dude! I just did it yesterday and it hurts less than if i worked it out lightly! I prefer it to delts tbh or would say it's about the same.

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I should say the same for vg. That right there is the Holy grail of injection sites. Zero pain, very very minimal pip and you can dump tons of oil in there.

I'll try glutes eventually. I'll probably have my girl do it though. I hate the reaching around.

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The first VG pin I did I was like "where have you been all my life?!".Virtually painless,almost felt nothing at all.I had to double check to see if the pin was even in.Now I rotate them & glutes.My quads bleed too much or I always wind up hitting nerve & it hurts like a bitch for 2 or 3 days.I want to try delts soon.
I keep pins exclusive to glutes to minimize pin scarring and fibrosis in multiple locations. If i have to have scarring, i rather it be centralized to glutes since im not usually exposing my ass lol
It will be no big deal after 3-4 weeks. At least you didn't pass out..LOL I had a friend do his first injection and passed out in the bath room and as he fell hit his head on the toilet. I had to laugh he was a big ol farm kid 220lbs and the minute he pushed the needle in he went out. We still laugh about that 17 yrs later.
I pinned vg today for the first time. I think I found my new favorite spot to be honest. Slid right in no pain quick and easy.

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I pinned vg today for the first time. I think I found my new favorite spot to be honest. Slid right in no pain quick and easy.

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I still haven't tried VG yet. It just doesn't seem so obvious on my body like the video going around. It's nice to have a lot of options when running short esters.
Didn't some post a pic about where to pin glutes and vf?

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I still haven't tried VG yet. It just doesn't seem so obvious on my body like the video going around. It's nice to have a lot of options when running short esters.

If you lift your leg out to the side,you'll feel the muscle stick out right below your hip bone on the side.It's a pretty beefy muscle.It's hard to miss.
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